Halo Escalation #22 preview with covers for #23/24!

As per usual, we get a nice little preview of the upcoming issues of Escalation. Today we have issue 22’s preview. Before I get to that, let’s see what Darkhorse is saying about it:

“The Absolute Record” Part 4—On a hidden world, Spartan Commander Palmer and the fugitive Dr. Catherine Halsey go head to head for control over the ultimate trove of Forerunner secrets. The six-part sequel to Spartan Ops ratchets up to its explosive conclusion in this thrilling issue by Duffy Boudreau (BlackAcre) and Douglas Franchin (Person of Interest).

Okay, on with the cover and the first four pages (via Darkhorse.com)

HE 22 cvrhaloes22p1haloes22p2haloes22p3haloes22p4

And now for issues 23’s cover!

HE 23 cvr
Wow, with the Librarian seemingly in this issue, things could get VERY interesting!

and presumably the final issue of Escalation, issue 24’s cover:

HE 24 cvr
Will Halsey finally be put down by Palmer???

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About Sal

I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site, Halowaypoint.com, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal