Elite skins for Halo 2 Anniversary! pic inside

First a BIG thanks to @textosterone for tweeting out this pic from PAX:

Elite Skins for Halo 2 AnniversaryI took this into Photoshop and corrected the perspective to closely match how we’ll see it straight on.

Elite Skins for Halo 2 Anniversary corrected Perspective fin

Yes, the white areas are the areas not shown in the original pic, so I left them blank.

Now to talk about what we see in the pic.

Top left the character armor icon; character choice icon, color choice icon.
Next the main part that shows which armors can be chosen for the Elite armor. Note that since this is a pre-release build, they have not been named accordingly. However, we can infer that the armor types are (2nd from left to right), Elite Minor, Elite Zealot, Elite Officer? (Not sure about the third one, so if someone can gig eke proof of what the third one is, I’ll gladly fix that in the description above.

One thing is certain, these character model skins are HIGHLY detailed. We can see that even though the pic above only shows them as white.



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About Sal

I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site, Halowaypoint.com, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal

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