Bullseye Map Pack Achievements: A closer look and discussion.

Yesterday I posted this list. I didn’t have the time to break it down and talk about it. Now I’ve got the time, so let’s look at each “Cheevo” individually. First things first though, if you didn’t notice, ALL but two of the cheevos are NOT map specific! YEAH!!!! 343 listened to our please about this with regards to former map packs. THANKS 343!!!

Now for the below, I’m talking from the point of NOT BOOSTING these cheevos…

Protect this House (30)
In matchmaking, assassinate the ball carrier within five meters of your own goal in Ricochet.
HFFL: Oh this one is going to be fun! It will require epic timing! I’m not much of an assassin, but I’ll look to get this one done ASAP. Likely one of the hardest ones in this pack for me to get.

Hat Trick (33)
In matchmaking, score three times in one round of Ricochet.
HFFL: Ahh Yeah! I am DEFINITELY going to “tryhard” for this one. Love the Hockey reference too! Honestly, if you’re an objective runner like I am, this shouldn’t be too hard. If you’re more of a slayer type…difficulty setting will be adjusted.

From Downtown (25)
In matchmaking, score by throwing the ball from 30 meters in Ricochet.
HFFL: Oh HELLS yeah! I LOVE that we can score by passing. This is going to make Ricochet just THAT much more FUN. This shouldn’t be hard at all to get. 

Repeat Survivor (25)
In matchmaking, survive three vehicle explosions in a row with the Survivor package.
HFFL: Hmm, considering I drive/gun a lot, this should be a no brainer. Bummed that it means we have to have three vehicles destroyed though. Difficulty level for this is normal to hard.

Can’t Catch Me (20)
In matchmaking, score a goal in Ricochet while taking damage with the Resistor active.
HFFL: This seems pretty simple. Make Active Resistor, let someone shoot you. DONE! EASY.

Just a Scratch (20)
In matchmaking, recover full shields from low health with both Resistor and Recharge active.
HFFL: This one seems like it shouldn’t be hard to get. However with Resistor and Recharge stacking, it means taking damage will be harder PLUS your shields recharge faster. So you’re going to have to be in the middle of a gunfight, get whittled down to almost nothing, THEN find your way out of it, THEN recover from it. Difficulty: Hard (Again, NOT boosting!)

Pitchin’ a Tent (40)
In matchmaking, effectively camp one location without dying for a full 60 seconds.
HFFL: OMG, a camping cheevo? LOL I’m already reading complaints on Waypoint forums and twitter about this one. Folks, this is EASY. DO it, get your 40GS and move on. Oy that innuendo! LOL

One Man Army (27)
In matchmaking, get 4 consecutive kills with the Rocket Launcher without dying.
HFFL: Oh yeah! I loves me some Rocket Launcher. A fun cheevo that you just know will piss off the other team. You may even get some hate mail for being a n00b! I’m cool with that as I’ll have 27 more GS!!!

Shocking (10)
In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, activate both electrical surge systems during a match on Vertigo.
HFFL: One of only two that are map specific, this should be fairly easy. At the start of the match, go for the opposing surge. Then turn around and activate yours. DONE. Easy to normal difficulty.

Got It! (20)
In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, acquire the Rocket Launcher at the start of a match on Pitfall.

Honestly, these are pretty good cheevos. Just a couple have some difficulty to them. Yes, I can hear those saying, but achievements are supposed to be hard. Meh, I want them to be FUN, not hard. (TWSS…)


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I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site, Halowaypoint.com, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal