A short story of Halo news from the weekend…

On our way from our home to my wife’s mom’s home for the weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving, we stopped at a strip mall along the way. The intention was for my wife to go into a craft store to get something she had a coupon for. While there, since Toys R Us was right next door to it, I decided to peruse, hoping to get the 20-figure set, since my local one didn’t have it in stock when we were out earlier in the morning.

I come upon the Mega Bloks section and saw two boys and their mom. The older of the two boys, I’d guess at 11-12 was looking at the Halo stuff, when he noticed the 20-figure set. Now mind you, this was Black Friday (yes, my wife and I celebrate Thanksgiving on the Saturday instead, because we can have more family present that way). Anyway…

The older boy snatched up the set and his younger brother, I’d guess at 7-8, grabbed the last one. The older boy turned to his mom and asked if she had an extra $50 for the set (as that was the price tag on the shelf. She said no and both boys looked forlorn. Well, I could have snatched that opportunity for myself and wait for the kids to put them back…OR, do the right thing, which is what I did, without any hesitation. I told the mom, that particular set was on sale for Black Friday ONLY for $30. She asked if I was sure, and I said yes. In the meantime, the boys ran off to find a price checker. They came back excited and said it was $30. She smiled and said they could BOTH have their sets. She then told them to thank me as they wouldn’t have known of the sale otherwise. The boys were quick to thank me, then the mom did as well, since this saved her $40 between the two sets.

There I was, still no 20-fig set in hand, but the feeling of helping someone, especially a family, even in such a small thing as to mention a sale price, was beyond worth it to me.

So yes, I had Halo on the brain this weekend, just couldn’t post anything since I didn’t have access to my computer and my wife’s mom’s internet was down. One side note, she (wife’s mom) is going to repaint her kitchen. The color she picked out is called “Halo”! I thought that was pretty cool and she was excited to tell me about it being that color. Just so you know, it’s a pale yellow.


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About Sal

I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site, Halowaypoint.com, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal

5 thoughts on “A short story of Halo news from the weekend…

  1. Well done, Sal.
    You made those kids and their parents happy, and that is a great thing to do.
    You are a good person, and it shows.

    • Thanks. It’s the kind of thing I do all the time though. It makes me happy knowing I’ve helped others. I’ll eventually get that 20fig Halo Mega Bloks set. Was just hoping to save the $20 on it myself. I’ll just have to wait til it goes on sale again down the road.

  2. As a parent of five kids, I know what saving $40 can mean for Christmas/birthday/etc presents. Its not just that the kids got the present they wanted, its what the parents can do with the saved money. Perhaps another sibling might get a better present. Or even better, maybe mom and dad will get to go out for a dinner date (WITHOUT KIDS)! Well done sir.

    • Thanks Kevin. As I’ve already replied, it’s something I do normally. Always glad to help families out. A few years back I had a coupon that could have saved me $40 on a Star Wars ship. I saw a couple who were obviously buying one for their kid. Same toy. I gave them the coupon instead with the promis that they’d take that money saved and go out for dinner. Just like you mentioned. Sp yeah, that kind of thing is always on my mind when I’m in the position to help.

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