3 Armor Mods cut from halo 4? IS THIS FOR REAL?

I’m VERY skeptical about this, considering the video is done by “Halo4Modding”

Taking this with a HUGE grain of salt…

Last Gasp: So a grenade that poops out of you when you die? Um, I think we can ALL see why this was a good idea to cut. Seems like this happens without this mod anyway…

Aural Enhancement: Really? We need a back-up beeper to alert us of enemies? USE YOUR RADAR and your EYES folks….LOL Glad this wasn’t in either.

Battle Awareness: Seeing your enemy’s shields. Okay, if you’ve shot them 5 or 6 times, you should know they are ready to die. Honestly, if these three were really made for the game and then added, it would have shown that 343 was trying to make the game OVERLY n00b friendly, an accusation they’ve already been charged with by the masses.

I’m going to call this video BUNK. Again due to the author of the video, until 343 says otherwise.

Thanks to TeamBeyond for tweeting this…I guess. LOL


Bullseye Map Pack Achievements: A closer look and discussion.

Yesterday I posted this list. I didn’t have the time to break it down and talk about it. Now I’ve got the time, so let’s look at each “Cheevo” individually. First things first though, if you didn’t notice, ALL but two of the cheevos are NOT map specific! YEAH!!!! 343 listened to our please about this with regards to former map packs. THANKS 343!!!

Now for the below, I’m talking from the point of NOT BOOSTING these cheevos…

Protect this House (30)
In matchmaking, assassinate the ball carrier within five meters of your own goal in Ricochet.
HFFL: Oh this one is going to be fun! It will require epic timing! I’m not much of an assassin, but I’ll look to get this one done ASAP. Likely one of the hardest ones in this pack for me to get.

Hat Trick (33)
In matchmaking, score three times in one round of Ricochet.
HFFL: Ahh Yeah! I am DEFINITELY going to “tryhard” for this one. Love the Hockey reference too! Honestly, if you’re an objective runner like I am, this shouldn’t be too hard. If you’re more of a slayer type…difficulty setting will be adjusted.

From Downtown (25)
In matchmaking, score by throwing the ball from 30 meters in Ricochet.
HFFL: Oh HELLS yeah! I LOVE that we can score by passing. This is going to make Ricochet just THAT much more FUN. This shouldn’t be hard at all to get. 

Repeat Survivor (25)
In matchmaking, survive three vehicle explosions in a row with the Survivor package.
HFFL: Hmm, considering I drive/gun a lot, this should be a no brainer. Bummed that it means we have to have three vehicles destroyed though. Difficulty level for this is normal to hard.

Can’t Catch Me (20)
In matchmaking, score a goal in Ricochet while taking damage with the Resistor active.
HFFL: This seems pretty simple. Make Active Resistor, let someone shoot you. DONE! EASY.

Just a Scratch (20)
In matchmaking, recover full shields from low health with both Resistor and Recharge active.
HFFL: This one seems like it shouldn’t be hard to get. However with Resistor and Recharge stacking, it means taking damage will be harder PLUS your shields recharge faster. So you’re going to have to be in the middle of a gunfight, get whittled down to almost nothing, THEN find your way out of it, THEN recover from it. Difficulty: Hard (Again, NOT boosting!)

Pitchin’ a Tent (40)
In matchmaking, effectively camp one location without dying for a full 60 seconds.
HFFL: OMG, a camping cheevo? LOL I’m already reading complaints on Waypoint forums and twitter about this one. Folks, this is EASY. DO it, get your 40GS and move on. Oy that innuendo! LOL

One Man Army (27)
In matchmaking, get 4 consecutive kills with the Rocket Launcher without dying.
HFFL: Oh yeah! I loves me some Rocket Launcher. A fun cheevo that you just know will piss off the other team. You may even get some hate mail for being a n00b! I’m cool with that as I’ll have 27 more GS!!!

Shocking (10)
In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, activate both electrical surge systems during a match on Vertigo.
HFFL: One of only two that are map specific, this should be fairly easy. At the start of the match, go for the opposing surge. Then turn around and activate yours. DONE. Easy to normal difficulty.

Got It! (20)
In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, acquire the Rocket Launcher at the start of a match on Pitfall.

Honestly, these are pretty good cheevos. Just a couple have some difficulty to them. Yes, I can hear those saying, but achievements are supposed to be hard. Meh, I want them to be FUN, not hard. (TWSS…)


Halo 4 Bullseye pack achievements.

The achievements for the upcoming Bullseye map pack (part of the Champions Bundle Pack) have been revealed via the HaloWaypoint app. These are:

Protect this House (30)
In matchmaking, assassinate the ball carrier within five meters of your own goal in Ricochet.

Hat Trick (33)
In matchmaking, score three times in one round of Ricochet.

From Downtown (25)
In matchmaking, score by throwing the ball from 30 meters in Ricochet.

Repeat Survivor (25)
In matchmaking, survive three vehicle explosions in a row with the Survivor package.

Can’t Catch Me (20)
In matchmaking, score a goal in Ricochet while taking damage with the Resistor active.

Just a Scratch (20)
In matchmaking, recover full shields from low health with both Resistor and Recharge active.

Pitchin’ a Tent (40)
In matchmaking, effectively camp one location without dying for a full 60 seconds.

One Man Army (27)
In matchmaking, get 4 consecutive kills with the Rocket Launcher without dying.

Shocking (10)
In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, activate both electrical surge systems during a match on Vertigo.

Got It! (20)
In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, acquire the Rocket Launcher at the start of a match on Pitfall.

Thanks to TeamBeyond for tweeting this!

Halo 4 Legendary Slayer…GO PLAY IT NOW!!!!

So last night I joined in with a friend of mine I hadn’t gamed with in a couple of weeks. He wanted to play Legendary Slayer. I hadn’t played it yet, so I was game to try it. OMG, was it AWESOME!!!!

It FEELS like classic Halo gameplay, other than Sprint. NONE of those freakin’ ordnance drops. AR starts ONLY. You must find the power weapons and they spawn at certain intervals. Now THIS is the Halo I came to LOVE.

THIS is the playlist that should have been there at launch. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, go tell your friends that might have given up on Halo to come back and play this playlist. I can’t stress enough how much FUN I had and how much it felt like HALO again!!! Sprint didn’t make a big difference in the game. What did was knowing everyone had the same starting weapons and that there were not power weapons being dropped all over the place.  AND you can PICK UP GRENADES, no armor mods/tactical package needed as it’s default for the playlist!

Below is 343’s matchmaking update info on this playlist:

Legendary Slayer 

Legendary Slayer premieres today (Monday) in Halo 4, offering a Slayer variant with default starting weapons, on-map weapons, and motion tracker enabled. Here are the key settings:

  • 4 vs. 4 Slayer
  • Default starting weapon (Assault Rifle)
  • No Armor Abilities
  • Motion Tracker enabled
  • All weapons and grenades located on map (no initial, random or personal ordnance)

The singular loadout is:

  • Starting weapon: Assault Rifle
  • Secondary weapon: None
  • Armor Ability: None
  • Grenades: Frag x2
  • Support upgrade: Explosives
  • Tactical package: Resupply

We’re excited to deliver a brand-new experience to Matchmaking that will focus on even starting weapons and map control, with players fighting to gain control of all rifles, power weapons and each map’s power positions. The playlist launched on the following maps, which have been custom-created specifically for this playlist:

  • Haven
  • Solace
  • Adrift
  • Abandon
  • Landfall
  • Monolith
  • Skyline
  • Shutout

End copy/paste

Let me stress this again, THIS IS WHAT HALO IS! If I never play in another playlist in Halo 4, I will be happy!


Castle Map Pack screenshots! DayBreak

An open map with heavy shading (due to the day breaking over the mountains, hence the map name), a Halo 4 style Paris class frigate in the sky, and being able to fly a Banshee…THIS is Daybreak!

Looks like this could be both a Sniper and a Vehicle Driver/Gunner’s dream!

What are your thoughts of the map based off of these screenshots?


Two more Halo 4 commendations Mastered!

Since I hit SR130 on the 40th day after release of Halo 4, I’ve been happily going about mastering commendations. The following two are ones that I thought were going to take me FOREVER to get.

As you long time readers know, I’m not an assassin, nor a sniper. Yet, I managed to pull these off within the last two days respectively.

To finish off my Sniper Rifle Mastery, I simply forced myself to go into the sniper playlist. Is it me or is sniping easier in Halo 4??? Now the trick for me that I overcame was to go into this playlist late at night when the “tryhards” weren’t playing, so I wouldn’t get my butt handed to me (see I’m not a great sniper….)

Anyway, here’s proof. WOOT!

Commendation Sniper Rifle Master


The other commendation, Assassin, is one that I didn’t think I’d ever get either. To finish this one off, I decided I’d try to get some easy assassinations via Grifball. Woot, turns out I got put into a match where there was one guy on the other team that was AFK. Yep, I took advantage of that and assassinated him every opportunity I could. (Oh and yes, my team won the game in the two times I did this)

Here’s proof of that one:

Commendation Assassin Master

While I was happy to be done with the Sniping commendation, I was even more so the Assassination one as that unlocked the very cool “Venator” armor (as seen by my Spartan armor now).


I’m very close on about 4-5 other commendations. A couple of those bring either new armor or new emblems.

If anyone complains that there is nothing after SR130, they’re not going for commendations. There is SO much more to this game than rank.

With regards to these two commendations, all I can say is, this is proof that through dedication and hard work:
YOU can achieve anything.
You CAN achieve anything.
You can ACHIEVE anything.
You can achieve ANYTHING.

Never say never.

Halo 4 weekly challenges: 2-4/10-13

WarGames WEEKLY 020413


I’m SO glad I don’t need campaign acheivements anymore. No way I’d be going for those challenges.

Spartan Ops ones are VERY easy as are the War Games ones.

Just look at that XP bonus too. If I hadn’t already hit SR130, I’d be trying for these big time. As it is, I already got the Spartan Ops ones first thing this morning.

Hmm, I wonder if 343 might just have some new levels for us after SR130 afterall? And if so, hopefully, the XP earn will count.



War Games daily challenges: 2-4-13

WarGames 020413


Wow, these are pretty easy and just look at that XP!

Hmm, this actually is NOT a good thing that XP is so high. It means 343 is trying to entice people to come back or stay by offering high XP amounts. We should want to play the game regardless of XP. Besides, it’s SO easy to get to SR130 anyway, even without these high XP challenges.

War Games daily challenges: 1-28-13

Strangely the weekly challenges aren’t showing up on Waypoint ATM. So I can’t bring you those just yet. In the meantime though here are the daily challenges.

WarGames 012813


A pass for me. Unfortunately 343 has decided to not allow the Grav Hammer to count as CQC kills. WHAT? REALLY? Yeah, I know, right?

Just another small fail…come on 343 get your act together. I really REALLY want to believe in you. But even these little screw ups just don’t cut it. Sigh.

War Games daily challenges: 1-27-13

Whew after a week’s frustration with the recent upgrade to my site, I’m finally back to being able to directly upload images to my site. So I can now get back to bringing you the Halo 4 challenges.

Here are the challenges for 1/27/13.

WarGames 012713


Man, I wish Griffball were here for the first one. That would be extremely easy. Well, looks like Flood is the playlist of the day. You shouldn’t have much trouble getting both challenges in that playlist what with the shotgun and Flood “Sword” arm.