New York Toy Fair Halo Review: Mega Bloks UNSC Firebase

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Now here’s a set I know you folks have been wanting and waiting to see. It’s the UNSC Firebase. Once upon a time, a long long time ago…we got a glimpse of Mega Bloks proposed Firebase. Fans had mixed reactions to it. At the time, many fans balked the price of $199. Since then, we’ve shelled that much out and more for example the Covenant Scarab.

Mega Bloks listened to all of the concern regarding the original Firebase. So they nixed it. (to my disappointment)

Here’s the original listing for the Firebase from 2011:
IIRC, the hill background was just for show and not part of the planned set. Though I could be wrong on that, so don’t quote me.

Here’s a better graphic of the OLD proposed set:
Firebase FULL

Over the years Mega ‘parted’ the set out by releasing parts of the big set into smaller set. We of course got the Cyclops (many times over), the Troop Warthog, and the Vampire. We just needed the base. Well….read on and you’ll see what Mega is finally coming out with!

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New York Toy Fair Halo Review: Mega Bloks Gausshog and Banshee

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Next up in my continuing coverage of Halo Mega Bloks are mid sized vehicles/ships. We have a new Gausshog and Banshee coming! Seems I was misled about the Banshee not being called that, or perhaps there will be a name change and it just couldn’t be said. Regardless, for now, since it looks like a Banshee, that’s what I’m calling it until we know differently. Keep reading to learn more about both sets and see the features they have.
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