Halo 4 War Games weekly challenges: 1-14/20-13

Campaign challenges will take some time. Those added skulls, plus the difficulty level are going to make these more of a challenge.

Spartan Ops challenges are easy. You can easily get the Elite and Hunter challenges by repeated play of mission 3-4. With there being at least a dozen or better Hunters on that level as well as many elites (including those in the banshees), those two challenges will be easy AND a blast to get! You’ll rack up some grunt kills along the way by playing that mission. Once you’ve finished the Elite and Hunter challenges, switch over to mission 5-4 as you can easily rack up 90 grunt kills in one match. (Look for a chart of enemies per mission later today that breaks down how many of each enemy per missions of Spartan Ops episodes 1-5!)

Whew, the War Games challenges…Okay, the secondary might be doable. But wow 45 WINS of CTF in one week? That’s just over 6 wins a day EVERY day for those week. It’s possible, by likely you won’t be playing much of anything else then. I LOVE CTF mind you, but not enough to devote a complete week of gaming to it.

The final Infinity Challenge is 250 Precision Loadout weapon kills. That is definitely easy enough.

Well there you are. You missions for the week, should you accept them.


Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 1-10-13

20 players, no problem. WIN 9 Regi matches, problem. Gees, what’s with the number 9 AND winning? I get winning, but 9 matches of anything in ONE day? Seriously that’s a LOT. Folks with 9-5 jobs, and kids in school just don’t have the kind of time to devote to one playlist and win 9 matches. Play 9, ok, but win?

I gripe about that a lot I know. I’m hoping it sinks in to 343 at some point…


Halo 4 War Games weekly challenges: 1/7-13/13

Wow, the campaign challenges are a bit tough this week. Good XP for them though.

Spartan Ops challenges are standard fair. Easy to get. Might I suggest playing the chapter Gargarin?

Of the War Games challenges the first will be simple enough. However, that second one? Hmm, unless there is Griffball, getting 12 multikills in one match is going to be difficult for the average person. I guess that’s why it’s called a challenge huh?

Finally the Infinity contest challenge. 150 multikills in a week? Hmm, again, I’d like to have Griffball as an option, but at least this should be obtainable, even if it means prolific gaming for the week.
