Halo 4 armor customization.

The following is from a discussion on Halowaypoint.com that I replied to.

SitriStahl-“Well, that is until we get the new Hayabusa”

My response:

I have it on VERY good authority that there will NOT be Hayabusa armor in Halo 4. Besides that being a deal between Bungie and another game developer, IIRC, 343 has already stated as such that they are not for Hayabusa. I can understand that too as it harkens back to the previous developer.

Halo 4 is 343’s baby. They are making it their own. (as evidenced by the newly released armor perms) I’m hoping for something along the lines of Iron Man.

As far as being able to pick and choose between different parts of armor, I can see that. Helmet
Knee/Lower legs

That’s a LOT to be able to customize. Though, with regards to those exclusive skins, you may not be able to use them with altered armor perms. I see those as only being able to use with specific armor sets rather than mish-mashes of armor.

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I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site, Halowaypoint.com, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal