New composite pics of UNSC Mammoth.

I got a couple more screenshots from a new clip of the UNSC Mammoth. So I created this composite pic of the vehicle from several views.

I just love the look of this vehicle. It’s definitely the Elephant EVOLVED.

I sincerely hope Mega Bloks does a set of this. As well McFarlane does a micro ops version of it too. (It will STILL be big!)

Click to see it bigger.

I’m just a huge fan of this design. It’s going to play a role in Spartan Ops, so be on the lookout for it from time to time. I do like that it has wheels as opposed to treads.

So what do you think of the UNSC Mammoth?


Updated Halo Starship Comparison chart.

I think I’ll always be tinkering with this chart. I love the scale of these ships. I can’t wait for Halo 4 to come out so I can hopefully add even more to it.

But for now, here is the latest version. I added a Covenant CSS Cruiser and Covenant Assault Carrier, and took out the Star Wars Star Destroyer. So now it’s only Halo ships. Oh and I added the Savannah as well.

Let me know what you think of it.

Less than 70 days/10 weeks until Halo 4!

It’s getting ever so closer folks. Are you getting excited? I’ve been anticipating the return of Master Chief for some time now. It will be good to play as the Chief again. I can’t wait to see how Cortana goes crazy. I hope the battles against the Forerunner forces are epic.

There’s already been a lot of info released about Halo 4, yet there is so much more to know. I hope we get to see some pics of the other maps. I’m still placing my bet that the next map shown will begin with the letter “O” since the first three, Haven, Adrift, and Longbow have been shown. Spell out the first letters of those three then add the hoped for “O” named map and you get “HALO.”

Okay, yes, I’m showing my nerdy side, but don’t I always on my blog? LOL

Besides, I have an excuse, it’s my birthday today!


Toy Review: Halo Mega Bloks UNSC Desert Combat Unit Set #97027

UNSC Desert Combat Unit: Set number 97027

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting, 1 minutes build. Total 2 minutes.

Set Piece count: 53
Minifigs: EVA Spartan, Marine (blue eye plate), Marine (full gold goggles); extra CBQ helmet, torso; Scout helmet, arms.
Weapons: Sniper rifle, SMG, Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle
 2 Marine backpacks
Special Features: N/A

Price/Value: $12 US

This is a good set to complement previous desert themed sets like the Wal*Mart exclusive Covenant Strike Playset. Or the recently released UNSC Armory Pack (set 97023). Knowing that this set was coming out, I bought two extra of the Armory set to make the other Spartans from this Desert Combat Unit set (you’ll see in the pics below). The detailing on these figures is fantastic. It’s a good army building set if you’re building a desert theme.  I happen to have something special planned for my UNSC Desert forces. You’ll see that in a few weeks.

Here are the pics.
Click on images to see a larger version.

And now for the variant Spartans. As you can see I left the original EVA Spartan intact and made the variants from the Armory base spartan.

Summary: These coupled with the Mk IV Spartan and the EOD Spartan from the Armory set make for a formidable squad of Desert Spartans. It’s a good set to get, especially if you want more marines. I really like that MEGA added backpacks to the set and love the 2×2 UNSC tile. That’s going to be used elsewhere.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 medals!


Toy Review: Halo Mega Bloks Covenant Silver Combat Unit Set #97002

Covenant Silver Combat Unit: Set number 97002

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting, 1 minutes build. Total 2 minutes.

Set Piece count: 42
Minifigs: Silver Combat Elite, 2 Silver Grunt Minors, extra Head and Arms of Silver Ascetic Elite.
Weapons: Plasma Rifle, Needler, Plasma Pistol, Focus Rifle, 2 Translucent blue sticky grenades.
Special Features: N/A

Price/Value: $12 US

This is a good set for army building, though there really weren’t any silver grunts. Still, they look sharp! A nice assortment of weapons, though they are all purple with no extra detailing. The Ascetic Elite pieces are very well painted and have nice detailing.

Here are the pics.
Click on images to see a larger version.


Summary: I liked this set for a few reasons. Multiple Grunts, Ascetic Elite (my favorite Elite armor from Halo 3), and the Combat Elite can be used as Shipmaster R’tas Vadum. I bought two of this set so I could have both versions of the Elite and extra grunts.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 medals!


Toy Review: Halo Mega Bloks Covenant Crimson Combat Unit Set #97028

Covenant Crimson Combat Unit: Set number 97028

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting, 1 minutes build. Total 2 minutes.

Set Piece count: 47
Minifigs: Crimson Combat Elite, Crimson Grunt Minor, Crimson Grunt Major (Reach style), extra Crimson Flight Elite head; Crimson Honor Guard Arms, legs, head.
Weapons: Plasma Pistol, Needle Rifle, Energy Sword, 2 Sticky grenades (translucent blue), Honor Guard Pike
Special Features: N/A

Price/Value: $12 US

This is one set where I think you most definitely get what you pay for. TWO grunts in the larger size and different styles. And the best absolutely is the Honor Guard pieces. I can’t see how anyone would display the Flight Elite or Combat Elite variants of this set when you have the awesome Honor Guard right there at your hands. Detailing is amazing. Weapons are plain in color, but the addition of trans-blue sticky nades is a welcome touch.

Here are the pics.
Click on images to see a larger version.

A good looking set about with a nice rich color. My favorite set of the recent Armory/Weapons packs.

We had a similar Elite to the Flight Elite above come in a Banshee set. This color is better, but I can’t bring myself to use this head when the Honor Guard is SO much better.

Just look at that minifigs. It’s a masterpiece!

Look at that detailing. By far one of the best MEGA has ever made in the Halo line. It’s my favorite Covenant minifig, hands down.

Summary: This set just screams to be a multiple purchase and indeed I did get two sets of it. The Grunts are great for army building, while having a set of Honor Guards just makes sense. The fact that these are so well painted needs to be stated again. I put this one in the category of MUST HAVE!

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 medals! SUPERB!!!!!


Toy Review: Halo Mega Bloks UNSC Cobalt Unit Set #97001

UNSC Cobalt Combat Unit: Set number 97001

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting, 1 minutes build. Total 2 minutes.

Set Piece count: 48
Minifigs: Cobalt Spartan Mk V; Cobalt CQB Spartan; Cobalt Marine (Green eye display), extra Cobalt Scout Helmet and Arms.
Weapons: Shotgun, SMG, Silenced SMG, Rocket Launcher
 Trip Mine
Special Features: N/A

Price/Value: $12 US

This is a good set, though the color is a bit shiny for me. I like that we get a trip mine, though I’m a little perplexed that we didn’t get a backpack for the marine. The UNSC 2X2 tile is really nice and I’ll use that for other sets.

Here are the pics.
Click on images to see a larger version.

Summary: A good set, especially if you like the color. The figures are detailed nicely and you get a good little assortment of weapons. I’m not too keen on the color myself as I keep thinking it looks like a nail polish color.

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 medals. (Only the color brought this down a little. Not bad, just not what I expected in “Cobalt” form.)


Toy Review: Halo Mega Bloks Covenant Armory Pack II Set #96997

Covenant Armory Pack II: Set number 96997

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting, 1 minutes build. Total 2 minutes.

Set Piece count: 22
Minifigs: Yellow Assault Elite with extra Combat Elite head.
Weapons: Plasma Rifle, needler, needle rifle
Special Features: N/A

Price/Value: $6-7 US

We don’t really get Yellow Elites, so this was welcome. The weapons are painted well. Because of that they look much better than the normal all purple versions. Some purply bits to build and a green baseplate round out the set.

Here are the pics.
Click on images to see a larger version.


Summary: The painted weapons really help this set to shine. The Elite itself is good if not so detailed. Nice to have an Assault Elite though so I’m not knocking it.

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 medals. Add a sticky grenade and a sword and I’d have bumped this up to 5 medals.


Toy Review: Halo Mega Bloks UNSC Armory Pack II Set #96996

UNSC Armory Pack II: Set number 96996

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting, 1 minutes build. Total 2 minutes.

Set Piece count: 22
Minifigs: White AA Spartan with extra HAZOP helmet.
Weapons: SMG, Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle
Special Features: N/A

Price/Value: $6-7 US

FA nice little set for building up your Arctic Spartan ranks. The only minor issue is that I was surprised that the baseplate wasn’t white instead of the green that it is. The extra helmet looks a little out of place on the figure as it’s not as detailed in paint apps. Still, it’s nice to have options.

Here are the pics.
Click on images to see a larger version.

The AA Spartan looks good. I think this is the first “male” version of the AA Spartan.

Summary: A nice little set with virtually not build time. Worth the price.

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 medals Add an extra weapon and a frag grenade and I’d have bumped this up to 5 medals.


Halo MEGA Bloks “Forward Unto Dawn” packaging revealed at Fan Expo (Toronto)


Okay, I only have a pic of the back of the box, but it’s very cool.

Here’s a bit of a close-up of part of the back:

Photos courtesy of “Dielectic

What’s great is the you get another look at the full model, as well as numerous other close-up shots showing detailed areas of the ship.

Note in the close-up pic the stocked armory. In it you have the following weapons (subject to change):

5 Assault Rifles
1 Battle Rifle
3 Frag Grenades
1 Radioman backpack
1 Sticky grenade Pistol
3 Magnums
3 SMGs

Not too shabby.

I’m really excited to get one of these!


So why the change of look for the Covies?

I had an opportunity to question a 343 employee about this last night. (Can’t say who though)

Anyway, I ask if the change to the Covies looks were for aesthetic reasons, or polygon count, or something entirely different.

As suspected, the look of the traditional Covenant forces was changed to make them look more menacing. Frank O’Conner has eluded to this as well.

There apparently was a discussion about the Jackal in particular with their more bird-like appearance and not being as threatening. The decision was made to make them appear a little bit more dinosaur like, giving them a stunted beak and moving their eyes forward.

That definitely changed the look of them. For the better? Hmm you decide:

I happen to like it. Other than the head, much of the rest of the Jackal remains intact from previous iterations. The new version in Halo 4 definitely looks more bad-ass and no where near bird-like.

I was told there really won’t be any canonical explanation for this. It’s not like the evolved. It’s just an aesthetic change.

FOTUS armor acronym confirmed meaning.

If you’re a person who is pre-ordering the new Halo 4 console, you should know by now that you’ll get a very special armor skin called the “FOTUS” armor skin. So what does that mean?

I had guessed the meaning of what “FOTUS” meant. Now I have had that guess confirmed as correct. I can’t site the specific source, but can say it was from a 343 employee.

The correct meaning is: Fist of the Unicorn Skin

The “Fist of the Unicorn” part is the name of the band of the Pillar of Autumn. You can see a poster for them in the very first level of Halo CE/Anniversary. “Skin” obviously because it’s an armor skin.

So there you have it, folks!


Forward Unto Dawn: “ENLIST” video


Welcome to Corbulo Academy of Military Science, the UNSC’s premiere training facility for its brightest minds. From the very beginning, this arduous academy readies them for a life a of order, structure, sacrifice and belief in the righteous cause of the UNSC.

Forward Unto Dawn: “ENLIST”

This is a good short video that quickly gets into the minds of three recruits. Tom Lasky the main character of the soon to come Forward Unto Dawn mini-series is one of the recruits. You find that he had an older brother who went to the school as well and was very well liked.

With that knowledge, we now get some further insight into Lasky himself. It appears he has had to follow in the shadow of his brother all his life and it’s hard to measure up. This in part plays into his lack of confidence of being a good soldier. Until that is, when the Covenant show up…