Mega Construx Master Chief Helmet
Technical Specifications:
Build Time: roughly 45 minutes to build (Your time will vary from mine as I took pics along the way for this review.)
Set Piece Count: 414
Accessories: Buildable display stand
Cost: $30 US Target
And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)
The front of the package shows the completed helmet on the buildable stand as well as an inset photo of the back of the helmet with the AI chip being inserted into it.
The back shows much the same as well as the buildable Energy Sword set.

In the box you get an instruction manual, 9 numbered bags and two Orange bar labeled Mega Construx bag.

The two MCX bags contain a printed visor each. They are not exactly the same.

Take note that the one on the top is the one actually used, while the bottom one isn’t. You’ll see why later in the review.

There is an addendum sheet to show you when and where the revised visor goes.

Below are all the contents of the MCX bag that includes the correct visor.

Bag 1 parts

Bag 2 parts

Okay, let’s get on with the build, shall we?
To start the base of this immediately includes a socket hole part for attaching to the stand at the end of the build. The flat part of this section sitting on the mat is actually the rear of the helmet. (Not built up yet) Those orange parts will be where the top of the helmet goes.

Now, I’m not afraid to admit when I make a mistake in building. So, I’m going to do just that. I goofed here and put those slightly rounded slope sections in the wrong holes. The X’d out ones are where I put them, when they should have gone where the arrows point to. This wasn’t so easily readable for me in the instructions for some reason. Hence the mistake. But it does get fix shortly after.

More of the helmet is built up. At top, that big circular hole is where the AI chip will go. Again, those black rounded slope pieces are in the wrong position here. They are one stud outward when they should be one stud inward. It dos get fixed though.

Bag 3 parts

Bag 4 parts

Bag 5 parts

At this point, I had found my error and moved those sloped parts to the right holes. Now things were fitting properly!

Be sure when you do insert those sections to completely push them into the holes. What you see below is the correct position.

This split image shows more is built up. On the left, that square hole is where the neck post will go. Flip the assembly over and now you can start to see some of the helmet take shape. Those small silver rounded posts are the cheek “lights” found on the sides of the helmet.

Below are three sections to be put together that make up the jaw and chin parts of the helmet.

Those three sections are put together. As shown on the left, they attach onto angled bricks. On the right shows that section correctly added to the helmet.

Now this next part is CRITICAL!
When putting the visor on, I built up one whole side (A). Then as you flip the visor to the other side, push IN on the middle tab sections of the visor (B). You visor should then look like (C), with the top part of the visor having a small lip over the middle part.

Another split graphic shows the top (left) of the helmet, while the right side shows the front so far. As you can see, directly behind the visor is mostly hollow.

Bag 6 parts

Bag 7 parts

Now we move on to the top portion of the helmet. I really like how Mega made use of rounded sloped parts, angled slopes and side builds to complete the look.

Bag 8 parts

Bag 9 parts

The under side of the top part of the helmet. Again, this is another critical step. Be sure to get those orange pins in the right position or they may not fit together properly with the rest of the helmet.

We now get ready to “marry” the two big sections together.

At this point the helmet itself is complete. Doesn’t it look fantastic!

Now, you can choose to either stop here and save the black stand parts for something else or continue on. For the purposes of this review, I continue on to show you the rest of the build.
We insert in the neck post.

A simple stand is made from parts built on top of each other, instead of beside each other. I found that a little odd at first. The reason being, if you wanted to add this base to a large baseplate, for example, you can’t as the underside is flat and will not fit onto studs.
But then really, I don’t suspect too many people would want to do that anyway. So it almost becomes a moot point. And it does look nice this way anyway.

We then pop the helmet onto the hole in the base, via the neck post. Voila, she’s done!

Orthogonal views of the helmet.

The last bit to build is the AI chip.Rather simple in design. It is NOT the same chip that formerly housed Cortana. This one is far bigger, thicker and completely black.

That hole in the back of the helmet fits the AI chip snugly. No worries about it slipping out on accident.

A straight on view of the back, with the AI chip inserted.

And finally, these were the parts I had left over. I have no clue what I made them into (at right). LOL

Summary: The set’s build time is short and can be done in one sitting. It has some good design principles to it with sloped pieces and side building. This is a little bit more of a complicated build, so I do not suggest it for younger kids, unless they have the help of an adult.
Overall Rating: I give this set 9 out of 10 medals.
Why did I give it a 9 out of 10?
• The build might be a little complicated for some. Heck, I even made a mistake…
• The only thing that I wish was different was to have a blok built visor instead of a printed sheet. A nice metallic translucent orange color for bloks could have been used.
Beyond that one critique though, this is a solid set. It will make for a nice little centerpiece or add-on to anyone’s Halo collection.
Here’s my opinion of the value of this set. (In US dollars)
• The piece count is a bit higher than normal for it’s price point, which is a good thing.
TOTAL: $40 (before tax and in U.S. dollars)
As the set includes 414 pieces, at the normal guideline of 10 cents per pieces, I might have expected to pay between $40-45 for this set. Since it retails for $30 (US), I find the value of the set to be excellent.
Do I recommend it? Yes. This is another departure for Mega. They normally stick to sets that go with their figures in-scale. I like that they are trying some new things here though.
If you have any questions about this set that I didn’t cover in the review, please do not hesitate to ask me. Either reply below or e-mail me at [email protected].
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