Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Drop Pods Spring 2015

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Mega Bloks Drop Pods

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute to put the figure together.
Figure/Set Piece Count/Weapon:
• Blue Elite Minor:
26pcs, Needler
• Black ODST:
22pcs, SAW
• Green ODST:
22pcs, Spartan Laser
• White ODST:
22pcs, Rocket Launcher
Accessories: Each with a 2X4 blok bearing the word ‘Halo’ in the armor color of the figure.
Special Features: NA
Cost: $4 (US)

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)

Here is the latest wave of drop pods to come out. The drop pods are the two-piece mold variety that Mega has come to use to cut down costs for the drop pod itself.MB Drop Pods 2015

The figures are of the super articulated, removable armor variety which is a huge plus!MB Drop Pods 2015 opened

The blue Elite is of course very nice. I’m very happy that Mega switched to the new larger size, better articulation, and removable armor for them. The blue color of the armor isn’t quite accurate to in-game color, but still fits in nicely!

If you get at least one of each of these ODSTs, you can make some simple yet neat ‘pop and swap’ customs.
For the pop and swaps customs in the following pic, all I did was swap the armor. While the green customs is neat and reflects the original black’s under armor scheme, it’s the custom black that I think is the best. An all black ODST! Hmm, might he in fact work for ONI???MB Drop Pods 2015 customs 1

Going along with the pop and swap, I also switched out the white armor from the original and placed it on the black underarm body from the green ODST. Now you have something vaguely representative of a Star Wars Stormtrooper in ODST armor! LOL
MB Drop Pods 2015 customs 4

It’s the next pop and swap however that I’m most stoked about. The only thing is, it requires a human mini figure head…
What I did here was swap the hip and upper legs from the Green ODST to the Black ODST body, then added the Green armor. That’s not the figure though I’m talking about. It’s the one that is headless, ATM. Keep reading…MB Drop Pods 2015 customs 2

So you may recall that the torso from the White Pilot from the blind pack figs is of the Spartan version, therefore is wrong? Well, now you have your solution. Taking the torso from it and swapping it with the formerly headeless figure, you now make the White Pilot correct. Now, if you’ve got a spare Technician head, or don’t mind swapping it over to this figure, what you have on the left is a Spartan in his ‘casual’ attire!MB Drop Pods 2015 customs 3 v2

You can see this in the Spartan Ops episodes throughout! Here’s one graphic of all of the team members of Fireteam Majestic for reference. 100% accurate? Maybe not, but for now, it’s the closest we can come to it and I’m okay with that!


Summary: The sets have no build time other than the figure itself. The pods while simplistic in it’s two-piece mold keep costs down.

Overall Rating: I give these sets 9.5 out for 10 medals. These sets have good value. The figure with it’s block and weapon amount to $3.50 of the cost (comparing that to the blind pack figures which run at that amount). So that leaves 50 cents for the two-piece pod. That’s a fair enough trade off, IMO.

Why did I give it a 9.5 out of 10?
• The half point comes off due to 2 things. Yes, the two-piece pod mold is one of those things. I do appreciate that it keeps costs down and makes it much easier to army build. However, I kind of want the original pods to come back. The ones we built form multiple pieces and had some movement to them. I’ve noticed a growing trend in the Halo Mega Bloks community as well of collectors wanting the originals too.  I won’t be upset if these stay the way they are though with the two-piece molds.
• Secondly is that shark teeth print. It’s been way over done. It’s only specific to Dutch from Halo 3 ODST and we’ve had roughly 10 or so different decks of ODSTs with the shark teeth. That part needs to be put to rest.

Do I recommend it?  YES! These are great sets! Depend on your preference, these could be army builders too. I plan on stripping off the ‘shark teeth’ from the helmets to make them more generic ODSTs.

If you have any questions about this set that I didn’t cover in the review, please do not hesitate to ask me. Either reply below or e-mail me at [email protected]

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think of the review. If you get this set yourself, please let me know your thoughts on it too!

If this review gives you an informed decision on whether to purchase the set or not, please consider a small donation (50 cents) maybe. It’s much appreciated and helps ensure that HFFL stays active on the internet. Thank You.


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About Sal

I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site, Halowaypoint.com, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal

3 thoughts on “Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Drop Pods Spring 2015

  1. Great review, Sal!

    The casual spartan is a neat idea. I like the sangheili the best. 😉

    Also, you might want to fix the first part of your article. You listed these as “Mega Bloks Fireteam Rhino-Set.”

  2. Hey Sal,
    I do not mind the teeth print on the ODST’s…..when I see them on I think of the insurrectionist ODST’s from Red Vs. Blue. Do not get me wrong, I would like to have regular odst’s….Maybe if they include a extra head (one with the prints and one with out) then we could have best of both worlds.

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