Rail Gun concept art by “Sparth” of 343.

Sparth tweeted this cool concept piece showing the ammo cartridge for the rail gun and how it’s loaded.

Rail Gun concept SparthI really like the design of the gun. It does remind me of UNSC Frigates from previous Halo games, and I’m perfectly fine with that.


I’m going to work for 343!

343 logo WonK
As some of you know, I’ve applied, via a recruiting agency, for a job with 343. I’m extremely happy to say I got the position.

Details of the position are to remain under wraps for now until I’m allowed to reveal them. In the meantime, I’ve got some serious planning to do. Packing up stuff to move to Seattle (Kirkland), Washington, will be the biggest immediate thing of course. Also april fools day will be second. From there, if you got caught, just admit it. Wouldn’t this have been extremely cool though? Although this article was a joke, my desire to work for 343 isn’t.

The Halo Bulletin 3.28.13

halobulletinheader_3-28-13This week’s Halo Bulletin brings us a recap of PAX East, Q&A regarding what was shown at PAX East, and a bevy of RED Screenshots.

By now you’ve read about or seen the vids coming out of PAX East regarding Halo 4. Arguably the biggest announcement was that of Forge Island. (Which btw is free to download RIGHT NOW!) It was slated to be released April 11. For whatever reason though, it’s been released early. I’m thinking with many having an extended weekend for Easter, 343 wanted to give people an early shot at forging on this wonderful, flat and FREE map.

Multi-team is back! Q&A regarding CSR, how it’s applied via wins/losses players played against, your own performance, etc.

Sadly no Season Two of Spartan Ops is planned at the moment. However….If you’ve been reading my blog you know that that means I’m free to explore my new web series “MaC Rounds” without worrying about steeping on 343’s toes and having to hold back production of episodes to watch what 343 does. So my series is a go full steam ahead! (On that note, I’ll be posting something in the next few days about that which is extremely important to me and how the production moves ahead.)

Talk of Forge Island takes place in the Bulletin, but again, since it’s available NOW, why not check it out for yourself? The “X” is back. No doubt if you played yesterday, you saw the “X” in matchmaking. Yes it’s white, not red. Yes, it despawns quick, depending on the player’s respawning. However, I for one am HAPPY that it’s back at all. Better than NOT having it. Are MEGA Bloks Reap-X vehicles canon to the story? Hmm, I’ll let you read that in the bulletin…

Go check out the link to see the gallery of red screenshots from Halo 4.

Peace out, I’m going to go play with Forge Island!!!

Forge Island is LIVE!!!

I found out from a tweet by Pete_the_Duck that Forge Island is on the marketplace and available for download!

pete the duck FI
So of course I checked this out on XBOX.com:Forge Island on MarketplaceSure enough after downloading it from the net to my XBOX, I was able to start forging right away!

Welcome to Forge Island!!Welcome to Forge IslandAbove are the new rocks. Just look at that amazing rock wall and immense spire. Not to mention a GREEN SCREEN!!!! OMG, this is going to help my new Halo web series “MaC Rounds” out so much!

As you can see I rotated one of the rock walls and placed it on top of a coliseum wall. As well, I placed a 1×1 block roughly in the middle of those two to show size: Coliseum Wall-Rock Wall-1x1 blockThe rock wall is HUGE!

Here’s that beautiful green screen!GreenScreenAnd look trees! (There are actually only 3 versions, however the tallest has a truck so tall that it enables you to have great variance in height of trees) The shortest below is also the tallest, just with it’s truck mostly submerged into the ground.TreesAnd last but not least a worm’s eye view of the above (really it’s Spartan height, but you feel like a worm…)Trees Worms Eye ViewHave at it folks! It’s FREE!!!!!!!


Halo 4 project lead designer, Scott Warner, chronicles building the Prometheans

The following link details a GDC 2013 panel from yesterday 3/27/13, with Scott Warner, Halo 4 project lead designer.

Building the Prometheans

In the article, Scott describes the early on development of the Prometheans. Most notably that there were SIX Prometheans initially before 343 decided to cut that in half to the three we got in the game. Though he goes on to say that they hope to get the other three in the series at some point. Hmm, DLC??? Spartan Ops Season TWO???

The reasoning behind the Prometheans was to give long time Halo fans new enemies to fight as they (343) were concerned about player “fatigue” with battling old enemies.

The first Promethean to be created was the Knight, followed by the Crawlers, then the Watcher.

The article is an interesting read (but for the typos).

HFFL is proud to announce a collaboration with Fathead.com.


Starting April 14, 2013 through April 20, 2013, you will be able to save a whopping 30% off all Fathead Halo products.

Fathead is known for making huge wall graphics that are removable. Most notably of sports figures and teams. However, did you know they also made Halo sets too? No?

Well then, let me tell you about them…Fatheads make these incredibly large removable wall graphics. Between now and April 20, I will be giving away select sets from their Halo line. These sets are their “junior” versions and are still quite large.

The following graphics are of their “Real Big” (large) sizes:

FH Halo 4 MCFH Crawler FH Halo 4 Battle Ready MC FH Promethean Knight FH Classic MC FH Elite
Not shown is a Halo Reach default Noble Six also available.

The ones I’ll be giving away are:
• Master Chief: Halo 4 (Jr.): SKU 15-16735
• Elite: Halo 4 (Jr.) SKU 15-16739
• Crawler: Halo 4 (Jr.) SKU 15-16737
• Knight: Halo 4 (Jr.) SKU 15-16738

Each a $40 value.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, for a limited time, you’ll be able to save a whopping 30% on all of their Halo products. Keep checking back between now and April 20 for the giveaways (these will come via a trivia contest). You must be registered with the blog to be eligible for prizes. (Click this link to register)

As well, on April 13, I’ll post the code for the 30% discount as well as a direct link for the HFFL promotion with Fathead.

If you’ve ever wanted these before and have been on the fence, THIS will be the time to get them!


Halo 4 Title Update List

If you haven’t already updated or don’t know what the update includes, here is the list of things changed/added:

•    Enabled “X-Markers” on the HUD to designate when and where teammates are killed.
•    Updated Active Camo to fully  reveal players when they fire all weapons.
•    Reduced the auto aim, magnetism, and damage on the Gauss Warthog.
•    Fixed an issue where some players at SR-130 did not see their specialization on their
.     in-game playercard.
•    Fixed various issues with ordnance nav markers.
•    Fixed various join-in-progress issues with Flood.

343 Industries at GDC 2013 – Panel Schedule

gdc2013Bringing the Game to Life – Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Postmortem
SPEAKER/S: Kevin Grace, Frank O’Connor, Kiki Wolfkill and Matt McCloskey
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Tuesday 10:00-11:00 Room 2018, West Hall
TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Game Narrative Summit / 60-Minute / Lecture / All
DESCRIPTION: 343 Industries faced many challenges when they took on the 10-year-old Halo universe, and all the fan expectations that accompanied that universe. One of the most daunting tasks was determining how to introduce such an established fiction to potential brand-new fans, while simultaneously rewarding those who have played every game and read every book in the sizable, extended Halo fiction collection. Responding to fan appreciation of previous live-action marketing campaigns, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn was born. In this talk, 343 Industries will do a postmortem of the creation of the groundbreaking web series, and what lessons were learned. The talk will cover everything from developing partnerships in Hollywood, adapting game content for different media, and how to coordinate fiction between the very different schedules of movies and game creation.

The Design of New Enemies for Halo 4
SPEAKER/S: Scott Warner
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Room 134, North Hall
TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Design / 60-Minute / Lecture / All
DESCRIPTION: Halo 4 was a massive undertaking by a brand new studio (343 Industries) to carry on the legacy of the legendary shooter franchise. Scott Warner, project lead designer on Halo 4, will take you through the design and development of a critical component of the game: the brand new Promethean enemies. You will learn, from content to ship, about every key moment in the creation of these characters, including videos and concepts showing the iterative progress along the way.

Static Lighting Tricks in Halo 4
SPEAKER/S: Mike Boulton
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Wednesday 11:35-12:00 Room 307, South Hall
TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Programming / 25-Minute / Lecture / Advanced
DESCRIPTION: In this 25-minute lecture the speaker gives a brief overview of the static lighting approach used in Halo 4. He then zooms into three topics: the pros and cons of using a GPU light mapper, the details of a very fast and efficient new texture packing algorithm, and the details of a novel refinement technique used to dramatically improve light map resolution

Into the Crucible: Forging a Triple-A Game and a Triple-A Studio Simultaneously
SPEAKER/S: Kiki Wolfkill
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Thursday 11:30-12:30 Room 3001, West Hall
TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Production / 60-Minute / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: In 2008 Microsoft formed 343 Industries, a 12-person startup within Microsoft Game Studios chartered with taking on the formidable task of building the next Halo game as well as defining the future of this beloved IP and franchise. Taking over one of the most successful gaming franchises in history is one thing, but building a team from scratch to create a world-beating sequel at the same time, is quite another. Revealing the brutal challenges and surprising opportunities of the intense four year journey to build Halo 4 and the 343 Industries team, this talk is both a cautionary tale and the feel-good movie of the year… wait, what?

Relighting Forge in Halo 4: Just-In-Time Lighting of User Generated Content
SPEAKER/S: Adam Gold
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Thursday 5:30- 6:30 Room 304, South Hall
TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Programming , Visual Arts / 60-Minute / Lecture / Intermediate
DESCRIPTION: Graphics engineers from the Halo 4 team discuss the problem of generating and rendering high quality lighting from user-generated content (UGC). Visual features such as hemispherical occlusion and full-scene directional shadows (which may be too costly to generate in real-time) can be generated and compressed into lightmaps on the fly by utilizing UV space GPU rasterization. This talk will provide a general overview of the challenges that can be solved with just-in-time lighting, as well as a detailed explanation of how it was applied to Halo’s map editor, Forge.

Halo Reborn: A Postmortem on the Creation of Halo 4
SPEAKER/S: Josh Holmes
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Friday 2:30- 3:30 Room 134, North Hall
TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Design , Production / 60-Minute / Lecture / Intermediate
DESCRIPTION: 343 Industries was formed with a monumental task: to build a new studio from scratch and take over a much beloved universe from legendary developer Bungie. Their first internally developed title, Halo 4, was released on November 6, 2012 to widespread critical acclaim. In this session, franchise creative director Josh Holmes will discuss how the studio managed to overcome the overwhelming odds and many challenges involved with assembling a brand new team to deliver a game worthy of the Halo franchise legacy.

The Janus Key (from Spartan Ops Episode 9) and it’s real world correlation

343 has done a great job of bringing in real world references into Halo 4. One of the best examples of this is the Janus Key. I did a search on the net and found the following fascinating info. Amazing how this all fits in very well with how the episode plays out.

Be forewarned the following text has a highly religious tone. I am not promoting religion in any way, just the correlation between the Janus Key and how it relates to the real world belief of Janus the Roman deity.


Janus, the ambivalent Indo-European deity with two faces, one on each side of the head, was one of the earliest gods of Rome. Originally the god of gods and benevolent creator, he became the god of change and transitions such as the progression of past to future, of one condition to another, of one vision to another, and of one universe to another. He was god of the gate and the presiding deity of the beginning of anything.

The opening month of the year (January, from janua, “gate”) was sacred to him, as was the first day of each month. He presided over the start and the vestals took care of the completion of any enterprise. He ruled the birth of gods, the cosmos, mankind and its undertakings. As warden of gates, which he opened and closed, he was depicted with a doorkeeper’s keys and staff. His two faces meant that he watched entrances as well as exits, and saw into the internal as well as the external world, left and right, above and below, before and after, for and against. His shrines were archways, such as gateways or arcades at crossing places. (Taken from Dictionary of Symbols, Jean Chevalier & Alain Gheerbrant).

Let us look now at the esoteric symbolism of Janus, especially in connection to arcane Christian Mysteries. A curious document expressly representing Christ in the form of Janus shows a cartouche painted on a detached page of a fifteen century manuscript found at Luchon, in France. This painting ends the leaf for the month of January in the prefatory calendar of the book. At the summit of the medallion is the monogram “I.H.S” (for Hiesou, Greek for “Jesus”) surmounted by a heart.

The rest of the medallion features a bust of Janus and his dual function in the harmonization and blending of his/her dual nature. The two faces represent a male and female; they both share one crowned head, which we will discuss later on. The male figure holds a sceptre in his hand and his female counterpart holds a key.

In reproducing this document, Charbonneau-Lassay writes: “On Roman monuments, Janus is shown crowned as in the cartouche of Luchon, with the sceptre in the right hand, because he is king; he holds in the other hand a key which opens and closes the epochs; this is why, by extension of this idea, the Romans consecrated to him the doorways of houses and the gates to cities.

Christ, also like the ancient Janus, holds the royal sceptre to which he is entitled by his Heavenly Father as well as by his earthly ancestry. His other hand holds the key to the eternal secrets, the key colored by his blood which opens the doorway of  life for lost humanity.”

To translate the Christ mystery into our own language, the “cartouche” shows the process and the result that it brings about in a seeker. It shows us the level of consciousness we call the Cosmic Christ or Cosmic Consciousness. In the Christic Mysteries, the seeker who has reached this level of attainment is called a “Son of God.”

Before going deeper into the symbolic meaning of Janus, let us look at what Charbonneau-Lassay meant by the word “blood.” In an esoteric and spiritual context, blood represents all the integral qualities of fire, heat and vitality inherent to the Sun and the Cosmic Christ. Therefore, according to mystical tradition, blood represents new life, new beginnings and resurrection. By “blood of Christ,” Charbonneau-Lassay means a spiritual and alchemical process of purification from all past karma so as to receive “new blood” and reach a new level of spiritual energy. This means that this process brings about a complete renewal and the birth of a “Son of God” in the flesh.

The symbolic image of Janus/Jana is androgynous, since the masculine and feminine energies and qualities are in complete balance and harmony and their respective attributes makes the head of Janus/Jana crowned. This shows us that their dual nature unites at the mind level and becomes one complete new being. Some authors regard Jana as Diana/Artemis, a lunar goddess representing the feminine aspect of Janus. Janus is also a lunar symbol but it represents another aspect of the lunar process that is more active and masculine. Hence when observed separately, each of the figures of Janus/Jana represents the psychic energies within the seeker that have been transformed and purified, each holding his/her own virtue and function.

The crown that harmonizes and unites them after their “mystical wedding” gives rise to the third face, which remains invisible and represents the crowning of the great work, the androgynous level of consciousness where God incarnates in the seeker. Thus, the seeker knows in all humility that he is a Son of God. For this reason, the crown is a solar symbol and, therefore, the two streams of the moon within the seeker blend, and from a level of duality, they unite with the Sun symbol of the Father and God. The alchemical symbol of the rebis reminds us of the same principle hidden behind the cartouche of Janus/Jana.

Whenever the symbolism of Janus relates to time, between the past (which is no longer) and the future (which is not yet), the true Face of Janus—that which looks at the present and is supposed to face us—is not shown; it is neither one nor the other of the two we can see. This third face is, in fact, invisible because the present in its temporal manifestation is but an intangible and imperceptible instant. (This is also why certain languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic, do not have present tense verbs.)

Thus, the seeker lives on a different plane of existence, since he is “invisible” and does not dwell in the past or the future. He is awake in the present, and is not affected by his past or his future. He trusts only the present moment because he lives in the spirit, which contains all reality. (Hmm, does this sound like Master Chief?) This third, invisible face of Janus reminds us of the sacred and divine face of the Cosmic Christ, the Divine Face hidden within the “seed.” Thus this little cartouche contains all the keys and tools of the mystical process of this great mystery.

Hindu tradition has a similar symbol: the third eye of Shiva that is also invisible and not represented by any corporeal organ. This invisible eye represents the “sense of eternity,” and its glance is said to reduce everything to ashes, to destroy all manifestation, and purifies and transforms karma, keeping only what is pure in the eternal present. Thus the apparent destruction is, in reality, a transformation of the old ways into no ways, no opinions, no judgments, no limitations, living “out of time” and yet in it.

Thus we see that Janus represents he who is not only the “master of the triple time (past/future/present—a designation that Hinduism also applies to Shiva), but also, and above all else, he is the Lord of Eternity.

In the New Testament, Christ said, “I am the alpha and omega,” the beginning and the end. The master of time cannot himself be subject to time, which has its principle in him, just as, according to Aristotle, the prime mover of all things or the universal principle of movement is necessarily immobile. It is the center that is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere.

Janus is portrayed as holding the sceptre and the key. Now, like the crown, the sceptre is the emblem of royal power. Seen from a mystical perspective, they symbolize one who has reached the highest level of Cosmic Consciousness as an awakened master of himself and of his own destiny. Furthermore, since the sceptre is on his right, or masculine, side he represents, in an initiatory sense, the inner spiritual power of the mystic. The key, on his left, or feminine, side represents Jana, his complement, or Sophia, the higher intuition and intelligence within a mystic that holds the key to the kingdom. The crown symbolizes the three principles in a mystic, i.e., his mystical wedding or the union of the two opposites on the axial neutral pole of pure Consciousness and Being. According to Hebrew Kabbalah symbolism, the right and left correspond respectively to two Divine attributes: mercy (CHESED) and justice (GEBURAH). On one level, this shows that the seeker judges no one except himself, and on a more spiritual level, it proves that the invisible part or third face is the real judge of the living and dead, the one that conveys harmony and peace. This small cartouche, therefore, shows us that when the masculine and feminine energies within the mystic function properly and in harmony, then the mystical wedding takes place in the seeker, bringing about his/her own invisible face and presence of Cosmic Consciousness. This invisible presence also has the symbolic name of Melchizedek.

Sometimes Janus is shown with two keys, those of the solstice gates, Janua Celi and Janua Inferni (I wonder if we’ll see those names pop up in Halo?), corresponding respectively to the winter and summer solstices, the two extremes in the sun’s annual course, for as master of time, Janus is the janitor who opens and closes this cycle. Janus is also the god of initiation into the mysteries. (The word “initiation” derives from in-ire, or enter (again the symbolism of the gate). Christ said, “I am the Way“—another connection between Janus and Christ?)

Turning to their initiatory symbolism, Janus as the god of initiation has two keys, gold and silver, that represent the greater mysteries and the lesser mysteries, and the celestial and terrestrial paradises, respectively. Because Janus is also the master of the solstices, with ascending and descending cycles that begin at the winter and summer solstice respectively, he is also the Master of the Two Ways to which the solstice gates give access, the ways of the right and the left, which the Pythagoreans represented by the letter “Y,” represented exoterically in the myth of Hercules as the ways of virtue and vice.

In Hindu tradition, these same two ways are termed the “Way of the Gods” (deva-yana) and the “Way of the Ancestors” (pitri-yana). The symbolism of Ganesha has many parallels with that of Janus. He, too, is the Master of the Two Ways and therefore Lord of Knowledge, echoing the idea of initiation into the mysteries. Finally these two ways could be construed as those of the heavens and of the hells. However, for seekers, these two ways are part of an initiatory process, the right side representing ascension into heaven and the left, descent into hell—cycles of purification that the seeker must undergo.

So Janus/Jana acquire their powers and virtues only after the seeker has successfully entered and purified his own karmic “inner hell,” a long and gradual process. The more the soul of the seeker “allows” him to descend into the depth of his personal “hell,” the more he is elevated and ascends to a level of “heaven” that corresponds to the level of consciousness that he has achieved through purification. These spiritual “operations” are linked together and can never be separated. (Hmm, I wonder if this is something Halsey will have to do? Or possible Chief?)

Credit to this site for the text above:

Okay, so having read all that, there could be some truly amazing things in store for Halo. The Janus Key in episode 9 of Spartan Ops is supposed to unlock the location of all Forerunner locations. It’s a means to launch humanity forward greatly in evolution through technology. Seeing how the key looks in episode 9 and there being a reference to a “Y” shaped configuration, might it be possible that the key could be combined this way to unlock yet more secrets that the Librarian did not show? In the episode, she locks the Key together to form a rectangular configuration.

If anything, I once again have to applaud whomever did their research at 343 regarding Janus and bringing that into Halo in the form of the Janus Key.




Podcast w/Podtacular re: Spartan Ops Episode 9 Key

Last night I recorded a podcast with POD Dust Storm of Podtacular. This is the next installment of our review of each episode and a break down of each playable chapter. This time we talk about episode 9, “KEY.”

You can download the podcast

. You can also listen to it at Podtacular without having to download it here.

Beyond talking about the episode and chapters, during the podcast, I also briefly talk about the Janus Key and it’s real world correlation. Look for an article about that shortly.

Halo 4 Weapon concept art by Sparth of 343.

My man Sparth posts yet some more great concept art. This time Halo 4 weapons!

tumblr_mkahaeWhnE1r5ajivo3_1280 tumblr_mkahaeWhnE1r5ajivo1_1280 tumblr_mkahaeWhnE1r5ajivo2_1280

Is it me, or do the Forerunner weapons look like they could have been part of a capital ship design?

So do you folks like concept art? I know I post a lot of it. I figure it’s easy seeing the finished stuff as it’s in game. Seeing what came before it always makes me feel good. Nice to see the progressions from concept to final piece.


Dave Bolton, Concept Artist on Halo4: Concept art gallery

I recently found out about this concept artist from a reader. I’m all too happy to promote concept art, especially Halo concepts.

This is really some fantastic work and runs the gamut of set design, set pieces, grayscale orthogonal views and character design.

Below is a gallery of art originally posted on Dave’s blog:

I know I’m going to be following Dave now. Just GREAT work!


343 Spotlight: Vic DeLeon, Lead Mission Artist

Vic Deleon is a Lead Mission Artist with 343. 
Vic Deleon

If you’ve been a fan of the Halo franchise for awhile, then you know who Vic Deleon is. He is a former Bungie employee having worked on Halo starting with Halo 2 on forward. While at Bungie, Vic was also known as “VJ.”

Vic grew up in Culver City, Calif. He wanted to go to art school, while his family wanted him to go to med school. He studied biology at Florida Atlantic University before majoring in Fine Art with a minor in Computer Science, eventually earning a Master of Fine Arts.

During school he worked at a small studio making games. A few years later he would go on to found the studio “Digitalo,” with two of his friends. At the time Vic was working on 3-D simulation stuff with Performer, VRML, Quake and Unreal. He worked on several RPG games as well. After six years, Digitalo went under and Vic was looking for work. Then Bungie happened.

After several rounds of interviews, Bungie hired him. He and his expectant wife moved to Redmond, with Vic starting work on Halo 2 three weeks before it’s launch. He’s said of working for Bungie, “I hate to sound like a fan boy, but it’s even better than I expected. I love it. I could go on and on. It’s like working in a high school locker room without the smells. No, I take that back, there are smells. It’s just crazy, like one big zoo. There are times here when the whole office is just laughing. Just busting-up-rolling-on-the-floor laughing.”

Vic may be most well known as the Artist behind the Halo 3 multiplayer map “Valhalla” and it’s Halo 4 remake “Ragnarok“. He’s also a bit known for not being good at playing Halo…LOL. I have gamed with him a a few occasions and can sadly back up that claim. Though, he is quite a nice guy.  Vic DeLeon also spent six months of pre-production time refining the Flood’s fleshy aesthetic and designing the organic interiors of Flood-infested space ships for Halo 3.

Some time after 343 was formed, Vic left Bungie to join the new developer. He enjoys the position of Lead Mission Artist. Vic also is an avid Tweeter where he’s tweeted all things “Weird Fish” and “UnZen.”

Some text above is paraphrased from the Halo.wiki page of Vic where you can find more info about him.