A few new features to the right ——->

I’ve added a sections for “Article Categories” that you can use to check specific articles in a section, for instance anything related to Halo 4, in the Halo 4 section.

Also, I’ve added an Archive by the month so you can easily switch to a different month’s worth of post to catch up on older articles.

Lastly, a search field has been added as well if you don’t want to use either of the two above mentioned features.

All three of these should make finding anything I’ve posted on HFFL easier to find. I hope you’ll use them often.

Thanks folks for making HFFL a growing and continuing success.


Just ONE shy of 100!

Between subscribers here on the blog, Twitter followers and Facebook subscribers for HFFL, I’m just one shy of 100 UNIQUE members. I’d love to get over this mark and am calling for your help. If you know anyone else who loves Halo and may like my blog/twitter/facebook pages, please let them know.

The site has been growing well of late. Though I’d really love to see it take off and have a lot more folks, I’m happy with how it’s progressing.

Also, just a reminder to all the new folks, please keep comments to a PG-13 rating or less. I want the blog to remain teen friendly, even though the game is rated mature.

If there is anything you good folks want me to write about, Halo related, please comment or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]. I’m always looking to write about new/more Halo stuff.

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Official Teaser Trailer


Ah yeah! So little, yet SO much. I can’t wait for this to come out!!!

Next teaser at San Diego ComicCon. You bet I’ll have that for you too.

Are you getting pumped up for Halo 4?

After listening to this multiple times, other than the first line, I believe I’ve figured out what the cadence song is:

Hell Jumper Hell Jumper where you been?
Feet first into Hell and back again.
When I die please bury me deep.
Place my MA5 down by my feet.

EDIT I got the correct first line from Jesse Snyder of 343.