Halo 4 wins TWO VGA Awards.

In case you missed it last night, Halo 4 was nominated for several awards at the VGA’s last night (Video Game Awards). It won TWO of them. Those being, Best 360 Game and Best Graphics.

Personally I think it should have one more, but I might be a little bit biased…(just a little, LOL)


Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 12-08-12

Whoops sorry I missed posting yesterday’s daily challenges. I was quite busy with Spartan Ops stuff (you’ll see in upcoming articles).

Anyway, here are today’s challenges:

These are actually pretty easy today. I just have to remember to break out the AR and/or use the Needler weapons drop.

20 player…SO easy. And it’s NOT in one match.

Halo 4 Assassinations!

Found this link for this cool video of all the types of assassinations you can get in Halo 4 on a new blog: http://silentcartographerblog.wordpress.com/.  The Watcher one is the only one I have not yet performed.

I got a few games in with the fella that runs the site and now a new XBOX LIVE friend, SilentCarto75.

Good games Si and welcome to the Halo blogging world!

Toy Preview: McFarlane Halo 4 Deluxe Promethean Knight

I’d like to thank my bud “Viking Spawn” for pointing the way for the pics.

The soon to be released Promethean Knight has at last been revealed.

As you can see it’s very well articulated. I’m not really a fan of the extra foot pads. Yeah, it adds stability, but it does draw your eyes to them as well. I’d rather be looking at the figure. Of course I understand a figure of this size and being that top heavy though likely needs the added support. I do like the way McFarlane made some of the floaty bits. They’re attached via clear studs. Nice touch.

Now I wonder if this can fit a Watcher inside it’s back? It’s certainly an intimidating looking figure and those little arms are all sorts of creepy, LOL.

I definitely want this figure and hope to goodness the Battlewagon Knight is made as I like that version the best, mostly due to the hard light spikes coming from it’s back.


Halo Fan Art – Master Chief speed car!

Earlier today, I posted artwork from Felipe Couto. As well I posted a link to his deviant art page with another link to a Halo car he did.

He was kind enough to send along that file to me without the watermark to show everyone here.

Artwork by Felipe Couto

Man I dig that design! Looks TOUGH, yet fast. Like Master Chief.

I love all the Halo references on the car itself. From the UNSC logo, to John’s spartan number, to the Noble squad symbol and how about that cool windshield?

Imagine now a racing game putting something like this into it? Forza? Need for Speed?

Anyway, great work again Felipe!

McFarlane Halo 4 Toy Review: Master Chief

This Master Chief is from the Target 4-pack. It’s
“cleaner” than the one I got from the first wave as well as the one I got from the Cryo Tube set. By cleaner I mean not so much weathering. I like it with not so much weathering, so this was VERY welcomed, even though it’s the third Halo 4 MC I now own.

It’s a superb figure. Sculpt is top notch, paint app is fantastic (as already touched upon), and articulation is great. I’m trying something new with this review by adding site points to show where the articulation is and what kind. So here’s the pic:

The new armor has really grown on me, so I’m happy to have a few Master Chiefs.

As the iconic hero of Halo, this is a must buy, IMO.

I give this a 9.5 out of 10 medals. Just some slight tweaks would have made this a 10. As I’ve said before though, rarely do things get 10s form me as I always see room for improvement.

This is a STRONG figure though, don’t pass it up! And since it comes in the 4-pack either from Target or Toys R Us, you can save a little bit on it as well as get a Crawler, Watcher, and Spartan Soldier. Definitely worth the purchase!


McFarlane Halo 4 Toy Review: Spartan Soldier

Here we have the Spartan Solider. It comes in three different colors depending on where you buy it from. Here I show the blue and purple versions.

You can find the blue at most large retailers as that is the mass produced/distributed version. The purple version is exclusive to Target’s 4-pack and there is an Orange version which is Toys R Us’s exclusive, also in a 4-pack. The figures in the 4-pack are the same. Master Chief, Watcher, Crawler, and Spartan Solider. Only the color of the Soldier is different.

The rich color of these figures denotes a single player version. The blue is not the “team” blue color as that is much more pale in comparison.

Articulation for this figure is fantastic:
Ball jointed head
Ball jointed shoulders
Ball jointed elbows
Limited ball joint chest
Double swivel hands
Swivel hips
Ball jointed knees
Ball jointed ankles

So it’s VERY poseable. The sculpt is really good, though my blue version seems to have something wrong with it’s chest pouches. They are not centered and sit slightly angled. The paint app on the purple figure is actually bad. No doubt an issue with the manufacturing plant in China. It really sucks that China won’t allow foreigners to supervise their plants. Otherwise, we wouldn’t run into issues like this, or at least as often.

On the whole the figure is great. It comes with a Battle rifle on the single card. In the 4-pack there is an Assault Rifle and a Battle Rifle, so you can choose which to arm your spartan with or give it both. (Though that would leave Master Chief weaponless…

I do hope this figure gets remade as Spartan Paul Demarco, squad leader for Majestic Squad (with BOTH the human and helmeted head please…don’t make two separate figures). That pisses off most collectors.

So how does this figure rate?

I give it a 7 out of 10 medals. It’s good not great. Though I think I fault this mostly on the reasoning that I’m not much a fan of this particular armor set. Certainly if you like the armor, get it. If you’re the type who wants one of every spartan, then you can’t pass this up. If you’re in the Red Vs Blue camp, meaning you want every red and blue fig, then at least get the blue spartan.

I promised myself before Halo4 came out that I was only going to collect Campaign figures. Well, we see how long that lasted, LOL.


Spartan Ops Episode 4 Comic Book: Didact’s Hand

Spartan Thorne questions Halsey, while being questioned himself. Dr. Glassman

As always if you should repost the graphics anywhere or a link to this post, please credit me as: Design by Sal Salerno of HaloFanForLife.com

Feel free to download this free comic book!


Awesome Master Chief fan art!

Here is another great fan made piece of Halo art. Felipe Couto the artist of this piece says he created it in Photoshop, free handed, using his Wacom Intuos. VERY COOL piece of art here.

Artwork by Felipe Couto

Here’s the link Felipe sent me to his page on Deviant Art:

Also, he has another Halo related piece on his page with a Halo car. Here’s the link, though it has a watermark on it:

Thanks for sharing this with me, Felipe. Now I’m able to share it with other Halo fans as well!

Enjoy folks, this is a good one!!

Halo 4 with Christmas Lights

Done to the music of “Awakening” from Halo 4 here is a very cool vid showing Christmas lights on a home in sync with the music!

Refresh this page if it says the vid can’t be shown. (Youtube acting wonky…)

Just awesome!

Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 12-05-12

Well, looks like I’m not going to get either daily challenge… Not an assassin and 13 kills with autos in one match? Unless I really reconfigured a loudout and chose an interior type map, it’s unlikely that I’d get 13 in one game. Ah well, there’s always other Halo 4 fun to be had!


Get a cool 250G (gamerscore) from the Crimson Map Pack!

Reposted from HaloWaypoint:

The Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack is the first of three Map Packs from the War Games Map Pass. Currently scheduled for release on December 10, 2012, it will cost $10.00 USD or 800 Microsoft Points and consist of three maps, a new Crimson DLC Matchmaking playlist, and eight achievements. If you want to see screenshots and a trailer of Wreckage, Harvest, and Shatter (the maps included in the Crimson Map Pack), check out the 11.29.12 edition of the Halo Bulletin. If you’d like the lowdown on the relevant unlockables that will soon be added to your Gamerscore, take a look at the specifics below. Bleep-bloop!

Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement Now They Fly? Get a kill while airborne in a Warthog. 50 points
Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement Size Is Everything Kill 20 enemies with a detached Machine Gun Turret. 20 points
Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement ODST Kill a player while you’re airborne from using a Man Cannon. 30 points
Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement Bigfoot Kill 20 enemies using the Mantis’ stomp attack. 20 points
Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement David and Goliath Board an enemy Mantis. 20 points
Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement Clay Pigeon Shoot an enemy out of the air while they use the Man Cannon. 40 points
Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement Special Delivery Kill an enemy with a melee attack when landing from a Man Cannon. 30 points
Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievement Pump Yer Brakes Score the killing blow on a Mantis. 40 points

Hmm, suppose I should explain my medal system for reviewing Halo stuff…

I’ve just reviewed some McFarlane figure and what might look like a low medal count to you isn’t what it’s meant to be.

So let me go over what the medal count means and in part the stuff I look for when reviewing stuff.

With regards to action figures I look for:
Sculpt-Does it match the in-game model?
Paint-Application (often abbreviated as Paint Apps)-Again is it accurate to the in-game model.
Articulation-Does the toy enable me to put it in poses seen in the game?
Packaging-I grade this at a lesser degree than the actual toy. The reason being that I’m an opener. So packaging means less to me than say a person who keeps the toy mint on card.  Doesnt’ mean I’m right or wrong on that assessment, just shows how and why I grade it the way I do.
Accessories-Again are there any and if so, do they make sense for the figure and are they game accurate?
Scale-Is the toy in scale with others in the toy line? If it’s out of scale, is there a valid reason why?

So those are some of the general things I look for when reviewing. Though there are other things, the ones listed are the biggies.

Now as for the medal count. It’s not the same as an “A” – “F” kind of grading system. That is to say if I give a 7 out of 10, that is NOT the same as a 70%. No, it’s BETTER.

A figure that meets the basic needs of a toy in looks and playability and nothing more would be given a 5 out of 10. So that’s the middle ground all toys I review need to meet to even be considered worth getting. Less definitely will mean a pass on purchases. More however is better.

If I give a 6 out of 10 it means the toy has some nice additions that give it more playability. It’s a GOOD toy.

If I give it 7 out of 10, then the toy is VERY GOOD and has either/both good articulation and/or sculpt and/or accessories that make it better than average and worth getting.

An 8 out of 10 makes this a GREAT toy and definitely worth getting. There is something that is above the norm here be it some added articulation or accessories that help flesh the figure out. It is a multiple purchase item if it’s an army builder type figure.

A 9 out of 10 means you shouldn’t pass this up. It has exceeded my expectations in nearly every way and likely is a multiple purchase item if it’s an army builder type figure.

A perfect 10 or 10 (which I rarely give as I can almost always see room for improvement) is a figure that not only has exceeded my expectations but has blown me away. This would be one that I would tell you to get even if you weren’t a fan or just casually interested, it’s just that good.

So there you have it. Just incase you think I’m being overly critical. Believe me I’m not. I LOVE McFarlane Halo figures and now you see some of the behind the scenes stuff that goes into reviewing the toys.

I posted this in part as a response I got from a reader who wasn’t so pleased with my “score” for Cortana.


McFarlane Halo 4 Toy Review: Watcher

The Watcher is another new enemy from Halo 4. In the game it’s small and annoying like flying bugs, which is much what it is like. The little face on the character is eerie. The sculpt of the toy matches that quite well, in a good way of course. Read on fellow Halo fans to see what I think about the Watcher figure from McFarlane Toys.

The sculpt is amazing as always. Would you expect less from McFarlane? The figure is a bit small and there isn’t much articulation to speak of, but that’s not really something important with this figure…except for it’s ring wings. This version of the Watcher has just one solid ring that sticks out from the back. In the game they are deployed to the sides almost all of the time. I researched this a bit and found that the way the toy looks is much as it was in the concept stages of the game. So it’s likely given that toys take 9 months or more to make from concept to shipping that this is what McFarlane had to work with.I can’t knock them for this version of the Watcher.

I DO hope though that they come out with a version that has deployed wings. Fully poseable so that you can have them out to the side or position so they are swept back behind the figure. If you look at the pic above in the top right section, you’ll see where there is already a “ball” near the middle back of the figure. This could easily house the two wings. So here’s hoping we get another more game accurate version of the Watcher down the road.

The plastic stand that this figure comes with is a little disappointing as you can’t really hide it. But then if you look at the figure itself, it would be kind of hard to make a stand like this and be able to hide it. That’s why I hope when/if the figure is revisited, McFarlane will have a simple metal rod/stand like the ones that came with the Guilty Spark figure from an earlier release. That would be sturdy enough and able to give the Watcher more a look of being in flight.

So final thoughts.

This is a one-purchase for me until/if it gets redone with poseable wings. It IS a great sculpt so I do recommend getting the figure. It’s not high on the action part of action figure, but given what this figure does, I’m fine with it.

I give this 7.5 out of 10 medals.