Canon Fodder – Marching On

Reblogged from HaloWaypoint:



Halo again my friends, and welcome to another installment of your weekly look at the lore you love. Last week, we dropped some book-based bombs on the community, announcing our 2015 Halo print publishing lineup with the fabulous folks at Simon & Schuster.  While this edition might seem a bit “salad bar” to last week’s “Brazilian steakhouse,” we hope you’ll find it no less tasty. So join us as we shed a bit of light on recent regalia, clear up a little bit o’ Bias, and give you your first screenshot assignment.

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A far flung theory about the HuntTheTruth website/graphic

Okay folks, have a seat and get ready for some wild speculation. This is going to take some slight imagination, along with a theory based in Greek mythology.

First, as we know, some of the Halo franchise has Greek mythology imprinted into it. The most obvious being that of the Promethean of Halo 4.

So how does that fit in with what I’m about to speculate on. Okay, well here goes…

The huntthetruth website was just announced a couple of days ago and will reveal something in less than a day as of this writing. If you go to the site, you will find the following graphic: Continue reading