Cryptic message for Halo Exclusives…

XBOX tweeted the following:

Crytpic messgae

Want exclusives?The key to this puzzle lies in Halo: Starscope:

HFFL: Following the link takes you to “Halo: Starscope”. I’ve been there before, but thought it was fan-made. So hmm, now I need to take a better look at this.

If any of you happen upon the key to this puzzle, please do share. I’m sure fellow Halo fans would like to know what this means.


Halo 5 Guardians Beta week TWO, my initial thoughts and experiences

H5G MP Beta header CROP-hffl WM_sm

Yesterday saw the beginning of Week Two for the Halo 5 Guardians Beta. Yeah, I know, you’re also saying, “Wait, week two already?” For whatever reason, 343 decided to start the week two game types and new maps early. I’m curious if it was pressure from fans who were complaining about AR starts?

In any event, we now have BR starts with Magnum secondary weapons. Slayer is now on Regret and Eden. Both are remixes of last week’s maps, Truth and Empire.  Continue reading

Is Neill Blomkamp still interested in making a Halo movie?

So of you many know that a Halo movie has been talk about for many years, yet has not come to fruition. Neil Blomkamp, the director of District 9, was one of the directors tapped for a Halo movie. While that has fallen short, it seems he still has interest in Halo.

Earlier today I came across an article on Blomkamp showing pics from his instagram page of a secret “Aliens” project. It’s not an official thing, rather something he was toying around with.  Continue reading

The Halo Channel’s “The Sprint” series

The Sprint Logo

I’ve written  little bit about this a few days ago. This series is 6 episodes long. We’re up to episode 5. All episodes can be watched via the Halo Channel on your XBOX One. If you don’t have the One, hopefully soon all of these episodes will be uploaded to 343’s Youtube Channel.

In the mean time, here is some info you may have missed out on. Continue reading

Spartan Ops now in the HMCC (You can get HMCC achievements within this!)

Today saw an update that included among other things, the addition of Spartan Ops into the Halo Master Chief Collection.

Folks, if you haven’t played this in a long time or have never played , give it a go. It’s 50 total missions. A whole other campaign unto itself.

But what makes this better is the resolution. My does it look SO much better on the One! Continue reading

Combat Evolved Medal in Halo 5 Beta!

At the 26 second mark of the vid below, the player sticky nade’s the sniper and it blasts back to him. He picks it up and gets a “Combat Evolved” medal. Then again at the 52 second mark, he does the same with the Prophet’s Bane (Energy Sword) on Truth.

Pretty cool!!


Halo 5 Guardians Beta Screenshots and my first reaction/opinions of it

H5G MP Beta header CROP-hffl WM_smI was fortunate enough to get a code for the early access to the Halo 5 Guardians Beta.

Below is a graphic that was contained within the e-mail that I got for early access.H5G early accessI had to enter TWO codes for this. The first was to download the beta, the next granted me early access. 

It took about 45 minutes to download the beta. The access was just seconds.Not sure how big the download itself was.

For these two days, we only have Truth (Midship remake and Empire (the city map) to play on. And that’s plenty enough for two days!

I’ll go through some screen shots here, explaining them as needed and talk about my reaction/opinion of the beta so far. Continue reading