NEW Halo 4 info!

I got this info via (my friend VaderRx’s blog) who got that from Credit goes to “FlawlessCowboy” over at the previously mentioned blog for the original info.

So here we have 11 slides to discuss.

This slide is basically a greeting to the rest of the info. Not much new here, though I like the use of the term “UNSC Infinity Training Program” near the top of the slide.

A little bit of textual history about the Halo franchise. Again, nothing really new yet.

Here’s a nice timeline shot of the Halo titles over the years.

So now we start to get to the good stuff. Okay so we know Halo 4 will be darker. Chief having to make some “very” difficult decisions? Oooh, now that sounds intriguing.

New nemesis? The Didact we presume. New Race? The Forerunner. Can Chief still trust an apparently rampant Cortana?

More Immersion? Hmm, not really explained here what that is, but I’m looking forward to discovering that.

Now HERE is what we were waiting for. 10 NEW weapons! We’ve already seen the Forerunner Light rifle and scattershot, the UNSC Rail Gun and Sticky pistol. Hmm, what else? 2 new vehicles? What could these be? A Forerunner War Sphinx? The UNSC Mammoth? That Mech we keep seeing? Or are they something else?

Here is the veiled “perks” system. (Which I’m totally fine with, BTW.) What really catches my eye in this slide is the “improved support to create, organize and track groups.” Hmm, Clans are coming back? I hope so. I belong to a gaming group (Rated Mature) and would love to set this up for the group.

Now about War Games. 10 maps to start. Cool. We’ve seen Haven, Adrift, and Longbow.

Now here is the REAL meat of the article. Spartan Ops. The first 10 weeks will be free. I thought this would be more though. Hmm, maybe will all the positive response from E3, 343 decided to draw back on how long/how much Spartan Ops would be and for free. Still, 10 weeks is a good start.  They (343) estimate that this first season will be approximately up to 12 hours of additional gameplay. Good. It is akin to a second campaign. Though I suspect some of the footage will be reused in some way. We’ll have to wait to see that though.

and finally…

Closing remarks to get the customers amped up to pre-order/buy the game.

Not a TON of new info, but what is there is welcome indeed.


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About Sal

I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site,, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at:!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal