Mega Bloks Halo line-up 2013

I’ve already posted much of this before in some fashion, here are some new press images as well as text about the products that I just had to share. The last three images are from

First up the single pack minifigs: 

Halo Universe minifigsMicro Action Figures Series 7 (#96978)
SRP: $2.99 each USD/ 3.99$ CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

Shown are form left to right, top to bottom:
ODST, Noble 6 (with Brute plasma rifle), Flood-human variant, Grunt (possibly black ops color?);
Grunt Yellow, CQB (Black), Brute, Crimson jump pack, Elite Ascetic Purple;
EOD Yellow, Scout White, Marine (Halo 3 style w/full goggles), Storm Elite Purple;
Halo 4 Spartan Blue, Marine Black (Halo 4), Spartan Security (silver), Grunt

Lots of good choices there. Plenty of army builders for those that want them! (Count me in there!!)

Next up Armory Packs:

Weapons packsHalo Armory Pack IV

SRP: $5.99 each / $6.99 CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

UNSC Ammo Pack I (97037V) approx. 23 pcs
Covenant Weapons Pack (97076U) approx. 26 pcs
UNSC Weapons Pack (97165U) approx. 24 pcs
Forerunner Weapons Pack (97166U)

Build and expand your units with an assortment of new Halo Armory Packs by Mega Bloks. Features:
• Assortment includes decorated weapons & new characters.
• First Forerunner armory pack featuring a Promethean Watcher.
• Three new armory packs rebuild into a cool weapon stand.

I am loving the Covie and Forerunner sets! The UNSC set is good too. I want more of the weapons drop pods, but don’t have as much use for the extra desert Spartan.

Next we have the Booster Frame sets:

Booster Frame setsBuild & Combine Assortment

SRP: $9.99 each / 10.99$ CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

UNSC C&C Console (97131U): A UNSC Marine heads to the command and control console to alert troops of incoming Covenant forces. Prepare the UNSC for inbound hostile enemies with the Mega Bloks UNSC C&C Console. Combine the UNSC C&C Console with the UNSC Hangar Deck and the Forerunner Terminal to build a UNSC Booster Frame! (approx. 60 pcs) Set includes all-new Halo 4 Marine figure.

UNSC Hangar Deck (97133U): During a Forerunner ambush on a UNSC ship, a cyan UNSC Spartan in EVA armor secures the Hangar Deck for incoming battle-damaged UNSC aircraft. Support the attack with the Mega Bloks UNSC Hangar Deck. Combine the UNSC Hangar Deck with the UNSC C&C Console and the Forerunner Terminal to build a UNSC Booster Frame! (approx. 53 pcs)

Forerunner Terminal (97170U): A Promethean Alpha Crawler defends a Forerunner Terminal from UNSC and Covenant access. Guard the terminal with the Mega Bloks Forerunner Terminal. Combine the Forerunner Terminal with the UNSC C&C Console and the UNSC Hangar Deck to build a UNSC Booster Frame! (approx. 69 pcs) Set includes all-new Halo 4 Alpha Crawler.

Combat Units are next:

4-pack o minifigsHalo Combat Unit

SRP: $11.99 USD/ $12.99 CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

Brute Battle Pack (97082U): The Brute Battle Unit pits a green UNSC Officer and green UNSC Spartan Security (NEW!) against a Brute Chieftain and active camo Brute Stalker (NEW!). (approx. 42 pcs)
ODST Battle Pack (97085U): The ODST Battle Unit pits an ODST and an active camo ODST against a Covenant Grunt and gold Hunter. Let the battle begin! (approx. 37 pcs)

You folks know I just LOVE transparent toys and these two sets have one each, YES!!!!

The Cyclops are looking at you:

4 cyclopsCyclops Assortment

SRP: $14.99 USD/ $16.99 CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

Cyclops Jungle Strike (97006V) approx. 47 pcs
Cyclops Desert Strike (97007V) approx. 47 pcs
Arctic Strike Cyclops (97107U) approx. 63 pcs
Attack Ops Cyclops (97108U) approx. 54 pcs

The price is pretty good here. I’m looking forward to getting one of each.

A light up Gauss Hog follows:

light up Guass Hog
UNSC Night Ops Gausshog

SRP: $32.99 USD/ $34.99 CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

The UNSC Gausshog is the light anti-armor variant of the Warthog LRV. Equipped with a 360° rotating Gauss Cannon, real working suspension and specially engineered floodlights, the Spartan Pathfinder and his Spartan gunner open fire on a Knight Lancer armed with a Suppressor. Now in desert camo with light features and in-game sounds, the Mega Bloks UNSC Night Ops Gausshog lets you play more than ever before! Approximately 220 pieces.

This set is exciting. Yes, a bit more than the normal price-wsie, however, did you read that it lights up AND makes sounds?!! AWESOME! Now if only it came in the more abundant green color as in the games.

And now for something completely different, ONI vehicles!

There has been quite a bit of buzz about our upcoming Fall product line since Nuremburg and New York Toy Fairs. We’re excited that we can finally give Bloks Brigade members the first official look at the exciting new Mega Bloks Halo ONI REAP-X builds! Read on below to learn about the ONI REAP-X subdivision and two new vehicles developed by their team of engineers.

The Office of Naval Intelligence, commonly referred to as ONI, is the intelligence service branch of the UNSC. While ONI serves various functions and operates under a multitude of subdivisions, the existence of the Reverse Engineering and Prototyping–Xenotechnology department, acronym REAP-X, is unknown outside the ONI division. Working under the ONI umbrella, REAP-X develops concepts, technologies and applications that are often field tested by ONI via other military branch deployments.

The REAP-X department evolved from smaller splinter groups created during the Human-Covenant War and helped funnel weapons and shield technology to human forces via Misriah and other firms as the war came to a close. Its big breakthrough however, was a Forerunner slipspace engine discovery that created the basis for the engineering concepts that helped complete the Infinity project. With unlimited resources, funding and attention from top brass the department houses many variants of never before seen military vehicles developed for special missions.

Mainline activities:

Weapon development
Technology analysis and research
Practical reapplication of alien technology
Vehicle and transport development
Hardlight research (Boson-Photon Fields)

The UNSC Siege Bike

oni bikeONI’s solution to single-manned rapid assault vehicles like the Covenant Ghost or Brute Chopper is none other than the UNSC Siege Bike. Positioned on a heavy-grade, all-terrain single traction tread, the Siege Bike can easily traverse challenging environments, reaching speeds of over 145kph (90mph) while maintaining incredible control and field dexterity. The forward-facing armor plate protects the operator while displaying intel for tactical information, as well as firing system controls.
The Siege Bike’s armament is a side-mounted heavy machine gun (M268 HMG) with spectrum-enhanced visual tracking functionality, designed specifically to target well-fortified enemy strongholds and barricades. The goal of the UNSC Siege Bike is simple yet brutal: Through the deployment of multiple, heavily armed and swift Siege Bikes, offensive assaults can form an unstoppable wall of firepower, quickly tearing through enemy defenses.

(This just plain looks COOL!)

The UNSC Light Assault VTOL

oni hover
In the vein of the Hornet and the Sparrowhawk, the UNSC Light Assault VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) craft is a heavily armed, full mobility combat flier designed to operate in confined environments, such as forests, cave interiors, or even a skyscraper-dense metropolis. Unlike the other UNSC VTOLs which often have limited push mobility due to their turbine placement, the Light Assault VTOL has three turbines, one of which is a rear-mounted thrust system that allows the vehicle to quickly and deftly navigate narrow spaces, as well as engage swift enemy fliers like the Covenant Banshee. Lightly armored and capable of carrying only a single pilot, the real benefit of this vehicle is its armament: Below its flanking turbines hang twin autocannons (GAU-10/A HAC) and a pair of rocket pods (M302 Class-1 GMLS), both of which are extremely competent arsenals when providing ground support or engaging in air-to-air combat.

(Oh my, this will be a multiple purchase if only for the Jackal!)

UNSC Cobra
UNSC Anti-Armor Cobra (97139)

SRP: $49.99 USD/ $54.99 CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

The UNSC Cobra is a surprisingly agile and fast 6×6 dual-mode battle tank. While in mobile mode, the Cobra can quickly cover long distances and launch a powerful offensive using its twin 30mm light railguns. It can also transform into lock-down mode and deploy a huge turret mounted 105mm light railgun that can punch through most Covenant shields and vehicles with ease. Featured with dual transformation, lights and in-game sounds, the Mega Bloks UNSC Anti-Armor Cobra lets you create the battle like never before! Approximately 400 pieces.

UNSC Hornet:Vampire
UNSC Hornet vs. Covenant Vampire (97123)

SRP: $69.99 USD/ $74.99 CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

Build the aerial battle between the Hornet & Vampire. Set includes 6 collectible figures including the new Spartan Recruit & Engineer! Hornet with in-game sounds & lights! Approximately 680 pieces.

Pelican light up
UNSC Pelican Gunship (97129)

SRP: $99.99 USD/ $109.99 CAD ǀ Available: Fall 2013

New buildable Pelican with 3 Majestic Team micro action figures (Spartan Operator, Pathfinder & Scout). Also includes first ever light up Knight Battlewagon figure! In-game sounds & lights! Approximately 1,160 pieces.

As I’ve said before, I really love the Pelican design and have two of the Mega Bloks previous iteration of this ship. I just HAVE to get one of these new ones though. New design AND the electronics! WHOO-HOO.

I know this article was long, but as I said, it just had to be shared!




Prima Game’s Halo 4 guide book on sale. $4.99!

I’ve touted this amazing guide book before. I bought it for the collectibility of it and found out it had SO much to offer. The graphics are superb and the breakdown of the game, (whether you need it or not), is simply fantastic. It’s totally worth the $19.99 I paid for it.

However, it’s only $4.99 this weekend. Folks, you just can’t pass up this deal. Not only will you get the book itself, but digital access to the entire book as well with free content updates, ala DLC.

I use this book and the digital assets extensively when talking about Spartan Ops be that on Podtacular or here on the blog.

Here’s the announcement from Prima Games:

Prima Guide Halo 4 sale

I get nothing from sales, so don’t feel compelled to buy on my account, get this for yourself! You WON’T be disappointed!


Shout out to all my fans, followers, subscribers.

I wanted to make a personal mention of thanks to all of you for supporting my blog, either here, on Twitter, or via Facebook.

To all of those who are new, a hearty welcome!

To those who have been around for awhile, thank you SO much for continuing to support the site.

To those I’ve made friends with through the blog/Twitter/Facebook and now game with, you’re super awesome!

Suffice to say, I appreciate you ALL. When I started out this blog, I didn’t know where it would take me or the kind of response I’d get from it. I continue to be humbled by those responses and will endeavor to bring you great Halo content in whatever capacity I can.

I’ve got some great things planned and will have an announcement of one thing in particular within a few days. Yes, it’s Halo related of course…

Thanks folks for making this fellow Halo fan feel welcomed and proud to be part of the Halo community at large!


Cloners, Traditionalists, Progressives and Nonchalants. A discussion on various types of Halo fans with regards to Halo 4.

I frequent everyday, several times a day. To be quite honest, it gets boring seeing the same/similar complaint threads time and again. (Oh how I wish the moderators would merge those threads)

So what are these threads about and related to? Well, that is the topic of discussion in this article.

I’ve broken down the Halo fanbase to four generic types.
Cloners: These are the fans who do not want Halo to change much if at all between games. They want virtual clones of the previous Halo games and do not at all like change. Usually complaining most about Armor Abilities and Ordnance drops.
Traditionalists (Trads): While these are much like cloners, they can at least accept some change though they’ve deemed Reach, then Halo 4 went a bit too far for their tastes.
Progressives (Progs): These are the forward thinking fans who like that Halo changes from game to game and find/make ways to adapt to those changes. While they may have some concerns about those changes, those changes are minimalized in comparison to perceived great new gameplay. (I consider myself a Progressive Halo fan.)
Nonchalants: These fans are usually the most casual of Halo fans. They could care less about any changes and just play the game. They are also the least vocal of any of the four generic fans types.

While perusing Waypoint daily, I notice that there is a constant “war of words” between Trads and Progs, with Cloners chiming in from time to time.

Trads constantly complain how Halo 4 is unbalanced due to weapons drops, unfair advantages in armor abilities, etc. While Progs challenge them to “adapt.” That one word, “adapt” has become a hated word within the non-Prog Halo fan community. Since I’m a self proclaimed “Progressive” Halo fan, I just can’t wrap my head around wanting the same gameplay, game after game. Yes, the core style of gameplay is what made Halo original. But that was at a time when there wasn’t as many competitive games in the market.

Cloners and Trads would have you believe that Halo needs to remain what it has been for the past 10 years to continue to succeed. While Progs counter that without evolving, Halo would be stagnant and die an early gaming death (with no re-spawn…). Nonchalants just play the game.

Regardless of which of the four above you may consider yourself, everyone can pretty much agree that Halo needs to look like Halo. So did Halo 4 achieve that? I’d say yes on pretty much every count. The campaign certainly looks  very much like Halo, as does Spartan ops. Multi-players (War Games) does too for the most part. Trads and Cloners will disagree with new maps Landfall and Skyline though as they are too realistic of CoD-like.  (Oh gawd, don’t get me started on the CoD comparisons…yet I will later in this article.) I for one firmly believe Halo 4 not only achieved the look and sound of Halo, but excelled at it. Overachieved if you will. What 343 was able to do with the 360 and the Halo game engine is amazing. How one can not applaud their effort for vastly superior graphics and sounds, amazes me.

Now one factor that does come up often by 3 of the 4 subsets of fans is the campaign’s story. The story itself if you didn’t read the books can be a little confusing. However, if you play through the whole campaign, there is enough to fill you in on the basics that the story isn’t lost. Hopefully, this would create a desire in Halo fans to seek out the novels and read them for a greater understanding of the Halo-verse. It’s not required of course, but I have to say, if you haven’t picked up any of the Forerunner Saga trilogy and/or the Kilo 5 trilogy you’re sorely missing out.

Okay, so getting back to gameplay as it pertains to War Games. When Reach came out, there were similar cries about gameplay being changed. However, most people adapted and Reach (however it seemed unpopular) became fun for some, or at least recognized as a legitimate Halo game by others. I for one LOVED Reach. As a fan of Boba Fett from Star Wars, the idea of being able to jet-pack around, be that in matchmaking, firefight or campaign, was not just appealing to me, but exhilarating. I used it to my advantage frequently. It’s been nerfed a bit in Halo 4, but I’ve adapted. The thing is with armor abilities (AAs), they slightly changed gameplay, but at it’s core, Reach was still a Halo game. yes, trads and cloners will be quick to say AAs broke map control. However, as a Prog, I say, that if you are skilled enough, AAs won’t matter. Yes, the jet-packer can see you and tell his teammates where you are, but it also puts the jet-packer at a disadvantage giving up his position and being killed in the process. There IS a give and take or balance if you will in that analogy. Balance…another word that often comes up in threads and arguments.

Balance as perceived by Cloners, Trads, and Progs is quite different from group to group. Cloners want to same weapons for each player with little to no power weapons so that slaying is based on skill rather than a higher powered or faster weapon. Trads might allow for slightly different weapons, but often rail against the DMR as being over powered (OP). Progs like myself, love the challenge of new weaponry. Though yes, like others, hate when it’s used against them. I LOOKING AT YOUR BOLTSHOT! LOL. Nonchalants just want to play the game. So, can balance ever truly be achieved? Well yes and no. If you side with the cloners, then we’d all be playing with BRs and nothing else. Man, that would get boring FAST. Trads would have different weapons and no armor abilities or maybe just sprint. I will agree that as a Prog, having all these abilities and ordnance drops takes away much of balanced play. That doesn’t mean I disagree with abilities and/or ordnance though. In fact with few exceptions (Promethean Vision, Boltshot), I have a LOT of fun with the new and returning abilities and weapons. Gotta love that Binary Rifle!

Okay, so now the part where Halo is compared to other games, most notably Call of Duty, or CoD. I’ll admit I am not a CoD player, so apologies in advance if I get some of these statements incorrect as I’m relying on comments from friends who do play CoD. Cloners and Trads are completely against the idea of ordnance as they feel it strips away the core of what Halo gameplay is. I say, as a Prog, that ordnance ENHANCES gameplay. Yes, there are challenges to overcoming them, but I’m up for that challenge. As super soldiers of the future, why shouldn’t we be able to call in ordnance? Why shouldn’t we be able to jet-pack? Look, I love Master Chief as much as the next Halo fan. While he’s strong and his armor can take a beating, the armor abilities make him and matchmaking all the better. I get the feeling like I’m just that much more of a bad ass super soldier with them. Calling in ordnance rewards those people who are skilled as well as though who, while not as skilled, contribute to the team. How? Well, via assists and objective running. I’ll get to that later though.

Ordnance aside, there is the matter of specializations, known as perks in CoD. Are they unfair? Again, cloners would say yes, Trads would say yes in most respects, Progs can defend each usually with counter specializations and again Nonchalants just want to play the game. With one specialization, there is usually a counter specialization to it. Also, 343 has found a way within those specializations to counter/explain perceived lag or cheating in the game. Is someone shooting you faster? No, likely they have Dexterity and have changed weapons fast enough to get more shots off on you. Does someone have more rockets than normal? Hmm, must be the Ammo spec. Take a look at nearly every situation in War Games and you’ll find (if you look hard enough), that specializations can account for most of what most people perceive as cheating. I think it was brilliance on the part of 343 to incorporate specializations in this way.

Other than obvious lag (usually created by the servers and NOT the average player-though there are some exceptions of course), being killed by another player can be explained as they either have more skill, a better weapon, or a specialization that counters what you have. The fact is with the quick progression through the “SR” ranks, you can have all of these specializations at your fingertips to change loadouts at your whim at any time. Hell, 343 even made it easier by allowing you to change those WHILE IN GAME. So for those who argue that someone is using Promethean vision, you can too. Don’t like the Boltshot, hmm, you can use that weapon too. See what I’m getting at? Why complain when you yourselves have all of the same options available to you? Yes, if you can’t play as much, you won’t have been able to unlock all of the abilities as quickly as others who are more prolific in gameplay. That will come in time. In the meantime, take a little bit of time to learn what the different specializations are and how they can help you. Pick and choose either according to your strengths or maybe even better to your weaknesses so that you can counter them. Nonchalants just want to play the game.

I suppose I could go on and on about this topic for days. Hmm, maybe I’ll have a follow up to this discussion? Certainly if there are replies to this article, I’ll make note of them and utilize them in another discussion. For now, I’ll end this here with this last section.

Regardless of which camp you find yourself in, Cloner, Trad, Prog, Nonchalants, none of you are wrong for thinking as such. We’re all Halo fans. We all have different opinions. It doesn’t mean any one is better for thinking one way or another. For those on HaloWaypoint, please for the love of pete (not Pete the Duck, though he may appreciate it), stop harrasing your fellow Halo fans on Waypoint. Be respectful in your tone and maybe just maybe 343 will respond directly. If not, know that they are keen to what all fans have expressed and utilize those responses as well as the hard data they can get through the game to craft and direct gameplay to be the best it can be to the majority of player. That may not happen as quick as you’d like or even exactly how you want. It doesn’t mean they hate you. Realize that 343 is caught between a rock and a hard place. Change one aspect of the game, and maybe Cloners and Trads are happy while Progs are mad because the game took a step backward. Change another aspect and Cloners and Trads will complain that the game has become less like Halo, while Progs will love the changes and adapt quickly. Nonchalants just want to play the game. Hmm, maybe we all should learn from that least vocal group and just play the game…


Two more Halo 4 commendations Mastered!

Since I hit SR130 on the 40th day after release of Halo 4, I’ve been happily going about mastering commendations. The following two are ones that I thought were going to take me FOREVER to get.

As you long time readers know, I’m not an assassin, nor a sniper. Yet, I managed to pull these off within the last two days respectively.

To finish off my Sniper Rifle Mastery, I simply forced myself to go into the sniper playlist. Is it me or is sniping easier in Halo 4??? Now the trick for me that I overcame was to go into this playlist late at night when the “tryhards” weren’t playing, so I wouldn’t get my butt handed to me (see I’m not a great sniper….)

Anyway, here’s proof. WOOT!

Commendation Sniper Rifle Master


The other commendation, Assassin, is one that I didn’t think I’d ever get either. To finish this one off, I decided I’d try to get some easy assassinations via Grifball. Woot, turns out I got put into a match where there was one guy on the other team that was AFK. Yep, I took advantage of that and assassinated him every opportunity I could. (Oh and yes, my team won the game in the two times I did this)

Here’s proof of that one:

Commendation Assassin Master

While I was happy to be done with the Sniping commendation, I was even more so the Assassination one as that unlocked the very cool “Venator” armor (as seen by my Spartan armor now).


I’m very close on about 4-5 other commendations. A couple of those bring either new armor or new emblems.

If anyone complains that there is nothing after SR130, they’re not going for commendations. There is SO much more to this game than rank.

With regards to these two commendations, all I can say is, this is proof that through dedication and hard work:
YOU can achieve anything.
You CAN achieve anything.
You can ACHIEVE anything.
You can achieve ANYTHING.

Never say never.

Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide

Article via



The Master Chief returns to fight the Covenant and his new foes,
the Prometheans, in his next epic quest.

Created in collaboration with DK Publishing, we are proud to announce Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide, a companion to the world of Halo 4.

Featuring detailed, annotated artwork, Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide fleshes out this broad universe with a vast collection of facts from the first installment of Halo’s Reclaimer Saga. Fiction fans will love immersing themselves in the perilous world of Halo 4 with detailed sections about the characters, factions, weapons, vehicles, equipment, armor, ships and locations.

Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide engrosses readers in the rich lore with in-depth profiles focusing on the roles and significance of the many things which inhabit the vast, mysterious and dangerous Halo Universe.

Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide will be available to purchase on 9/24/2013 for $16.99.

End copy/paste.

Wow I can’t wait for this! I wish I could get my hands on the book sooner.
You can pre-order this from Amazon for $11.55 and save $5.44.

I’m in a Halo 4 Machinima acting and voice acting!

AddiCt3d CHa0s of asked me if I could do some acting and voice acting for a machinima she wanted to create. I was all to happy to do it.

In the vid I’m the one doing the “victory crouch” well, you know what it’s otherwise called. And no, I do not make a habit of doing this, I did it for this video. Also, I’m the one calling out the medals she created for this vid. When saying them, I repeated the medal names several times in each message so that CHa0s could choose which one she wanted to use.

Here is the vid, followed by the medals she created.

mongoose-mowdownmongoose-mowdown-goosetacularpunkdnut busterbag-avenger

Great job on the vid CHa0s as well as those graphics for the medals! I look forward to doing more of these fun vids and voice-overs. (I LOVE doing voice-over work.)




Halo 4 Machinima project progress.

I posted last week about a Machinima project I’m developing. I’ve gotten a good response. Looks like I’ll have the tech help and writers I need. I have some people lined up as actors, however I still need a few more.

This project will be an ongoing series if successful. If you’ve ever wanted to get into machinima, here’s your opportunity!

Previous experience not required. So long as you can take direction, criticism, and will be mature during the production, then I’m more than willing to consider you.

As for what the project is, that I’m still keeping under wraps at the moment. I will say that it involves Spartans, Covenant, Prometheans and more.

If interested, please reply to [email protected].

Manny the Mantis – New original content for fun!

So I’ve always enjoyed the “Where’s Waldo” books…
On that note, I’ve come up with an idea for Halo.

Manny the Mantis!

Manny the Mantis hiding from meSo it’s obvious where he is in the shot above. Now what I’d like for you to do is find as many Mannys in the following shot. Download the image, circle as many as you can find and send back the file to me either as a reply to this article with a link or as an e-mail with the image to [email protected].Where's MannyIf I get enough responses I may even throw in a prize to the first person who gets it right!

And two more pics of Manny for fun. Here’s Manny during his time at play, “shooting his rocks off”…Manny shoots his rocks offManny thinks he’s the Golden boy of Halo 4…The Golden Mantis


More Halo 4 Apex concept art from Shae Shatz.

As one who loves concept art (as if you couldn’t tell in the past few days), I enjoy looking at and sharing concept art. Here are three more pieces of concept art from Shae Shatz with their commentary on the pieces.

tumblr_mj9zw55p981qzddu2o3_1280 tumblr_mj9zw55p981qzddu2o1_500 tumblr_mj9zw55p981qzddu2o2_1280


More HALO 4 APEX rough sketches. I like to do these as lead ups to key frame paintings, which will determine the look of the shot. Through generating a lot of paintings and drawings, I am able to explore and identify key content. The core mood(s), content and compositions I am searching for are always a result of an exploration. Special thanks to Nicolas BouvierKenneth Scott and BJ Christian for the fun collaboration and feedback we had on these images.

Source link:

Wow, this is one area of art I’d LOVE to get into. I applaud these artist for their work.

The Halo Bulletin 3-6-13


This week’s bulletin is a doozy. Not only are there some cool new graphics (check out that cool masthead above), there is also news of some fun new gametypes to come! Each subsection of the article is posted here, with my breakdown of them after each section.

First up in the bulletin is an interview with Greg Bear, Author of the Forerunner Saga of books: Cryptum, Promordium, and Silentium…

BS Angel: When I string words together, the end result is typically an awkwardly-phrased pile of text that traumatizes anybody who has the misfortune of stumbling upon it. Acclaimed author Greg Bear, on the other hand, is truly gifted when it comes to the art of writing. Tasked with composing a three-book arc set in the era of the Forerunners, the final installment of that saga is slated to hit a shelf near you on March 19, 2013.

Here to talk about the fiction of Halo, along with all three of his Forerunner books – Cryptum, Primordium and the soon-to-be-released Silentium – is none other than Greg Bear.

Greg Bear and the Forerunner Saga 

Thanks for joining us today, Greg. Your trilogy provides incredible insight into the Forerunner race. Do you see their civilization as grand? Tragic? Admirable? Evil?

Greg Bear: All civilizations, all extended cultural groupings, are predatory and self-involved. The Forerunners have had a very long run as the dominant race and dominant culture in our galaxy. But over that period of time, they’ve become both inner-directed and self-satisfied, something which irritates the Librarian no end. She understands the ebbs and flows of living history better than most Forerunners, and sees their larger-scale blindnesses as both unnecessary and counterproductive – and in the end, fatal.

What kinds of inspiration did you look to when you were imagining Forerunner society and their amazing technological and architectural abilities?

Greg Bear: Looking at the Forerunner environments and designs gamers have experienced, it became obvious that Builder/contractors would be very important. And looking at the destructive power of the Halos and the history of the Flood, it was equally obvious that we are dealing with a warrior civilization near the end of its history and power. The contrast between the warrior Didact and the gentler Librarian, savior of humanity and other species, gave me the remaining clues I needed to begin filling in their social structure and relationship. Science fiction pioneers such as Edward E. “Doc” Smith and his Lensman series, Olaf Stapledon’s vast future histories, Arthur C. Clarke’s expansive City and the Stars and Childhood’s End, and the extraordinary works of Asimov and Heinlein, as well as the wonderful technologies and aliens imagined by Larry Niven and Iain Banks, helped shape my own fictional universes over the last forty years, and no doubt helped me imagine the Forerunners as well.

Can you describe your process for conceptualizing amazing worlds like Charum Hakkor or the Capital on paper?

Greg Bear: It’s a kind of waking dream, I think, wherein I mix and match archaeology, technology, cutting-edge science, extreme architecture – and the requirements of the story. Nothing the Forerunners come up with can really surprise me anymore! But there were many moments in Halo 4 that knocked my socks off. It’s one thing to imagine and describe in words, quite another to see those visions come roaring to vibrant life.


How do you feel about the way the Didact is portrayed between book and game?

Greg Bear: The fierceness of the original Didact is absolutely appropriate to Halo 4. Halo: Silentium documents the reasons both historical and immediate for his transformation.

Totally related, who would win in a fight: Bornstellar Didact or Ur-Didact?

Greg Bear: Remember, Bornstellar is much younger… But the question must be, with or without armor? Bare-knuckle? Blasters at ten paces? Using ancillas as seconds? And would the Librarian step in and break them up?

Clearly I didn’t think that question all the way through. While I battle the specifics, let’s chat about Riser. Since he’s quite different than a lot of the characters we have in the Halo universe, how did the extraordinary and clever Riser come into being?

Greg Bear: Riser was inspired by the discovery of the so-called “Hobbits” on Flores Island in Indonesia. These diminutive humans – apparently related to Homo erectus – were about three feet high, made tools and apparently hunted small elephants and other game. As well, they may have survived until comparatively recent times – eighteen thousand years ago, perhaps later. My supposition is that they are the foundation beneath reports of many small races reported on the Pacific islands and perhaps elsewhere. As well, I bring in other recent anthropological discoveries, such as the Denisovans. It’s an incredible time in modern anthropology.

What was your favorite event during the course of the trilogy (outside of Silentium, so we don’t spoil it for anyone!) and why is it your favorite?

Greg Bear: I think the interaction of our feisty humans with Bornstellar and the Ur-Didact remains one of my personal highlights. It was painful to remove them from their homes and sweep them off to high adventure and ultimately tragic transformations… But a few at least come to a good end. And about that, no more – until Silentium is published and the easter eggs are solved!

Speaking of Bornstellar, how did you want to resolve his arc when you first started the trilogy, and did that change in the process?

Greg Bear: Bornstellar was always a poor fit for the Didact’s imprint. That said, he does become the Didact, feels both the Didact’s history and his emotions – understands his mentor better than any other Forerunner – and yet remains his own individual. He could be considered the Didact’s imago, as the Didact himself might have been, minus the extraordinary stresses of Forerunner history.

Now that the final book of the trilogy is almost here, what can fans expect from Silentium?

Greg Bear: A real roller-coaster ride! Revelations abound as we fill in the history of the Precursors, the preparations made for the final solution of the Halos, and the conflict and contrast between the Ur-Didact and his imprint, the Bornstellar Didact. As well, I introduce a new class of Forerunners – the chroniclers and legal investigators known collectively as Catalog. Humans, both ancient ancestors and in their Forerunner-recovered forms, also play key roles. And there’s a surprise reprise of one of our favorite characters – but that’s telling too much! Suffice it to say there’s a kind of easter egg in Silentium waiting to be discovered and opened.

And we can’t wait to do just that! Before you go, tell me one more thing: What’s it been like interacting with Halo fans and how do you feel Halo fans compare to other sci-fi fans you’ve encountered over the years?

Greg Bear: Halo fans are terrific. The science fiction readers I’ve met over the decades are similar in many respects to Halo fans – the groups definitely intersect – but the youth, enthusiasm and attention to detail of Halo fans is amazing. It’s been a privilege to work in their shared universe!

I’m pretty sure the community has enjoyed it just as much as you have, Greg. Thank you so much for chatting with us today, and we’ll see you (or Silentium, at least!) on March 19.

HFFL’s breakdown: It’s clear Mr. Bear is passionate about writing science fiction. His own history as a writer as described in this article show that. I for one am extremely excited to see what Silentium will show to us!

Next up is next week’s Matchmaking Playlist update. This is where we get into the meat of the play experience in the bulletin.

We have been adding a plethora of playlists to the Halo 4 Matchmaking experience over the past several weeks (Extraction and Team Throwdown and Majestic! Oh my!). While the number of additions will soon slow down so we can focus on improving and freshening up the existing playlists, the augmentation tradition continues for at least another week with Action Sack. Check out Bravo’s update below for more information about that and the other things that are coming on Monday.

Week of 3.11:
Bravo here with the Matchmaking update! On Monday, Spartan Ops continues with an encore presentation of episode 7. In War Games, we’ll be premiering the Team Action Sack playlist. This 4 vs. 4 playlist is guaranteed to bring explosions, laughs and just the right amount of chaos with non-traditional starting weapons and pre-set game loadouts. We have been building a number of these game types over the past few months and will be adding new variants on a regular basis. While we haven’t locked down what the playlist will launch with, here are some of the game modes you can expect in the near future:

Binary Slayer
As IGN showed off in December, Binary Slayer features decreased gravity, increased speed, sniping and lots and lots of thrusting [bs angel note: You had me at thrusting.]. Check out the link above to learn how to build this game type through custom game options and play with your friends before the playlist goes live next week.

Lightning CTF
Your starting weapon is the LightRifle and one shot – anywhere – kills. With a 5-second respawn, touch Flag return and no motion sensor, Lightning CTF brings an entirely new Capture the Flag experience to Action Sack and Halo 4. Also, the Flag carrier keeps the LightRifle out when running the Flag!

Rockets & Rails
This new game mode features 3 things: Rocket Launchers, Railguns and Jet Packs. Oh, and it also has lots of explosions.

Team Fiesta
Everyone loves parties – especially big parties with lots of random weapons. Fiesta is back, so you can now kill and be killed by the entire Halo 4 sandbox in one single game.

We’re currently building many more Action Sack game modes, some of which will launch with the playlist on Monday, and others that will be introduced in upcoming weeks. Be on the lookout for the final Matchmaking update on Monday, which will detail all of the playlist’s modes and maps.

We know many of you have been excitedly awaiting this playlist, and we look forward to not only hearing your feedback, but also your suggestions for crazy and new Action Sack-ish game types. Head to the War Games feedback section and let us know what you think next week.

We are also in the process of finalizing our FFA playlist, which will feature both Infinity Rumble and Rumble Pro on a wide variety of maps, including specifically tuned on-disc and Majestic DLC map variants. We’ll post additional details closer to the playlist’s launch.

If there’s no Matchmaking Update next week, it’s because I’m at home playing Action Sack. But seriously, I’m going to be at home playing Action Sack.

HFFL’s breakdown: OMG! Finally an Action Sack playlist! This is going to be SO much fun. As well, for any of you who like to complete commendations (I raise my hand up high!), this playlist is going to be great for that. Binary Slayer sounds like a ton of fun. I can just imagine the skies being filled with red laser lines of disaster! Lightning CTF just sounds amazing! Whew, a touch return….that is going to make capping the flag tough, not to mention a one-shot kill anywhere. And WTH? We get to carry the LightRifle when carrying the flag? That is freakin’ COOL! Rockets and Rails is going to power weapon madness! I wonder if the blast radius for the Railgun will be expanded a bit? Right now you have to be fairly precise with it, not like the Rocket Launcher.  Still, I’m VERY much looking forward to playing this gametype. I’m already going to coin the term, “Time for some R and R in Halo!” Not Rest and Relaxation, but Rockets and Rails! Team Fiesta…Okay, if you love the randomness of different weapons when spawning and trying your luck and skill, then this game type is for you. I usually get stuck with a plasma pistol. But then again, used correctly, it can be deadly.

I’m so VERY happy for this playlist! Thanks 343!!!

After this is a “Fan question of the week.”

From Dr Dorado: When do we get some info regarding BTB Objective? My clan has been waiting since launch! Please! Some info!

We are currently brainstorming different ways of bringing a large party-friendly playlist option for objective-based game types into Halo 4 Matchmaking. It’s not coming immediately; however it is something we’re actively working on and looking forward to implementing when officially ready.

Also, please tell your clan, and your dad, I said hello.

HFFL’s breakdown: I know this is being requested a lot on the HaloWaypoint forums. I hope it gets implemented soon. Personally, I LOVED objective based BTB games. I can recall some epic CTF games on Avalanche in Halo 3 for instance.

And finally Halo 4 Screenshot Spotlight – Armor Abilities.

Last week we shined the spotlight on community screenshots that doubled perfectly as wallpapers. This week we’re going with an Armor Ability theme. Take a gander at the gorgeous shots below (see link at bottom of article for gallery), then capture your own for your shot at being featured in next week’s Bulletin.

For your chance at being in next week’s spotlight, take a sniper-themed screenshot. Then tag it with “Sniper” and “Halo Waypoint”, and maybe, just maybe, yours will be featured in the next Halo Bulletin!

For the full article and gallery of Screenshots, go to

Wow, just a VERY good bulletin this week. Hmm, time to go take some sniper screenshots!

Halo 4 Covenant Fusion Coil and Munitions supply artwork by Shae Shatz

Once again more artwork by Shae Shatz. Here is a greyscale graphic of the Covenant Fusion Coil. This new version has more protection, yet still maintains enough unguarded areas to take advantage of. Covenant Fusion CoilNext up is the Munitions supply.Covenant Munitions supplyAnother design utilizing insect-like carapaces. I really like the infusion of organic albeit it hard shell casing in the designs of the Covenant equipment. It gives them a life-like quailty without being alive.
