Microsoft wants Bungie rumor is false

As I suspected, the rumor is false.

Shinobi has tweeted out that they never made the tweet that was screenshot.

Apparently the post from Frank O’Conner was taken from a different thread and was posted some time ago, not recently.

Darren O’Hare hasn’t posted on Twitter in some time.

So it appears ‘thefriendlyassassin’ isn’t so friendly. To start an outright lie like that is ridiculous and of course wrong.

For my part in reposting that, I apologize. I did say treat it as rumor. However, next time, when something like this happens, I”ll endeavor to research it a bit more to see if it’s true or not.

Folks, I’m not a professional reporter. I’m a Halo fan. So when I read news like this, I pass it on to you. Yes, I feel like one was pulled over on me (and you as well). I can tell you this much, I”ll never report something from the friendlyassassin again, no matter how credible it may seem.


How Fans Helped Shape the Multiplayer of Halo 5 Guardians

The following is a reblog from HaloWaypoint. The article is by Josh Holmes, executive producer for 343.


Late last year, we gave you a first look at the future of Halo multiplayer with the release of the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta. This was a huge endeavor for everyone on the Halo 5: Guardians team and one that we approached with nervous excitement. After all, this was the earliest that we have ever released a beta for a Halo game, coming almost a year before release. Putting a work-in-progress game out in the wild this early was a leap of faith, and something new for our studio. How would fans react? What results would we find? Continue reading

McFarlane teases new Halo 5 action figures

Just a couple hours ago as of this writing, McFarlane Toys teases this graphic of upcoming  Halo 5 action figures.

McF instagram tease

It’s pretty easy to guess that they are Agent Locke and Master Chief, especially given the outlines of each. Should these figures be shown in full detail at NYTF, you can BET on me being there, taking pictures of them, and posting them here for you all to see.

Thanks to Halo fan ‘Didact’ for tweeting me this info.

Source Link

Halo Mega Bloks Fall Line-up

MB grey logo

Discovered earlier today by Halo Mega Bloks fan ‘FoolishBakery’, we now have a list of proposed sets for Fall 2015. I say ‘proposed’ because as this information has not been officially released by Mega Bloks, we can not call this anything but rumor at this point.

What you see below are some interesting names for the sets. Looks like we’re getting some NEW vehicles in Halo 5. Continue reading

McFarlane Halo 4 Series 3 action figure previews

McF Toys logo

It’s been quite awhile since we last had a wave of Halo figures from McFarlane Toys. Well, the wait is soon over!

Not only are we getting Spartan Thorne from Fireteam Majestic, Commander Sarah Palmer, and Jul ‘Mdama, we’re also getting a fourth figure, not previously shown. This fourth figure will be an exclusive to Walgreen’s. The figures is a Red Spartan Soldier (Halo 4 armor) with White secondary color.


Without further ado, let’s get to the official pics from McFarlane. (Click on pics to make bigger) Continue reading

Canon Fodder – Array With Words

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint’s on-going Canon Fodder series of articles:

Today, we wanted to tackle something that has an incredible importance in the overall scope of the Halo narrative: The firing of the Halo Array. This actually arose from a question that popped up on the Universe forums regarding the birth year of the Ur-Didact, Shadow-of-Sundered-Star, which is listed as 110255 BCE in his Universe profile. The question was whether or not the date could be accurate given its relationship to other events in the Halo timeline. In order to more completely understand the relationship between certain events and when they occur, it helps to identify certain benchmarks that can be used to extrapolate other information. Continue reading

Monty Oum of Rooster Teeth has passed away

Rooster Teeth’s Monty Oum, animator for RvB and RWBY has passed away. He passed yesterday due to an allergic reaction from a medical procedure.

Below is a post on Rooster Teeth’s site that brings the bad news:

Monty_Oum_at_PAX_2013Our friend, inspiration and co-worker Monty Oum passed away yesterday afternoon at 4:34 PM surrounded by people who loved him very much. Ten days ago Monty suffered a severe allergic reaction during a simple medical procedure that left him in a coma. Although he fought bravely, his body was not able to recover. During his time in the hospital he was well cared for and never in pain at any time.  Continue reading

Halo Master Chief Collection Update

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint: 

Just before the launch of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, you may recall that the Halo Bulletin moved to video form for the first time, taking our weekly written news drop of all things Halo and video-ifying it. While we hope you’re enjoying the new Bulletin on The Halo Channel, we recognize that it is sometimes better (and necessary) to provide updates in the traditional blog form. Thus, I’d like to provide an update on developments across the studio, including MCC content and playlist updates as well as Halo 5. Let’s get to it. Continue reading

Get Your Video Featured on the Halo Channel!

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

Since the launch of The Halo Channel, we’ve received a number of requests from talented community members looking to see their videos featured on the app. Whether you’re a creator of Halo montages, custom map / game type spotlights, Machinima, cosplay, stop-motion movies, weapon fabrications, Forge maps, sand sculptures, or just plain awesome gameplay, we wanna see what you’ve got. If you’d like to have your content featured, do read on!

For all videos, we’ll first review your content on YouTube, Vimeo, or a similar video hosting site – simply send us a link at the email below. If the video is something that we’d like to feature, we’ll reply and walk you through a quick and relatively painless release process.

Should your video be chosen, we’ll need to make sure it adheres to the below specs, so keep these in mind when submitting: Continue reading

Halo Escalation #14 Comic Book review (Spoilers inside)

DarkHorseComicsLogo Halo Escalation #14 is now available for purchase. Folks, this is a “must not miss issue”. There is a chain of events that happen in this issue that most certainly are going to set up HUGE happenings for future issues and possible the next game as well.

As always, I suggest you buy form your local comic book shop. I’m a firm believer in supporting your local businesses.

If you don’t have one close, then go to Darkhorse’s site to order.


Now on with the book review. (Again, SPOILERS are ahead, you’ve been warned).


With Jul ‘Mdama on the cover, I just KNEW this issue was going to be big. And it certainly did not disappoint in that area.

In Escalation #13, we saw the UNSC Infinity have it’s slipspace capacity crippled… Continue reading