Thinking about having a HFFL Community Member of the Month…

Halo Waypoint has it’s Community Member Spotlight. It seems they only pick the most well known names in the Halo community. that leaves the regular joe (and I include myself in this too) virtually no chance of being spotlighted.

2013-09-14 22.36.56_smDust Storm from Podtacular, ME, Gho57ayame (now working at 343)

So I’m pondering having a monthly HFFL Community Member of the Month. I’d like to get your thoughts on this folks.

Criteria for being picked would be things like:
• Length of time as subscriber
• Activity on the blog (replies)
• Activity on the forums (replies and new threads)
• Gaming with me (the more often the better)
• Participating in contests
• Donating to the blog/fundraiser etc.
• Having the homepage link in your bio on XBOX Live

and anything else remarkable that promotes HFFL…

Any ONE of those gives you the opportunity to be picked. Even if you’ve not been a long time subscriber, you can still be picked. There are several here who never reply, then there are newer folks who reply quite often. I like participation. So that’s a bonus!

This is NOT a popularity contest. This is something I want to do to recognize those who have been involved with HFFL in more than just a passive manner.

2013-09-14 19.09.30_smThe attendees of the 2013 1st Annual HFFL LANstravaganza

The person picked would be given a series of questions that they can answer. Those will be mostly about how they came to HFFL and their Halo ‘career’. Nothing personal will be asked. I would like to have a picture or two to include in the Spotlight as well. This helps to show everyone who the person is behind the name as well as promote the HFFL community more by seeing faces.

Let me know what you think folks. I want to get this started starting in August.


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About Sal

I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site,, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at:!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal

6 thoughts on “Thinking about having a HFFL Community Member of the Month…

  1. I love it! Waypoint really does favor the already-big-name people, so it really leaves small guys left out. Hopefully waypoint takes a hint from this…

    • Heh, well, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one Brent. And thanks for the support of this idea.

  2. I love this idea. There are a lot of interesting people here and on the forums. I agree too, that its nice to see your average person, not just pro players and the like.

  3. I never think it is a bad idea to spotlight members of the community no matter what there standing is. I think it helps show how large and diverse the Halo community has become and that we can all share our ideas and thoughts no matter if it is on the game itself, lore, forge, etc.

    For as large as Waypoint is, they can’t reach out to everyone. That is why it is up to blogs like this one to help promote the community so maybe one day, someone who was initially spotlighted here might end up on Waypoint. And when that happens we can all say “We knew him way back when”.

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