Sa-weet! I’m definitely going to buy this issue! Great to see Chief front and center! Now if I can get some help from one of my UK friends and/or readers.
Here’s the text blurb from xbox (UK):
Halo 5 is set to take on Titanfall and blow all the competition away as you’ll find out in the latest issue of X-ONE Magazine, on sale now. Master Chief’s next-gen debut leads 23 games that are only possible on Xbox One, detailed in issue #111 of the UK’s biggest independent Xbox mag.
From where this new game will be set, to the enemies that will be faced, how Kinect and SmartGlass might be involved and how to fix the multiplayer, we’ve delved deep into Halo once again to bring you all the latest info.
Also in X-ONE #111 we speak to BioWare about kicking off the big-budget RPGs of the generation with Dragon Age: Inquisition and ask Rocksteady why its Batman: Arkham Knight is only possible on next-gen systems.
We spent four hours playing Watch Dogs and bring you our 15 most enjoyable ways to cause havoc and mayhem on the streets of Chicago in Ubisoft’s incredible new sandbox game. We’ve also tracked down all 25 of the confirmed games for ID@Xbox and asked which of these Indie up and comers has what it takes to repeat the success of Minecraft?
X-ONE #111 is on sale now at all good newsagents and supermarkets. Alternatively you can have it delivered to your door by ordering a copy from our store. Great savings can be had if you subscribe to X-ONE (to save up to 30%) or by downloading X-ONE to your smartphone or tablet from
I’ll send you pics of this mag when I pick it up soon Sal 🙂
That would be MUCH appreciated. Do you have a scanner, that you could scan them in? No worries if not.