Normally this is where I put the full Technical Specs, but since this is a two-pack, I’m putting only some of those here, with the articulation per figure later in the review.
Technical Specifications:
Accessories: Shock Rifle, Energy Sword, x2 Black/Grey hexagonal Figure Stands
Cost: $20 (US)
Availability: Mass Retail (I got mine from Target)
The box is large and shows off all the contents of the set completely. Jega looks particularly cool in the box, with his arms splayed out as shown. Near the bottom of the box, the text says what weapons comes with each figure.

Closeups of the Shock Rifle and the Energy Sword. I am LOVING this new gun! I can’t wait to try it out in Halo Infinite! That Energy Sword though….Oh My!!! I love that it’s Red-Orange. It fits with the figure quite well.

Okay, let’s take a look at the individual figures in this set. Starting with the Blue Mark V [B] Spartan.
The articulation is as such that figures can hold their weapons correctly. This is especially true here with the shock rifle being quite large and the figure being able to not only hold it, but keep it upright, while doing so.

Orthogonal views of the Spartan. Be sure to click on this pic to make it bigger, so you can see all the detail in the armor. There’s quite a bit of detail here, even for a figure this small in scale. Also take note of the slight silver wash (denoting paint chipping off) on the armor.

The hole in the back of the figure is able to stow most weapons, as is the case here with the Shock Rifle. (Though that might hurt one’s back after awhile, LOL.)

And now for Jega ‘Rdomnai!
Some the articulation for Jega is the same as the Spartan. There are some very specific differences though. His left arm has a swivel elbow and swivel wrist instead ball joints, as they are on the right arm. Also note Jega has “Hock” articulation. Hocks are kind of like the upper ankles. This is what that joint is called in many animals, so that’s why I named it as such, just for clarification.

A close up of Jega reveals lots of juicy details. A metallic shoulder socket, severe battle damage to the left chest, no coverings on the left mandibles, (which might also be metal or at least artificial), and a “Hand of Atriox” emblem on the chest. This character has got a story to tell and I can’t wait to find out what that is!!

Orthogonal views of Jega. Absolutely click this pic to make bigger. The differences from the left to the right side are quite striking. That forearm mounted energy sword is AWESOME! Again, another detail I can’t wait to learn about.
Some very light silver wash along the red knee and toe spikes add to Jega’s menacing look.

I had to show a comparison here of not just Jega and the Spartan, but also a UNSC Marine from the same line. As you can see, there is quite a difference in height and these are all in correct scale together!

I’m going to give values for each figure here.
Spartan: Very well done. Armor looks great. Tons of detail, even in the undersuit. Especially on the back. 10 of 10 medals.
Jega: Awesome! The armor over all looks fantastic. The battle damage is very well done. Love the red spikes all over. 10 of 10 medals!
Spartan: Though considered standard for this line, it’s well done and allows for lots of poseability. 10 out of 10 medals.
Jega: Though Jega has less articulation on the left arm, there is still plenty all over the figs. 9 out of 10 medals.
Paint Application:
Spartan: Lots of blue and dark grey for the armor, some light silver wash for battle scarring and additional painting for lights round out this paint application quite nicely. 9 out of 10 medals.
Jega: The paint application is fantastic here. Crisp red lines, silver wash on most of the spikes bits. Warm and cool grey are subtly displayed and black armor all over. 10 of 10 medals!
Spartan: The Shock Rifle has just a couple paint applications. Brown for the straps and dark grey for what I think might be an ammo clip? 9 out of 10 medals.
Jega: The energy sword is fantastic in color. I do wish the hilt was more detailed. 9 out of 10 medals
Spartan: With lots of articulation, this figure has a lot of play value. It can be posed into many positions. 10 of 10 medals.
Jega: The very nature of this character makes it’s playability high. A unique Elite with unique weapons. Love it! 10 of 10 medals.
Spartan: 47 medals out of 50 medals.
Jega: 49 medals out of a total 50 medals.
Do I recommend this product? Most definitely!
I’d buy it just for Jega alone. At $20, you get two really good figures. SO worth it!
The set already has a lot of play value. However, once we find out the story behind Jega, I’m certain that is going to shoot UP!
If you have any questions about this figure that I didn’t cover in the review, please feel free to either reply below or e-mail me at [email protected] or on twitter @HaloFanForLife.
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