Should we pay for a new season of Spartan Ops?

This discussion came up on Halo Waypoint. I responded to it and just had to share my thoughts with you folks.

First I quoted two other forum users and responded in kind.

If it’s like $10-15 and the episodes are as good as they have been the last two weeks, then yeah I’d buy it.

Exactly! I’ve enjoyed all of Spartan Ops to date. The latest two episodes are even better than the first 6.

if there is a season 2, and I’m expected to purchase it, it needs the following 3 things.

theater mode support
campaign scoring

or it needs to be free. at least for me. by that i dont mean that i should be the only one that gets it for free only that this is just my opinion.

Theater mode is one thing that would make me pay for it in an instant. There are SO many screenshots I want to be able to take and can’t because 343 left it out. Campaign scoring isn’t a huge deal to me, however it does help to know when you’ve killed off one of those bigger enemies at a distance so you don’t waste anymore ammo on an enemy.
Skulls would be cool, especially if it adds to XP. I’m already at 130, but still for those who aren’t it would be a nice aded feature.

As far as price, as the first person I quoted mentioned, $10-15 would be great. Anything more and you start to get into Arcade game prices. For that there would need to be a bit more.

Longer videos, interaction IN-GAME with Majestic and/or Palmer, how about adding the Falcon and/or Pelican to be able to fly in missions? What about the Broadsword in a space mission?

One thing is for certain, if 343/M$ is asking us to pay for a Season 2, they need to be a LOT more forthcoming about what we can expect in the next season. What upgrades they are making, general story plot without giving away spoilers. They need to SELL it to us, not ask that we take them blindly on faith.

They asked us to “trust them” before the release of Halo 4. Some feel burned by that comment. While I think Spartan Ops is AWESOME and would buy in a minute, there are many who need to be convinced of why they should pay for more Halo 4 content. So it’s up to 343 to do that.

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About Sal

I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site,, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at:!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal

3 thoughts on “Should we pay for a new season of Spartan Ops?

  1. You hit on a key statement in your post, Sal: “Trust us”.

    I usually keep my less than positive opinion on the matter to myself, but you’ve hit a nerve: that is the single most messed up thing they could have said, and then to present us with the product that we’ve been given. I blame those two words for why I’m left feeling a lack of respect. Because we were told they honored the fans and the story yadda yadda, then they changed everything we loved: what things looked like, all the sounds, alienated all their most well-known fans (a very strange decision, seeing as the most passionate, active fans and producers are what keep the masses coming back – – those same masses that are “casual”…), gave us an incomplete game that totally feels like going backwards when you pay the same price years later for a product with far less features – –

    This feeling of “ick” many of us are left with who really *wanted* to trust, it’s not motivating me to want to spend any more money on anything Halo 4 related.

    I will play Halo 4 matchmaking, regardless, because frankly there isn’t anything else grabbing me either. But I barely even remember to play Spartan Ops, and my friends are hardly ever in there and never talk about it. I’m certainly not going to pay for it.

    This comment is also sort of in response to your other post, which I read a little of but I stay away from criticisms about Halo 4 because I’ve got enough of my own 😉 Namely that it in no way feels like Halo to me. Reach didn’t either, but Reach surprisingly felt more Halo than H4 imo.

    Ick mode: On [x] Off [ ]

    It’s like an itchy, itchy sweater…

    • I happened to love Reach. But it was definitely not the Halo we knew before. However, as you said though, it felt more like Halo, than Halo 4 did. That’s taking a step back. Oh and if you do ever want to play Spartan Ops, shoot me an invite. I LOVE playing Spartan Ops!

  2. While the last two episodes were a massive improvement, that’s not saying much. If I’m actually paying for the content, then it would have to be much better. Though honestly if they charge for it before they release theatre and scoring, I’ll be pretty offended. They’re leaving so many corners of the community with nothing to do without those features. Sure, they’re the minorities, but it’s been a long time since launch and they haven’t even mentioned them.

    I still love the game, but I still haven’t seen much improvement in communication between 343 and the fans.

    So no, I wouldn’t pay for it, not if it’s just more of the same.

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