The Halo Bulletin 4-24-12

halobulletinheader_4-24-13Ooh, there are some goodies in this week’s Bulletin.

First we find out why Jen Taylor was at 343. She did personalized voice mails for the highest bidders of the “Child’s Play Charity Dinner Auction.” While there she played a game of “Did you know?” Revolvoing around her various acting credentials. Someone brought up her wiki page and it was found to have some errors…

Next up are three sets of clues to as yet to be discovered Halo 4 Campaign Easter Eggs. Here’s a pic of the clues:Easter Eggs 4-25-13
I think I have part of the Infinity one worked out, so I’m going to try and get that one today. Though the first part of it makes me think I should be listening for a loud “fart” sound, LOL.

After this the bulletin goes on to an article regarding weapon tuning. BR, DMR, LR, and AR are all discussed.

Next up something near and not so dear to me, JIP or Join-In-Progress. Something I happen to abhor that is in Halo 4. Looks like while it’s still going to be in the game, the time in which you can JIP will be reduced, in some cases drastically. GOOD!

Finally, BS Angel posts up a gallery of “Assassin” screenshots.

To read the full bulletin, check out the official site’s link.


The Evolution of Halo. A very special fan-made trailer

Whether your an old-time Halo fan or new to the franchise, this video is an absolute work of art that demands your attention. I highly suggest you watch this video from start to finish without any skipping.

The transitions to new scenes, the music, everthing about this video tells the ever evolving story and gameplay of Halo.

I don’t often say this but this video needs to be seen by more people. Perhaps if you’ve lost love on Halo it will bring you back. If you just need a boost in Halo morale, then this is THE video for you to watch.


Halo Fathead promotion is now over. Thanks!

I wanted to thank everyone who participated in the trivia contest questions as well as any who bought Fathead products.

I still have that one final question to ask for the trivia contest. This being for the Junior Master Chief Fathead. So here goes…

On what planet and what year was Master Chief born?


Iron Man’s “Iron Patriot” in Halo 4!

Okay not really, but here is my version of him:

Iron Patriot in Halo 4
I’m a huge Iron Man fan. In fact my former gamer tag used to include “Iron Man” in it.
I’m SO looking forward to Iron Man 3 coming out next month that I wanted to change up my armor a bit. I’ve worn the Red and Gold for a long time, so I figured why not change it up and go for the Red White and Blue of the movie version of Iron Patriot.
I like it. NO of course it’s not accurate. It can’t be. (Well, not without major money being exchanged between Microsoft/343 and Marvel-which I WISH they’d do…I’d love to be Iron Man/Iron Patriot in Halo.)
I also managed to get just star emblem for my spartan. I did this by choosing the “wiseguy” foreground emblem, turning off the secondary color, making the primary white, then choosing the star background emblem and making that white. So it ends up looking like just a star.

So what do you folks think? Like it? Dont’?


How are you coming along with CSR?

Well, I know I have NO chance of getting the 35 in Castle DLC before tomorrow’s deadline to get that avatar t-shirt. In the meantime though, I’m working on several playlists.CSR 4-21-13Here’s my current CSR ranking:So how are you coming along?


The Halo Bulletin 4.17.13

BS Angel first addresses two questions:

Is she a girl?
What do you do all day?

Next she goes on to expound upon the first question by talking about last weekend’s AGL tournament in Nashville.

This next part however is the real “MEAT” of the bulletin, so I’m going to repost that section here:

Current State of Weapon Tuning

Touching any part of a game, regardless of how insignificant it may seem, is a risky, complicated and lengthy undertaking. We often don’t divulge the minute details of the process, simply because it’s tedious and, quite frankly, boring. We know there’s a large amount of interest in the upcoming weapon tune update, however (yes, we read the forums!), so we wanted to invite you into this process so you can get a glimpse behind the curtain and a head start on providing feedback. The cracking open of this door started last week when we shared our basic goals in regard to weapon tuning. Today we’re opening it even further by discussing the progress that was made last week.

As you read today’s update (and the rest that are coming), I ask you to remember that everything is subject to change. One of the facts of shipping games and updates is that until it’s out the door and in the wild, changes, both big and small, happen for a variety of reasons. We anticipate going through several waves of iteration and even more waves of testing before landing on our final design. So below is where we are today but not necessarily where we will be tomorrow.

TL;DR: The below tweaks are nowhere near final. In fact, they are as far from final as they can be without being not final. Please recognize this is a work-in-progress, we will clearly communicate our final plan once we know it, and until then, we’ll provide weekly updates about its current status. 

With that out of the way, we’re now going to take you through the past seven days of Halo 4 weapon tuning efforts.

More news on overall weapon balance. We have been actively tweaking, tuning and testing the weapons in the Halo 4 sandbox, and we’re now at the point where we can share some of the details with you. We sat down with Quinn, a fellow member of the Matchmaking Systems Team, to get an update on these particular efforts, and the following details the progress we’ve made since last week. Please note these details are not final, and we’ll once again provide an update on the current status of the weapon tuning efforts next week.

As you may have guessed, the first area that we felt the need to tackle was primary weapons, specifically the precision rifles. There are two schools of thought with rifle balance: One suggests that we should reduce the power of the DMR, and the other suggests that alternate weapons should be bumped up to balance out the sandbox. Both things being said, there can be a middle ground. Looking at the DMR, we currently feel that the kill time should remain unchanged, as the weapon has become a clear favorite amongst the community due to its reliability and consistency. So tuning the Battle Rifle, LightRifle and Carbine against this weapon presented quite a challenge. Here are the tweaks that have currently been made, and the challenges associated with each.

Battle Rifle
Right now, we feel that the mid-range role of this weapon is undermined by the strength of the DMR. To combat this, we are looking at decreasing the kill time for the Battle Rifle through various tweaks. This means testing a “4-shot BR” (currently, the Battle Rifle takes 5 bursts to kill) with a reduced rate of fire, though these changes are not final.

HFFL: I know people like the idea of the 4-shot BR kill coming back. When you read below though how much change had to be done to other weapons to accommodate that it just seems like it would have been easier to keep it as is. Alas, 343 has heard your pleas though and will be changing the BR to reflect previous Halo title kill shot numbers for the BR.

At this time, we have adjusted the range at which the reticle turns red to match the DMR.

HFFL: This is weapon I wish would have more change. If it required just one less shot or you could shoot it slightly faster, then it would easily rival that of the DMR. I’ll certainly be commenting in the official Waypoint feedback thread asking for this.

The Carbine has been adjusted to take one less shot to kill, bringing it to a 7-shot kill. This change was applied because we felt that players who used this weapon and took the time to become skilled with it were not rewarded due to the weapon’s kill time.

HFFL: Ah finally. Too bad I’ve already “mastered” the weapon in Halo 4. Still making this change means for me, I won’t be so apprehensive to pick it up again.

Waypoint: These changes have sped up the kill times of some of these weapons, which will provide a faster overall Halo 4 competitive War Games experience. The above tweaks have also led to the need to adjust the automatic weapons, which would likely be beaten at even the closest of ranges if tuning ended with the above changes. As a result, the Assault Rifle, Suppressor and Storm Rifle have all received a slight damage buff along with an auto-aim decrease that requires players to be more accurate than they would have previously. This means that while these automatics will be slightly more deadly at close range, they will require that players are more accurate.

HFFL: I’m glad to see the three auto class rifles getting upgrades to damage. I use these mostly in close-quarter combat scenarios anyway, so the auto-aim nerfing isn’t going to affect me so much.

Waypoint: Lastly, as we’ve mentioned in the past, we understand the need for viable and effective vehicles in Halo multiplayer, and as a result, we’re looking at bumping up the damage on both the Warthog and the Mantis chain gun. This is not the extent of our tuning, and we are actively investigating tweaks to additional weapons, such as an aim-assist decrease on the Beam Rifle.

HFFL: Hmm, ya know, how about added the amount of damage vehicles can take? This is one thing that really needs to happen. How vehicles 500 years from now can’t take more damage..especially when then could in previous Halo titles… Seriously, it’s one reason why drivers are so much more apprehensive to getting into vehicles now. While it’s not unheard of to drive someone to a perfection, it’s certain MUCH decreased when in comparison to previous Halo titles.
The Plasma Pistol IMO is the weapon that needs nerfed. How it can so easily power down vehicles is amazing. Okay so one overcharged blast to a ghost/mongoose should power that down. However, as vehicles get bigger, they should take more powered up plasma blast to power the vehicles down. I think it should be two for the warthog/banshee, 3 for the scorpion/wraith. Then at least it would take a team effort to take down those vehicles, instead of one person being able to do so. That was something relatively unheard of in previous Halo titles. The Scorpion just can’t PWN anymore. Also, while I’m talking about this… It’s not just the plasma pistol, but the fact that anyone can spawn with two sticky nades. That combo just about KILLS any fun for vehicle drivers/gunners.

I know it’s too late to make changes to that as stickies are part of people’s loadouts. I can only hope this is taken into account for Halo 5, OR a NEW competitive playlist in Halo 4.

Waypoint: If you’d like to leave your thoughts and opinions about this update, head to the ‘Discuss’ link at the bottom of this page, orjoin the discussion over in the Weapons Feedback thread in the War Games Feedback section. We’ll continue to monitor the forums as we test and tweak these changes, and once they go live, we’ll be looking for and reacting to feedback to ensure that the weapon tune provides optimal experiences across all of Halo 4’s game modes and playlists.

HFFL: Following the above section is the weekly playlist updates. Regicide gets an overhaul. Griffball gets some changes. One of which I’d like to point out. It’s the use of Safe and/or Kill Zones as visual aids (when their attributes are reset). To find out how to do that go HERE. You can bet I’ll be looking to utilize this is some other fashion on maps.
Waypoint: Multi-team slayer games get bumped from 300 points to 500 points.
HFFL: That’s a change I’m whole heartedly behind! Also, Join-In-Progress looks like it’s going to be addressed further. THANK GAWD! (This is one thing about Halo 4 that I absolutely HATE. I know some people like it. I just wish 343 would have given US the option to turn it off for ourselves and/or our party if we are the party leader. I really hate joining games in progress… The UNSC themed Ford Raptor is shown. Wow, is it awesome!
And finally, BS Angel posts a Screenshot Spotlight on Griffball pics.
To see that and read the full bulletin, go to the official site.

Halo Concept art: Super Sentinel (by Sparth of 343)

Sparth again tweets another piece of awesome concept art. This time giving us a “super” sentinel. Is this a new type of “Enforcer”?

Regardless of what kind it is, I’d have LOVED to have seen this in the game, especially if it would have been a boss battle kind of thing.


Out of Forge Island: EPIC Island!

So I was able to break the barrier on Forge Island last night and took several screenshots.

First here is a view showing the three islands (top center). The white faded area is the boundary/barrier of Forge Island.Forge World Epic Islands Great AnvilsFrom here, I looked up to see the inner hull of the Shield Wall. Inner Shield WallThen I zoomed in to see more of the detail: Inner Shield Wall close-upHere is nearly the same as the first pic, but a little higher up and turned almost 180. The island on the left has some of the “anvil” type islands attached to it, or very near it. The big island to the right is the same as the other island with some minor derivations. The size is a bit smaller and the texture shaded differently. However, since their orientation to the 3 “Great Anvil” islands of Forge Island themselves are different, these far off islands appear to be different somewhat when view from the normal map level.Forge World Epic IslandsFinally, there is one of these same islands further off and MUCH MUCH bigger. So much so that it follows the curvature of Requiem. I’m calling this island, “Epic Island.” It’s quite beautiful. (Click to make bigger)Forge Island EPIC Island2 trimmedIn that above panorama, I had to piece together 4 screenshots and rotate slightly to get to line up.

I wish THIS island was for use in Forge. Given the size (even if it was one of the smaller, but same shaped cousins, we would have a gargantuan island to forge on with some truly unique play spaces. Not to mention beaches by which to forge next to, instead of the anvil islands, which have no beaches persay.

Hmm, maybe we can convince 343 to give us this too? It’s already made… Heck make it much smaller so the texture appears as high-resolution. I’d be fine with that. I want to play/forge on this island!!!





I just LOVE having my artwork stolen…/sarcasm.

So I was on Twitter earlier when I noticed one of my pieces of artwork was mentioned…and credited to someone else…

Here’s the artwork: Grunt turtle ninjas HFFLHere’s the link I saw on twitter:Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 12.44.09 PM

Here’s the link it went to:

and another person linked to the same:

This was liked and reposted/reblogged by dozens. Yet, I wasn’t given credit by any of them. Hmm, you’d think with my logo and text on the graphic that would be enough right?

Well, just incase there is ANY doubt I did this, here are screenshots of my artwork showing them opened in Photoshop (still as PSD files with layers opened) as well as the Illustrator file showing the title, this also having part selected, again to show that I created the artwork).

This is the title, opened in Adobe Illustrator.Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 1.04.20 PMHere it is with some of the elements selected for proof that I can manipulate this part of the graphic:Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 1.04.29 PMHere are two of the files I worked on in Photoshop for this. The one on the right is active and showing the layers fully opened to show the work I did on the graphic:Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 1.34.19 PMIn this next screenshot, the near final is opened, again showing the graphic with layers opened:Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 1.35.42 PM

And yeah, I watermarked the above graphic too so it couldn’t be outright stolen.

In the final (the first pic in this article), I added my signature logo and website logo as I do in graphics I put on the blog. Hmm, now let’s see how many people steal THESE pics and crop them, calling them their own…

Sorry, but I’m just a bit pissed that my graphic was thrown around without one of the dozens of persons giving me proper credit. I posted this on Waypoint around a year ago as well. Not to mention this is in my Flickr account:
Grunt turtle ninjas HFFL


UPDATE: Since this article @chickswhoplayhalo gave me their apologies for giving the wrong credit. Though they were expressly mad for me creating this article feeling I was bashing them.CWPH-response EDITEDWith respect to CHPW, I called out several links here. Yours was the initial source, but not the only one I mentioned. If you feel upset about this, take that into account when moving forward and posting links to people’s graphics. I wasn’t bashing your facebook page. I was correcting a wrong done to me. 


Halo Fatheads (Huge wall graphics) 30% discount code. Exclusive to HFFL!

Fathead logo

Whew, I got so busy playing Halo 4 last night and having fun until 5am that I completely forgot to post the code last night as expected. So apologies for that folks.

Here it is though: HALOFAN

Use this code when ordering Fathead HALO Products and you will receive a 30% discount. Again, only good for Halo Fatheads. The promotion runs between today (April14) through Saturday, April 20.

Here’s the list of Fathead’s awesome wall graphics:
Large Sets
Battle Ready Master Chief: Halo 4
Classic Master Chief: Halo
Knight: Halo 4
Master Chief: Halo 4
Noble Six: Halo Reach
Crawler: Halo 4
Elite: Halo 4

Junior Sets
Elite: Halo 4 – Fathead Jr.
Master Chief: Halo 4 – Fathead Jr.
Knight: Halo 4 – Fathead Jr.
Crawler: Halo 4 – Fathead Jr.

Please follow this link when going to Fathead’s official site. Thanks! Now go get some AWESOME Halo wall graphics and save some money while doing it!

I still have one more trivia contest question. So stay tuned to the blog. Within the next couple of days I’ll post the question. As I mentioned previously, it’s going to revolve around Master Chief as that’s the last of the 4 Junior Fathead sets I have to give away. So brush up on your knowledge of MCPO John S-117!