Mega Construx Skiff Intercept
Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 hour to build (Skiff), 30 minutes each Wall/Skitterer from Alternate Build (Your time will vary from mine as I took pics along the way for this review)
Set Piece Count: 452
Minifigures: Spartan Mark VII, Grunt Conscript, X2 Brute Warrior
Weapons: Commando, X2 Mangler, Plasma Pistol, Ravager
Accessories: X4 figure stand,
Special Features: Alternate build via APP, which features a Turret Wall and (Somewhat) Skitterer from Halo Wars 2.
Cost: $40 US. I got mine at Target. A second one was sent to me by Mega Brands for the purpose of this review. I used it for the alternate builds.
And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)
The front of the package shows the set in a fun action shot. The back displays some of the action features as well as alternate build.

In the box you get an instruction manual, seven numbered bags and 2 MCX Orange bar bags.

Here are some of the more interested pieces in one of the Orange Bar bags. The large angular piece forms the base for the skiff or the main structure for the wall in the alternate build. Several weapons come in this set. There are also a few printed pieces as well.

Both Orange bar bags have been sorted out. Those gear pieces will be shown and explained later in the review.

Bag 1‘s pieces. Lots of small parts here. Oh, before I go further, because the is a somewhat bigger build and does have many small parts, I highly suggest you build this on a larger table.

Bag 2‘s pieces. Note the 4 mini figure stands (seen below in sandy mottled color).

Okay, we have both Orange bar bags, and bags 1 and 2 sorted out.

Let’s get into the build, shall we?!
First thing we start to build is the bottom or “base” of the Skiff. The square with the circle and hole in it will be the spot for the turret later in the build. The rectangular hole (seen right) will become important to the gear mechanism.

This section here looks much like a V-8 engine with pipes. I LIKE IT!

More of the rear of the craft is built up, onto the base of the skiff.

Bag 3‘s pieces.

Bag 4‘s pieces I’m definitely liking the large clear blue engine pieces here.

Okay, next we start building up what will become the front of the ship and housing for the turret.

Note the handles on the section that clip into front of the skiff.

These next few steps may become slightly irritating as initially the gear won’t stay in place (top left). Once you build the next section (top right) and place it on the underbody of the skiff (bottom left and right), it’s held securely.

Here’s a short video showing the gear moving.
Bag 5‘s piece. Lots more little parts!

Bag 6‘s pieces. I do like the dark red pieces. As well, those notched/curved silver pieces are quite nice. Rather unique pieces.

Bag 7’s pieces. This is where we get a bit more red pieces and again some more clear blue engine pieces!

For this next few sets of pics, we build up the undercarriage fins/sides. I’m quite happy with that as often the undersides of vehicles are often ignored. Yet here, they are built up nicely.

Each fin/side is built independently, though they are the same build, just mirrored.

And those sections are attached. Again, these add a little bulk to the craft. Clear pieces are added to the bottom to help it glide along flat surfaces.

We now start to finish the top of the skiff.
Below we’ve just added the turret cylinder.

The little section you see below is the seat for the driver of the skiff. That peg you see sticking out is for to insert into the driver’s back to keep it in position as the skiff is played with.

The driver’s assembly. Full disclosure here. I goofed at this part and accidentally flipped the handles the wrong way. This gets fix shortly here after… (Yes, even I can make a mistake. But I do admit to them.)

I didn’t notice that these pieces had printing on them until I put them on the skiff itself. Nice little detail!

The rails are built and connected on to the skiff via ball joints and sockets.

Below is the buildable gun that is added to the gun turret cylinder. As you can see, a small pin on the underside of the gun is inserted into one of the small hole in the cylinder. This gun has a built in projectile launcher.

Here is the driver’s section fitted properly…

And the Skiff is complete!

Now let’s take a look at the figures.
Here we have a green Mark VII Get 3 Spartan. I REALLY like this armor. Whether it becomes Chief’s new armor, someone else, or just an armor set you can pick in multiplayer for Halo Infinite, is not yet known as of this writing. But it sure looks great!

Orthogonal views of the Spartan figure.

Here’s a Banished Grunt. It’s the same as the Grunt Conscript we’ve seen in other sets, just a different color armor.

Orthogonal views of the Grunt.

This Banished Brute isn’t sporting the red we are used to seeing. There are actually 2 of this figure in the set, but as they are the same, I’m only showing one at the moment in the figure spotlight section.

Orthogonal views of the Brute. Yes, it only has one shoulder and one thigh armor piece.

Craig, is that you???

These were all the left over pieces I had from this set.

Tried to make something out of them. This is maybe a little gunboat?

And here is the finished Skiff with figures! Plenty of room on the Skiff’s base to transport other Banished forces.

Oh, hello there!

Now that the Skiff is built, let’s take it all apart and build the alternate builds, via the app!
So of course that means we have to sort all the pieces over again. This is definitely where you want a bigger table to build as all 450+ pieces are on display.

As with the skiff, here we start with the large blackish angular piece. This becomes the main piece for the wall.

More build up.

The Wall has a gear system you build into it.
That system is for a rotating turret. Seen below with arrow and circle to denote proper placement on another gear.

A pin sticks out of the back of the wall. As well, side portions are erected and attached to the main wall to keep it sturdy and upright.

As you can see below, that pin can be turned to turn the turret above it.
Now we start to build the back wall base support structure.

That large engine piece fits nicely here and adds some weight to the back base support.

Just wanted to specifically show how and where this section is attached. Gotta love side builds!!

The Turret Wall is complete. Here shown back (left) and front (right).

The next alternate build, via the app, is what I’m calling Skitterer, though it’s not official name that. Still, the build is close to that of a skitterer form Halo Wars 2.
The first section we build serves as both the body and cockpit of the vehicle.

This next section becomes the roof/hatch of the vehicle.

Then those two sections are clipped together as shown by the arrows below.

Assembled, it’s ready for legs to be attached. Yes, a Brute figure can fit in there and I show that later in the review.

The next set of pics shows the legs built and where they are attached vie ball/socket joints.

Top-rear sections are added.

Here I’ve put a Brute in the cockpit. It’s hands can clasp the handles, so it stays in place.

Now here are the NEW left overs, after the alternate build. Again, I tried to build something with it. Really not sure what it is though, LOL….

And finally, the Turret Wall and Skitterer together. Yes, these are both built from the one and same set.

Summary: The set’s build time is moderate. I think the skiff is a longer build than bother the Wall and Skitterer combined. Good choices for army builders in the figures round out this as yet, still mysterious new vehicle in the Halo franchise.
Overall Rating: I give this set 8.5 out of 10 medals.
Why did I give it a 8.5 out of 10?
• As we haven’t seen any actual in-game artwork for the skiff, it’s impossible to state if it’s game accurate of not. That said, I’m not convinced ball socket rails were the way to go here. They look a little clunky. If indeed this is how they look in game though, I’ll edit this portion of the review to reflect that and bump up the score. As of this moment though, I’m not overly fond of those rails.
• The ship itself looks like a hollowed out Brute Prowler. This is no fault of Mega though. So again, it’s a tough call to make, as we haven’t seethe actual vehicle from the game (as of this writing).
• The big issue for me was the gear mechanism. In both the Skiff and more so in the Turret Wall, the gear system was a little tough to build and while it works isn’t as snugly fit as I’d like. So it makes an unexpected clicking sound when turning.
Here’s my opinion on the break down of the value of this set. (In US dollars)
• Each figure with weapon and stand I put at $4 each for a total of $12.
• This leaves $28 for the rest, be that the Skiff or as both the Wall and Skitterer, for the set to hit retail value. I’ll say that for the amount of pieces, you definitely get your moneys worth. I’m not a big fan of the skiff design, but again, without having seen the actual in-game model, I may change that thought. The Turret Wall is okay, though I think the gear mechanism for it is unneeded. I really like the skitterer though. So I’ll say pieces wise, they are worth that remainder $28. Design wise, not so much the Skiff. The Wall I’d put at $10, while the Skitterer I’d put at $25. So combined those are close to retail value.
TOTAL: $40 (before tax and in U.S. dollars)
Given that the set costs $40 US before tax, I find this set to be right on par or slightly above value, just for the piece count. It’s the final design though that leaves a little to be desired. I think this is because I expect a war craft to be more armored and not so hollow. Again, when the game comes out, I may edit or ammend this review to reflect my opinion once experience in-game.
Do I recommend it? Maybe. As the Skiff has not been seen in any in-game renders, it’s hard to say if it’s game accurate. As a toy it works fine, though I think the whole gear system didn’t need to be included and could have saved some parts usage and added some durability to the set’s design by other more sturdy pieces. Now, as the alternate build though, I really do enjoy the Skitterer, so that’s how I’m keeping it.
If you have any questions about this set that I didn’t cover in the review, please do not hesitate to ask me. Either reply below or e-mail me at [email protected].
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