NEW Weapons AND Armor Skins (via McFarlane Halo Action Figures)

When you buy the soon to be released Halo 4 series 2 action figures from McFarlane Toys, you’ll get an extra bonus!!!

FINALLY, we have pics of what these skins look like and are called. Personally, as I’m a collector of McFarlane figures, I’m VERY happy that these are coming out. Without further ado, let’s get to the SKINS!

The Storm Rifle finally gets a SKIN. ANd it’s very COOL (pun intended). It’s called “CHILL” ANd you’ll be chillin’ like a villain if you use this cool as ice skin!
Weapon Skin-CHILL
Next it’s time to “Engage” upon a new Carbine skin, called…ENGAGE. I think this DEFINITELY looks like a skin you’d see on Covenant Weapon.
Weapon Skin-ENGAGE
There’s no bones about it, this next skin is awesome.
Weapon Skin-BONES
For the next skin we have Riptide. I like the look of this skin. I just wish we could give the skins other colors.
Weapon Skin-RIPTIDE
Next we have an armor skin. By wearing this would we then be the Toxic Avenger?
Armor Skin-TOXIC
Another Armor Skin is NOT Ruined by this design. In fact RUIN is my second favorite of these new skins.
Armor Skin-RUIN
And finally a pair of skins that share the same name. One for a weapon, the other for an armor skin. I give you: REFRACTIVE!

Weapon Skin-REFRACTIVEArmor Skin-REFRACTIVEThese two skins are by FAR my favorite of all of these new skins. It makes sense too as the Didact figure is going to cost you more than the other figures since it’s bigger. Still, I can’t wait to ROCK these skins!!!

Look for these figures in October from major retailers.
Here’s the blurb from McFarlane on these:

“For years, McFarlane Toys’ Halo action figures have brought the characters of the Halo video game series to your toy collection. This Fall, they’ll start giving back, by bringing cool new customization options into your Halo 4 game!

With Halo 4 Series 2, all of our figures will come with unique codes that unlock new, exclusive in-game content to help you stand out in Halo Infinity multiplayer. We’ve got a total of eight new armor and weapon skins, and each one is only available through McFarlane Toys action figures. Each figure unlocks a different item. All armor skins feature customizable colors.

Update your Spartan’s armor and loadouts with these never-before-seen patterns!

If your Spartan needs a new style, help is on its way. Halo 4 Series 2 will be in stores this October.”




Halo Toy Custom: Mega Bloks Repair Bay and Ops Tower

This is the final custom from my custom craze weekend. And it’s a biggie!

Taking the Sabre’s bay parts form the Countdown set (with exception to the green bloks that I used to make the Lookout Tower that I posted yesterday), I did a total reconfig. I paid special attention to make sure each level of the tower was accessible by stairs or ladders.

Here’s what I came up with:

Like I said, it’s a biggie! Standing 5 stories tall, it makes use of all those structural girders. I have to say it’s pretty strong too. I can easily pick it up by the side and it holds together VERY well.
UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower
Some orthogonal views.
UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower orthogonal views
Close -up of the back of the tower showing the stair and ladder access.UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower Repair close-up rear view
Front view below showing another set of stairs and a ladder. The ladder has two uses. Not only is it access to the third floor, but also makes it easy to get on top of a vehicle for repairs. (Note the Mantis in pics later in this article)UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower Repair close-up
The side room from the ops room is detachable in case you want a more flat area. Oh and yes, I did not change the ops room at all, with one exception. I moved the door frame to the other side.
UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower removable room UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower Ops close-up
And now for some shots in action with figures and a Mantis! I happened to be lucky enough to get the Mantis to fit in the first three levels without having to increase any of the levels height.
UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower w-figs
Below a Spartan climbs up a ladder to talk with a technician.
UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower Ops close-up w-figs
Showing more of the rear view with figures. 
UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower rear view w-figs
Below a marine climbs a ladder. Is he going higher in the tower or is he going to work on the Mantis? You decide!
UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower Ladder Marine UNSC Repair Bay and Ops Tower Stairway Marine
And finally, here are all of the customs I made over the past weekend, with the Halo 4 Warthog also pictured.All recent customs in one scene

I don’t often make customs, so this weekend was a LOT of fun for me and a way to be creative. I do have one last custom that I’m planning on making. This will be a UNSC Broadsword. It will be made from the Sabre parts from the Countdown set as well as the Shortsword set. Yes, it’s going to go against my normal one set rule…

So what do you think of this tower? What I like most is it’s accessibility from floor to floor, not to mention it’s HUGE!


Halo Toy Customs: Forerunner Structure and two small builds from leftover parts.

Before I show the BIG custom from the Countdown set, I wanted to show these smaller custom builds.

The first is a Forerunner structure made with the parts from the Halo 4 Warthog set (as previously reviewed here)

Here’s what I made:

Forerunner structureAll sides are even. The bottom is the only part that isn’t even from all four sides.

Next is a little UNSC workbench made from the left over green pieces from the same set as above.

UNSC Workbench

Again, nothing super spectacular, but then you’d think the UNSC needs workbenches somewhere, right?

Lastly, I call this a small Diagonostic Center. Use it for running tests on vehicles, Kind of like one that would be used on your car when you take it in for an inspection. Afterall, the UNSC has to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape! The parts for this were used from a couple of sets. Countdown and Cauldron Clash are two of those sets whose left-over pieces where used to make this.

UNSC Diagnostic center-Sal


Halo Toy Custom: Mega Bloks UNSC Lookout Tower

Continuing on with the recent Custom craze, I decided to make something new from the “Countdown” set. (Previously reviewed here.)

This is a two parter. In this part I took all of the green bloks (with a few exceptions) and made a small but strong looking Lookout Tower. There’s a room underneath, a set of steps and of course the actual area to lookout from. This was an easy build and while not “exciting,” I think it fits the role I wanted it for.

Here’s what I got:

UNSC Lookout TowerAs you can see I used a few of the grating pieces s well.

Orthogonal views:

UNSC Lookout Tower orthogonal viewsRather than leave the spaces empty near the top, I decided to fill them in with the clear and trans-red 1×1 round plates. They serve no purpose really other than for me not to lose those parts, LOL.

Finally here’s a top down view. (Sorry for the fuzziness) This shows the grating pieces used and that there is a small “step-up” within the top of the tower.

UNSC Lookout Tower top view


Again, nothing but parts from the Countdown set was used.

Simple, I know. So what do you think of it? I think it makes a good counter to the Covenant one.




Halo Mega Bloks Custom: Mantis Bay

As with the previously posted Vehicle Bay, I wanted to redesign another set. While the Mantis Bay that Mega Bloks designed is nice, it’s not really game accurate. Not that mine is either. However, what you play the level Infinity in Halo 4’s campaign, you’ll find that the Mantis bays are a lot taller. Also, the Mantis does not need to contort to the position that Mega has you doing in their design. So with this in mind, I built a taller bay using only the pieces from the set. The Mantis itself is the exact same build.

Here’s what I came up with:

Custom Mantis bayOrthogonal views:
Custom Mantis bay orthogonal views
And finally the rear view with the Mantis in place. Note the ladder’s position.
Custom Mantis bay rear view w:Mantis

This is quite an easy custom to make and I think makes the set look better.

Do you like the redesign versus the manufacturer’s design? Here’s that one:

Final set shot.

Final set shot.

BTW, this isn’t the first time I’ve redesigned the Mantis Bay. Here is my first attempt from a few months ago:

Redux Docking Station

Redux Docking Station



Halo Mega Bloks Custom: Vehicle Bay

So over the past week I was a bit bored. During that time, I took to customizing some Mega Bloks sets that I had into something else. This was one of them. Originally this set was the Cauldron Clash (as previously reviewed here).

I’ve been wanting sets from the UNSC Infinity and took it upon myself to see if I could make a vehicle bay.

One thing to note, with this set as with other customs I’ve done, I take care to use ONLY pieces from one set. This way there is no need to buy additional sets to make something else. It also makes it easier if YOU want to recreate the same or similar custom, knowing you can do it from one set. (I’ll be posting a few other customs today and tomorrow, so bear this in mind.)

I used nearly all the pieces with exception to the translucent orange and red pieces and the terrain baseplates.

Here’s what I came up with (bearing in mind that accuracy was not the total goal, just something close enough and to have fun making a custom).

UNSC Infinity Vehicle BayThere is room for normal figures in the control room near top right.

Here’s a look at the custom build from orthogonal views: UNSC Infinity Vehicle Bay orthogonal viewsNote those black sloped pieces. They of course can be removed. However, I have them there to keep a Warthog in place as seen below:UNSC Infinity Vehicle Bay with Warthog-BottomThose bloks are sturdy enough to keep the warthog still. So if you wanted to display it that way you could without much worry of bumping  the set and the hog rolling off.

Also pictured to the right is the underside of this custom. Of course I’d rather have had one big baseplate, but you build with what you have.

So what do you think? I like it. Compact enough to display, yet enough detail, especially on the “walls.”


Spartan ops season 2?

I’ve talked about this before. However, since we’ve now seen the XBOX One reveal and have some news of the games being released at it’s launch (No Halo titles), I’ve decided to revisit this topic.

With Halo 5 still a couple of years out, Spartan Ops season two really needs to be made.

Yes, we’re getting a Halo TV show, but only if you get the XB1. (Though I imagine someone is going to try a get that onto Youtube).

Then there is that Halo Bootcamp whatever it is….

Halo 2 Anniversary has been confirmed by Frank O’Conner as NOT being in production. There are no Halo titles due to release at the time of the XB1 launch.

So where does that leave us then for Spartan Ops?

Do we really need to wait 2 years until Halo 5?

343 had stated that this would be ongoing. That didn’t even happen with season one as there was that several week pause in-between Episode 5 and 6. That being for that ridiculous tournament (I still haven’t seen the winner named for the Spartan Ops portion of that contest.)

So what’s the hold-up? Yes, SpOps S1 ended with Halsey saying she wants revenge. Is that a plot point for Halo 5 or season 2? If it’s for Halo 5 fine. That doesn’t mean Spartan Ops can’t continue with a sideline story. I’d like to see Majestic/Crimson deal with other part of Jul’s armada. Then there is the rising Insurrectionist threat. Perhaps we could travel to Trevelyan and discover new Forerunner tech there with Prometheans to battle. (Trevelyan being the Dyson-sphere like world from the novels-and a good way to tie in that lore with the games even more)

I considered Spartan Ops to be a hit. I wonder if 343 did and what parameters they used for that assessment. If they do consider it a hit, then they need to continue with it to keep Halo in the forefront between the major game title. Again, not everyone is going to be able to get the XB1 at launch to be able to enjoy any Halo related content there.

Would a season two cost money? I’d be okay with that as long as it wasn’t too costly. At MOST, I’d be willing to spend $15-20, for season two. However, for that cost, I would hope there wouldn’t be as much reuse of maps.

In any event, Spartan Ops needs to come back and before Halo 5, IMHO.


Halo Toy SNEAK PEEK: Halo Mega Bloks Last Man Standing Zombie Pack

MB grey logo

I only just saw this yesterday and had to pass it along…Last Man Standing Zombie Pack
I found this image on the bloks forum. It’s easy enough to decipher at least some of what is coming in this set.

• At least two zombie Spartans
• At least two “GREEN” energy swords
• one of the Spartan Zombies is a CQB (look at the chest piece, I believe that is the CQB)
• Last number in the set number is a “9”

Since this is a “Last Man Standing” set, you’d have to think there would be at least one more Spartan who is NOT Zombiefied…

I’ll report back more on this as I find it.


Toy PRE-view: Mega Bloks Halo UNSC Red Spade

MB grey logo

Coming exclusively to Wal*Mart is the UNSC Red Spade. The Spade has only ever before been available in a orangish color. In-game it’s seen in Blue or Green. I don’t recall red, though I could be wrong. Still, red is my favorite color, (then lime green). So I’m looking forward to this set.

Red Spade Wal*Mart

The set includes:
• Buildable UNSC Red Spade
• UNSC Soldiers: UNSC Spartan Mark V and Spartan in Hazop tan armor
• Covenant Soldiers: Grunt in Spec Ops x2, Jackals x2
• Weapons: Focus Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Needler

Here’s the toy description: Two UNSC Spartans in desert camo armor take control of a multi-purpose Spade to quickly attack an unsuspecting Covenant strike team of Jackals and Spec Ops Grunts. Ambush the Covenant threat with the Mega Bloks UNSC Red Spade.

This set comes with a whopping SIX minifigs. Two of which are Jackals! (I for some reason really like this alien race.) Also, two grunts which are always nice to army build. As well, the Spartans are in a nice desert deco which can be added to your desert troops. And if you don’t have any desert troops yet, then here’s a good set to start with!

Since this is exclusive to Wal*Mart expect this set to be a little more expensive than the first Spade set. (The first set only have 3 1/2 figures, so yeah, more expensive.)

I can only hope that this set sells well enough that we finally also get it in game accurate blue and/or green! (I want my car lot of Spades! LOL)


Toy PRE-view: Mega Bloks Halo UNSC Anti-Armor Cobra

MB grey logo

Coming to major retail stores like Wal*Mart, Target, and Toys R Us for the first time is the UNSC Cobra! (I’ve been wanting and waiting for this one!) AND it’s ELECTRONIC!


The set includes:
• Buildable UNSC Cobra with in-game lights and sound
• UNSC Spartan in MK VI yellow
• Covenant troops: Elite Storm in crimson, Brute Stalker in blue
• Weapons: DMR, Plasma Rifle, Mauler, Spike Grenade

Here’s the toy description: The UNSC Cobra is a surprisingly agile and fast 6×6 dual-mode battle tank. While in mobile mode, the Cobra can quickly cover long distances and launch a powerful offensive using its twin 30mm light rail guns. It can also transform into lock-down mode, and deploy a huge turret mounted 105mm light railgun that can punch through most Covenant shields and vehicles with ease. Featured with dual transformation, lights and in-game sounds, the Mega Bloks version of the Halo UNSC Anti-Armor Cobra lets kids create the battle like never before!

Dimensions in Inches: 18.0L x 2.5W x 11.5H

This set is just plain AWESOME. Not only is it electonic, but it transforms from a mobile vehicle to a Rail Gun platform. The Spartan included is if I recall, only the second one to have a blue visor. We get an ALL NEW Brute Stalker in this set. (I hope that Brute sees a rerelease in the blind minifig packs or another small set so they can be army built.)

Also coming with a shade turret and Red Storm Elite. Those are both nice additions to an already stellar set.

This is easily a must have!


Toy PRE-view: Mega Bloks Halo UNSC Hornet vs. Covenant Vampire

MB grey logo

Coming to major retail stores like Wal*Mart, Target, and Toys R Us is the Mega Bloks Halo UNSC Hornet vs. Covenant Vampire. Both have been released before, but never together. If I’m correct, these are both revised builds from the previous releases.

Hornet vs Vampire

The set includes:
• Buildable UNSC Hornet with in-game lights and sound
• Buildable Covenant Vampire
• UNSC Troops: Spartan in Recruit maroon, Spartan in Engineer green, Spartan in Soldier green
• Covenant Troops: Elite Storm in copper, Grunt Storm in copper, Elite Zealot in silver

Here’s the toy description: The UNSC Hornet is a versatile UNSC aircraft with a nose-mounted heavy auto cannon. The sound of the Hornet turbines roar to life as two Spartans prepare for take-off. Engage the heavily armed Vampire and strafe its Covenant assault unit with the new UNSC Hornet, now with motion-activated lights and authentic in-game sounds!

Getting SIX figures in a set is always cool. Three being Spartans? Better yet! I like that we also get a Storm Grunt, Copper Storm Elite and a Zealot Elite (especially that it’s in silver). I don’t really have a need for another Vampire though. Personally, I’d rather have had the Covenant Sniper tower instead with a Jackal or two. Still, for those who never got the Vampire (which was only previously available in the ODST Scorpion/Vampire set), then this is a good alternative.


Toy Review: Mega Bloks UNSC Ammo Pack I

My wife and I were out today for a memorial day drive. (I being in the Navy formerly.) She decided to take me for a drive and a very informal dinner at Micky D’s. We stopped by a Wal*Mart and I found this. She bought it for me, “for Memorial Day.” Isn’t she a peach!

MB grey logo

UNSC Ammo Pack I: Set # 97037

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute

Set Piece Count: 23
Minifigs: Halo 4 style Marine, full goggles (Black/grey deco)
Weapons: Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Rocket Launcher, 2X Frag Grenades
Accessories: Traffic Cone
Special Features: None
Price: $6-7 depending on where you buy it from.

And on with the pics! (Click to make bigger)

97037 UNSC Ammo Pack I BOX
Sorry about the flash there. I like these ammo packs. Compact enough and you get to see almost everything that comes with the set through the “window.”97037 UNSC Ammo Pack I BOX back97037 UNSC Ammo Pack I ContentsAbove shows you everything that comes in the box. The bag is hidden from view. When you open the box, it’s within a white cardboard sheath at the bottom of the box.97037 UNSC Ammo Pack I TrayAll the stuff that was in the tray. I really like that the weapons are painted in this set. Plain black or grey weapons are just that, plain.97037 UNSC Ammo Pack I BagAbove shows the contents of the bag. To note you get a traffic cone, which has been a source of humor and frustration for years in Matchmaking. Getting a kill with a cone or being killed by one is always film clip worthy! I also like the small baseplate. It can be placed along side larger ones seamlessly. (I’ll try to get a pic of that up later.)97037 UNSC Ammo Pack I FinalFinally, here is the complete set built. Not much to building this. The Rocket Launcher is too large to place in one of the holes as the set is built, though you can easily reconfigure this to accommodate that if you so choose.

Summary: The set is quick to build and can be displayed nearly anywhere. The weapons are better than average due to being painted. The figure is excellent even though it’s mostly an overall black/grey deco. There is just enough variation in the paint application on it. The cone is a nice little addition and the baseplate is good.

So is this worth $6? (I got mine at Wal*Mart for $6, I think it’s $7 at TRU) I have to say a resounding YES. Think of it this way, were you to get one of those blind pack minifigs, you’d get a fig, one weapon and either one blok or plate to stand it one. So for the additional $3 for this set you get 2 more weapons, 2 frag grenades, several blok and tile pieces and a very cool baseplate. Were you to compare the cost at custom minifig weapon sites, you’d easily pay $1 for each of the weapons, so that’s $2 of the $3 right there. For that last dollar you get the nades, baseplate, and bloks. Oh…AND THE CONE!

Yeah, this set is WORTH IT!

Overall Rating: I give this set 10 out of 10 medals. For the price, you’re getting a nice set. I definitely recommend getting it. No complaints what-so-ever!
