1-50 ranks not in Halo 4? A discussion.

I had a discussion on HaloWaypoint about there possibly being no 1-50 rank system in Halo 4.

I replied to a quoted post by the following two members there on Waypoint.

F U N Z B O B: People don’t like having to work for something they would rather it be handed to them and feel like they are winners Even if they’re Not

SitriStahl: Proved true in Reach: players are able to be winners at the max rank without touching multiplayer once.

With respect to you both, have either of you attained Inheritor? It’s not something handed out. You have to WORK for it. LOTS of gameplay involved. If you’ve hit that rank then you know it’s about grinding it out in some cases.

The big difference in Reach compared to Halo 2 and 3 is that players are rewarded for PROLIFIC gameplay, not specifically on skilled gameplay. You will get more credits for more kills and multikills thereby ranking up faster. So skilled players do get some reward, it’s just not shown as outwardly as it was in H2/3.

Personally, I like the idea of every and anyone being rewarded for PLAYING the game. Everyone should have the opportunity to get to the highest ranks and unlock things. The other difference in Reach vs H2/3 is that rank was just a title and did not at all reflect one’s skill. I’ve seen some massively horrid Inheritors out there. But look at their games played and you can clearly see they LOVE to play the game and a lot.

So why shouldn’t people be rewarded by the game developer for playing their game? It keeps those who are less skilled coming back because they DO have something to work for and CAN achieve it, despite their lack of skill.

In Halo 4 skilled players are going to get rewarded faster and with more credits. You’ll be able to get to those specializations quicker, making your ability to choose what loadouts you want more broad and give you an advantage.

I just think it’s strange that some fans want to live in the Bungie Halo mode. I’m not knocking it. I was there with you all too. I’m just ready for a new experience within the Halo franchise. As has been said on the [HaloWaypoint] forums ad nauseum, Halo is ever evolving. Each game has changed something from the previous one. In the case of Halo 3 to Reach some of the changes were huge. People didn’t like that much change at once. Well some didn’t, I LOVED it. Halo 4 promises to bring yet MORE changes, yet still holding true to the core of Halo gameplay as all the other games have, yes, even Reach.

It’s still about people versus other people. Shooting each other. With Reach we got abilities that some say are map-breaking. Fine, I LOVE breaking you… Really though, when I found out about Jet-pack, I was ecstatic. I could be Boba Fett or Iron Man in Halo, two of my all-time favorite characters. Most of the other abilities were good additions. I’m with most of you in that I detest Armor Lock. Bam, no armor lock in Halo 4.

In Halo 4 we’re going to get some other abilities as well as more loadouts to choose from as we rank up. Change in gameplay? Sure, to a degree. And this is where I say what some others hate hearing…you, YOU need to evolve. You need to learn how to adjust to new gameplay. If Halo stayed stagnant, then it would be crushed in sales…Oh wait, COD did that. So this is something that 343 is trying to change. They want to right the ship so to speak and have a more appealing and competitive game with other games in the market. Okay, I’ve gone on a bit much…’nuff said.

And with that I replied on Waypoint. So what do you think about there being or not being 1-50 ranks in Halo 4? I would really like to hear your opinions on this topic. Noone is right or wrong here. Everyone has a say. People are passionate about the topic on both ends.

Personally, I don’t care if it’s in or not. However, I do care if it means Halo loses more gamers due to not being able to get everything in the game…eventually.

-Sal (HFFL)

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I’ve got tons of experience with Halo gaming and collecting. I feel I have something to offer to the greater Halo fan community. Posts along the way will be about tips and tricks in the games as well as collecting and many more Halo related things. I’ll also repost interesting articles from the official site, Halowaypoint.com, or from fellow Halo fan sites. As I continue this blog, I hope to help gamers who want advice on the games, as well as any collectors with regards to where to find collectibles as well as deals, coupons and so on. You can also follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/HaloFanForLife or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. Welcome to my blog and I hope you’ll come back again and again. -Sal