Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 11-20-12

Okay, I think someone pulled a switcheroo here. I can see completing 9 War Games and MAYBE winning 4 Regicide, but not the other way around as we got it.

Is it me or are Halo 4’s challenges REALLY a challenge? For some they just aren’t worth the extra XP awarded. Srsly. if I win 9 Regicide matches in ONE day…how about a bonus of at least 4500XP? (500 extra for each win).

Whew, looks like I’ll just be playing normally today and not “challenging” myself to get these. It’s a bit disappointing too. When I compare these to Reach’s challenges, I almost never missed those ones and had fun trying for them. Halo 4’s challenges are a bit too tough some times and not worth the effort. I hope BS Angel takes a look at the data to see how many people are actually completing these challenges versus the number of players. That will hopefully help in relaxing the requirements to complete challenges.

Anyone else agree? Disagree?

Spartan Ops Episode 3!

Catherine Halsey, the creator of the original Spartan program is brought aboard the Infinity. The artifact is communicating with the Infinity, while on Requiem Elites have a “guest.”



Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn set. Part 1: Unboxing and sorting.

Normally when I do a review for a Mega Bloks set, it’s all in one article. However, given the size of this set and the time it’s going to take to get it built, I thought I’d go a different route for this one. For the next several days until I get the set completed, I’m going to be posting articles detailing the build process of the amazing set.

Up first is the unbloxing (yes I meant to do that, LOL) and the sorting of all the pieces.

This box is massive. Note the handle on top of it. It’s needed believe me!

A shot of what’s on the back of the box.

As you can see from above, when you first open the box you are greeted to some very nice interior artwork as well as the THICK instruction manual.

When you lift out the manual these 4 shoesized boxes are underneath waiting to be taken out.

See, I told you the instruction manual is thick!

On the back of the manual you have this fantastic compilation artwork of recent sets. It’s almost identical to the larger poster that was given away at FanFest in Toronto earlier this year.

The above three pics show three of the boxes contents. LOTS and LOTS of bloks!

And finally for this part are the sorted pieces. I had to photoshop two photos together to get these all in one shot.

As you can see I like to be a bit organized. I stack the same pieces together 10 high with leftovers in a smaller stack. Also, note the orange tabs on the parts list. I do this with very large sets like this.  What I do is catalog the parts against the parts list to make sure I have the amount is specifies. By putting a tab down on the part it lets me know it’s been cataloged. There are two more pages of parts and I did this with those as well.

Already I’ve spent 5 hours on this and that was all just in the unboxing and sorting…

I’m loving it though!

Stay tuned for follow up articles showing the build in progress!


Updated Halo Starship Comparison chart 11/18/2012.

I’ve updated the chart now to include a better UNSC Infinity. No longer will we have to look at the forced perspective one. I now have a straight side view. Still holding out for a better version than this one, however, this side shot will do nicely for now. (I’m ALWAYS revising this chart…)

If you repost the pic or link, please credit me as: Designed by Sal Salerno at HaloFanForLife.com.

Feel free to download!


Conan O’Brien Easter Egg in Halo 4!

IN case you haven’t found it yet, Jack and Geoff from Achievement Hunter show you where you can find the red-headed screwball himself and his lackey Andy Richter. (I mean that in the nicest sincerest way fellas)

They don’t show the whole thing, but it’s enough to get a laugh. Now it’s your turn to T-BAG Conan! LOL.


Spartan Ops Episode 2: Artifact (comic book)

Majestic team is on Requiem. A Forerunner artifact aboard the Infinity causes havoc…Now in “Spartan Ops, Episode 2: Artifact.”

As always if you should repost the graphics anywhere or a link to this post, please credit me as: Design by Sal Salerno of HaloFanForLife.com

Feel free to download this free comic book!


Shout out to ALL the blog visitors!

As always I get a high amount of visitors from the Untied States and I’m appreciative of that.

Of late however, I’ve been getting a LOT more visitors from other countries. I’m extremely happy to see that my blog has captured the eye of international readers. Not just those of English speaking countries (of which England, Australia and Canada are always the highest next to the States), but those of other languages.

In order of most visitors from other than English speaking countries the following are countries who visit the blog the most:

The Netherlands

I can’t see beyond the top 10 countries in my analytics, so if your country isn’t any of the ones mentioned above, then please tell your friends and fellow Halo fans about the blog and let’s have a little friendly competition to see if another country can crack the top ten list.

Again, I want to thank ALL of you for continuing to visit the blog, regardless of your country of origin. It is VERY much appreciated and helps to keep me motivated to provide Halo content.

My number of visitors before Halo 4 were about 2,000 a day (unique). That spiked heavily just before and during the week after the game launched to reaching 6,000 viewers a day (also unique). That’s trimmed off a bit to about 4,500 a day (and again unique). Still that’s excellent and again I thank you.

If you haven’t registered yet, PLEASE do. Registration is free and comes with the occasional perk of being eligible for contest prizes ONLY awarded to registered members of the blog. I’ve got some nice ones coming up, so now would be a good time to join! (Click the Register here! tab above or just follow the link to join.)


Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 11-17-12

Whew okay, today’s challenges are going to be just that a challenge. 4 killing sprees in one match? I’ve got that in Halo 4 already, but only twice. This one is not so easy.

The next one…uh again with the Regicide…win three matches. Playing the gametype no problem, winning three? That will take a little effort. I’ve already completed the weekly challenge, so I’ll pass on this second one.

I hope next week’s challenges don’t involve Regicide. While it’s fun to play, I think I’ve played enough of it this past week to last for awhile. If the challenges are going to be based on objective gametypes, I’d rather see CTF, then possibly Oddball. My guess though since Regicide is one of 343’s new gametypes, that we’ll see some challenges having to do with Dominion or Extraction to get more people playing in those playlists.

To be honest, I haven’t played any Extraction games, so that might be a good thing to try out.

Whew, got a bit off topic….LOL.


An amazing Kat Spartan Cosplay!

Credit to Hypertrooper for the link to this via Twitter.

This is the best cosplay of Kat I’ve ever seen (not including the “official” one from Pax a couple of years ago).

Check it out!

Kat Cosplay!

What do you think? Pretty good huh? Lots of detail to this and obviously the person who designed it cared for that. The link really gives us a comprehensive look at how a quality cosplay outfit is made.


My Forward Unto Dawn graphic novel for episode 5 is featured on Waypoint!


Woot! As always I want to thank BS Angel for posting this and relinking to the blog. I’ve had tremendously great reception to them. The Spartan Ops comic book is going well. Episode 1 of that was finished a couple of days ago and episode 2 is about 75% done. Hopefully that will be finished today. The only thing I’ll have to wait on is the preview vid of episode 3 to add a “Next in Spartan Ops” graphic.
