New Achievements for Reach via the Halo CE Anniversary maps

There are 10 new achievements to be had in Reach. These came via the new Anniversary maps. Some are difficult and some are easy. I spent the better part of 6 hours overnight working on them with friends in matchmaking and was able to get all but one so far.

I’ll post the list of these new achievements and how to obtain them shortly. Off to play Anniversary then go for the last Reach achievement I need.

Halo CE: Anniversary Multiplayer maps for Reach

Okay, so I’m not a huge fan of bringing back old maps. However, the maps brought back look amazing. 343i contracted Certain Affinity to recreate the Anniversary maps. If this is a glimpse into what is to come for Halo 4, we Halo fans should all be excited.

If you haven’t bought the maps yet, I highly suggest you do. The visuals are among if not the best of any Reach engine maps to date. I’ll be going over each map with an in depth look at the visuals, forge and more.