The new look of Grunts in Halo 4: A closer look and discussion.

“Why it does matter that 3431 changed the grunts”

This question was posed on HaloWaypoint’s forum. I took this to task and really considered why the changes may have been made.

To answer this, we need to look at the bigger picture for a moment. 343i has their own vision of the Haloverse. Much of it is in line with what we’ve known over the past 10 years. Undoubtedly though some things will change.

The grunts changing matter because while they’ve been a source of amusement, they have never really been that threatening before. It’s been said that grunts singularly are easy to kill, but in packs make a formidable opponent.

This new grunt has a vicious look to it. One that may change the way you perceive them from being purely laughable canon fodder, to the vicious and tenacious enemies they were intended to be.

Not enough has changed of the look that they aren’t readily recognizable as Halo grunts. Take a look below. To the left the Halo Reach grunt (very close to the Halo 3 grunt) and to the right the Halo 4 grunt.

Let’s look at the specific changes:

Skin: Exo-Skeleton -> rough circular scaley skin
Head: top mounted and small -> somewhat hunched and bigger
Breathing apparatus: mouth covering -> nose covering

The debate is such that the skin has changed so much that it is no longer the same species or a variant of. Looking at reference material from the various games suggest that grunts indeed have these scales early on but were not as noticeable due to lack of image processing in the original XBOX. As the games moved forward it was Bungie who changed the look of the grunts.

The position and size of the head has changed. By moving the head down a little and making it bigger it creates a more alien look. While still bi-pedal, they have a more animalistic look. Being more animalistic means in this case not as smart as other sentient races, but willing warriors and ready for battle. That clearly is what grunts are. Yes, they do have some intelligence. However, it’s been clearly realized in the games that they are not as smart as the other covenant races.

Breathing apparatus:
Let’s not forget that they had their eyes covered in the beginning then that changed. Halo 3 and Reach showed their eyes more. While eyes can have a look of fierceness it can be argued that the mouth especially teeth can show emotion as well, especially when evoking rage or viciousness. We only have to look to real nature for this. Take for example wolves. While you may glean from the position of the eyes that they are hunters, it’s when they bare their teeth an snarl that you really get the understanding that they are vicious.
By changing the apparatus to show their teeth, by default they become more vicious, scary even. Covering their eyes actually adds back to the grunts that you aren’t aware of what they are up to. You can’t tell if they can see you or not which adds more surprise. It also means you’ll have to be a bit more cunning with them or they could get the drop on you.

I’m all for the changes. We are seeing how Halo is again evolving. I’m rather happy that we aren’t getting the same old grunts. Don’t get me wrong, they are still loveable little terrors and the original trilogy grunts will always have a place in Halo. So too will these new trilogy grunts.

We’ve only seen a few graphics of them. Let’s give it more time and see them in action. Before people rush to denounce 343, take a closer look at what may really be going on and see the benefit of change. It’s necessary, less our beloved franchise become stagnant.

Good job 343, keep it up!

I’ll sum this all up with this thought. Skin or exoskeleton, I dont really care. They are a fictitious race in a video game. They still look enough like grunts to me. Plus they’ll sell yet more toys.

Seriously, why are people getting bent out of shape for every little aspect of Halo 4?

New developer, new look, new gameplay, STILL HALO. Nuff said.


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I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site,, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at:!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal