Halo Novel synopsis and review: Halo Cryptum (Book one of the Forerunner Saga) SPOILERS!

Cryptum, by Greg Bear, is an interesting look into the pre-halo game history of Forerunners seen through the eyes of a very young Forerunner. The story takes us through a winding tale of a young Forerunner who goes against the grain and seeks to explore rather than be tied down by the traditions of Forerunner classes or rates. He was to be a “Builder.” Instead he goes off exploring for an ancient artifact and instead finds an old Cryptum. Not just any one though. It’s that of the Didact himself.

The Didact was perhaps the most powerful of the Warrior-Servant class and was/is married to the Librarian, the highest of the lifeworkers. When our young hero “Bornstellar” revives the Didact, they immediately begin a mission that would change the course of history for Forerunners and indeed all sentients.

Along with two humans, who against their will are taken along, Bornstellar and the Didact visit places from the Didact’s past. An age old “enemy” has escaped and another old enemy is soon to make a reappearance. It’s up to this band of Forerunners and Humans to figure out the truth of the situation. Before all can be revealed, the Didact mutates Bornstellar so that our young hero would have the memories of the elder Forerunner.

They meet up against the Master Builder, the highest of the highest Forerunners, who test one of the Halos against the San-Shyuum homeworld. The Didact is taken into custody, Bornstellar is returned to his home and family, and the whereabouts of the humans remains to be seen.

While home, Bornstellar learns more about the universe and specifically his father’s role in it. Bornstellar is summoned to appear before the council of Forerunners. The Halos have been brought to the Forerunner homeworld, the Master Builder is in custody and a possibly mad/rampant AI known as Mendicant Bias takes control of roughly half of the Halos.

All hell breaks loose when the Halos begin to charge up or flee. The Forerunner fleet comes for a rescue. However, before we find out the fate of the homeworld, Bornstellar and two council members flee and are transported through a wormhole with one of the Halos to the Ark.

There Bornstellar meets the Librarian…

There is more to know and understand in this novel. If you want to enjoy and learn more information about the Haloverse then this book and eventual series of three is a must buy. The writing style is a little wonky at times. However that may in part be due to the perspective of it coming from a Forerunner and the use of terms the casual fan won’t be familiar with.

There is a rich sense of history and order in this novel that gives into personal decisions.

I’d say more about the book, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

Book two “Primordium” is out now and I will be reviewing that soon. As soon as I finish Glasslands, a tale of the aftermath of the presumed ending of the Human-Covenant war.

I hope you enjoyed the synopsis and review and again if you haven’t read this book, then I highly recommend buying it and reading for yourself.

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McFarlane releases full pics of Halo Series 6 figures and Deluxe sets!

First I need to give credit for the pics to McFarlane’s website: http://www.spawn.com/news/news2.aspx?id=13807

Now onto the pics (I’ve consolidated them here for quicker reference).

First the single carded figures to scale with one another:

Click on each thumbnail to see a larger version.

Great looking figures as always. I’m partial to the Brute and JFO. For some reason I really like the way McFarlane has sculpted the brutes. I wear the JFO helmet a lot in multiplayer, so it stands to reason I’d be partial to it. I still find it strange though that Walgreen’s got the exclusive for this. Jun and Kat look good and they round out the rest of unhelmeted Noble squad members. (We never saw Emile or Noble 6 clearly without helmets in the game.)

Of the three deluxe sets, I am looking forward to the objective one the most, then the Invasion one. I wouldn’t have bought the Generator Defense one, but McFarlane scored with me by including the JFO.

Mega Bloks Revenant Custom

As promised I took my second set of the newly released Covenant Revenant Attack and customized that Revenant to be more accurate to the in-game model.

So here it is next to the original on the left. I was extremely fortunate during the custom build to have enough pieces left over to make somewhat close mini-sized Revenant.

I ONLY used pieces from the one set to make the custom. NO parts were used from the other set. So you too can make this custom if you just bought one set.

(Click on pics to open up a larger version)

Here is a nice shot of the custom a 3/4 front driver’s side view.

Here is the mini at a similar position:

A comparison front view of the original/in-game/custom model.

A comparison side view of the original/in-game/custom model.

As you can see by the front view I was able to make it slimmer and closer to the in-game model. Also note that the much of the build retains the original build at least from the outside. The rear area had some slight changes to accommodate the large 3×3 curved pieces. I integrated them with the back to better reflect the in-game model with shows more of the wine color armor on top and just to the sides of the seats.

For those wondering, YES, the side wings do indeed rotate, though less than Mega Bloks’s design. I was willing to give up a little bit of that articulation for better accuracy to the look, however my pivot point is much closer to the in-game model than the original.

I’m going to keep both the original and custom versions intact. I do have a couple of ideas for a third version of this set. If it ever goes on sale later on in the year, I’ll tackle this custom again and rework the design.

I hope you like the custom. Let me know what you think of it by signing up for my blog and posting here.