The term “World of Halo” used in the title refers to all figures in that series being in scale with one another.

Technical Specifications:
• Ball Joint Head
• Ball Joint Shoulders
• Ball Joint Elbows
• Swivel Jointed Wrists *(see why the star later in the review)
• Swivel Jointed Chest
• Ball Joint hips
• Double Hinge Knees
• Double Jointed Joint Ankles
Accessories: Commando Rifle, green/brown figure stand
Additional Contents: Halo Infinite Code card.
Cost: $10 (US)
Availability: Mass Retail (I got mine from Target)
And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)
I’ve said previously of the packaging, that I like the shape of it. A large see through plastic window, allows you to see what contents are included.

Included with the figure are a stand and a code card. The code card gives you something special for Halo Infinite. To redeem the code from Wicked Cool Toys Halo line, go HERE. Watch my social accounts on twitter and instagram for Code giveaways in the very near future!

As for accessories, you get a Commando Rifle. Note the peg on it towards the middle. This can be inserted into a hole on the figure’s back to store it there.

I just love that this smaller line of Halo action figures has a lot of articulation. You can easily get figures to hold their weapons properly. Below is but one example.

Here is a much more descriptive look at the articulation that the figure has. Obviously, joints on one side are reflected on the other. So both shoulders have ball joints, for example.
Some of the names I give to these joints may be amended later, if I get word from either 343 or WCT about the correct nomenclature for them.
* I do want to note that the wrists technically have ball joints. The right hand (holding the gun below) can make more use of this joint, while the left hand on my figure can’t really do more than swivel.

Be sure to click open the pic below to make bigger. There is a TON of detail here! Easily one of my favorites for the amount of sculpting that went into it. Not to mention, the paint detail! The woodland camo pattern is just FANTASTIC!

There is a hole in the back vest of the marine that allows you to place weapons into it (via a pin on the weapon).

Sculpt: When compared to all the other figures in the “World of Halo” line, the UNSC Marine may just have the most sculpting done to it. Might just be my favorite! 10 of 10 medals!
Articulation: Lot of articulation for a smaller action figure. Only the wrist joints do not move as intended. They still work just fine though as swivel joints. 9 out of 10 medals
Paint Application: This is definitely my favorite. From different color armor bits and add on pieces to that wonderfully done camo pattern, the paint application here is superior to all other figures in the WoH line! 10 of 10 medals.
Accessories: The stand is a basic hexognal plate. I like the dirt/grass look of it. The Commando looks great, has two colors to it and a great sculpt. 9 out of 10 medals
Playability: This marine could fit into an army of other toy lines as it’s just barely futuristic. I love the amount of detail and articulation it has. LOTS of potential for repeat play here! 10 of 10 medals.
Overall: 48 medals out of a total 50 medals.
Do I recommend this product? As an army builder, MOST DEFINITELY! Even if you don’t army build, this is just such a well done figure that I still HIGHLY recommend it. It’s quickly become my favorite marine style in all of Halo.
If you have any questions about this figure that I didn’t cover in the review, please feel free to either reply below or e-mail me at [email protected] or on twitter @HaloFanForLife.
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