My guess as to what the Halo 4 soundtrack titles could mean for the Campaign.

From the Halo 4 OST (Original Soundtrack) titles we can glean that there will be more, much more than just Covies to fight. Here is my conjecture on the subject.

1. Awakening = Chief Wakes up from Cryo Sleep
2. Belly Of The Beast = Chief/Cortana escape the Forward Unto Dawn, fighting Covies along the way.
3. Requiem = The first foray on Requiem, more Covies
4. Legacy = Chief finds info about Forerunners/Reclaimers (Thus he and all of humanity are the “”Legacy” of the galaxy)
5. Faithless = This one’s a bit harded, but I’ll take a stab at it. Covies, at least the ones in Halo 4 still hold true to the prophets beliefs thereby thinking that Chief is faithless. More covie fighting.
6. Nemesis = Our first look at the Didact sphere and possibly what’s inside, even if blurred/obscured, fight against Prometheans
7. Haven = Chief explores more of Requiem, finally the UNSC Infinity arrives and Chief has his “Haven” even if temporary
8. Ascendancy = Cortana seems to likely fit into this one. Perhaps Chief is finding a cure for her rampancy. More Promethean fights
9. Solace = Chief seemingly loses Cortana (similar to how he did with the flood/gravemind). He has to track her down to save her. More Promethean fights.
10. To Galaxy = This one could be quite interesting. Chief finds more sentient beings on Requiem? If nto alive and walking around, maybe in a sort of Cryo stasis. The seeds of a new sentient Galaxy?
11. Immaterial = Another battle against the Didact and his forces. The Didact believes Chief to be Immaterial as he’s only one being. (Man, is he wrong…)
12. 117 = Still having not found Cortana, this is a very somber level with Chief examining himself, his history, his war experience. For the first time we get a look into Chief as a man as opposed to just the armored super soldier. Not as much fighting, this could be more about exploration of Requiem and trying to find Cortana again.
13. Arrival = The Librarian arrives at Requiem, the forces of the Didact face off against the forces of a now combined UNSC/Librarian coalition. This is why we’ve seen two different colored Prometheans.
14. Revival = The Librarian being convinced of the Flood’s eradication years earlier, allows for the release of the other sentient beings Chief found earlier. Some are other human races. Cortana is “fixed.”
15. Green And Blue = Again a reference to the coalition. Green represents Chief and the UNSC while Blue represents the Librarian and her forces. The Didact survived with plenty of forces intact and has stealed away to another more powerful and MUCH bigger installation…The Ark. No, not the one from Halo 3, but the other BIGGER one.

So do you have a thought on what the track titles could mean? If so, please write a reply. I’d like to read what others may be thinking about these.


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I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site,, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at:!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal