HMCC Updates coming SOON

The following is a reblog from Halo Waypoint. These updates will take place within the next few days:


  • Improved matchmaking search success rates.
  • Made an update to reduce instances of “Awaiting Privileges” matchmaking errors.
  • Made an update to ensure player counts more reliably match the expected numbers for each playlist.
  • Fixed an issue where player would sometimes appear to be searching in an incorrect “FIND GAME” screen.
  • Added countdown sound effect to the voting timer.


  • Made several improvements to party joining through the in-game Roster.
  • Made an update to ensure that the mute icon is visible while in Matchmaking.
  • Fixed an issue in Halo 4 where players could equip the same weapon as their primary and secondary weapons.


  • Made several improvements to stat tracking for Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4.
  • Made changes to Halo 3 and Halo 4 scoring to ensure that players are not penalized for destroying empty vehicles.


  • Lowered the music volume level in multiplayer menus.
  • Fixed an issue where friend emblems in roster would show up as default when exiting a game session.
  • Made updates to UI and menus to improve multiplayer status messaging, such as when a player joins your lobby.


  • Made an update to the Halo 2 Anniversary “Legacy” Stick Layout.


  • Made stability improvements across multiple titles for campaign and multiplayer.

Source Link

So….7+ hours wasted on the Halo 5 Beta…

Yesterday I was determined to play as much Halo 5 Beta as possible. I had hopes of hitting SR38 before the beta ended. That hope DIED a miserable death when I tried to play for more than SEVEN hours. In all of that time I was only connected to 17 games… Of those only TWO were complete, the rest had crashed on me.

Now, before any of you say it was my connection, I’ll tell you why it wasn’t.

First, my wife works from home. Because of this, we need to have a VERY good connection. I forget the exact plan with have through Verizon, but it’s NOT a simple household plan, that I can tell you. I believe it’s something like business class. Continue reading

Halo: Audio Evolved

Podtacular covered this article in their most recent podcast (as of this writing). I thought it would be a good article to share here on HFFL as well. The article is by John Broomhall of

John Broomhall talks new-gen Halo with Paul Lipson, senior audio director for 343 Industries/Microsoft Studios Continue reading

Some things that did and did not make the cut in Halo CE.

Blog reader Clem, send the link to this video. Lots of cool early Halo CE development info in here.


[UPDATE] After checking twitter earlier, I found out Podtacular had just covered this in their most recent podcast. Not trying to step on toes there folks. Often when blog readers pass on info to me, they do not cite where they found where said info came from.

HMCC Update: Halo 4 and Team Hardcore playlists added

Via HaloWaypoint:


The Halo 4 and Team Hardcore playlists are now available in Matchmaking.

Team Hardcore currently includes Halo 2 Classic game types. Halo 3 tournament-approved game types will be integrated in a future update.

Other fan favorite playlists are also in the works, including Team Snipers, Team Doubles, an objective-only playlist, and more – stay tuned for details regarding when these will become available as featured playlists.

As always, playlists data and feedback will determine which playlists become permanent additions to the playlist lineup.

Halo 5 Beta Forged map “Orion” available to play!

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I meant to post this last night… This is a partial reblog from Halo Waypoint:

You’ll be able to play Slayer on Orion, a new Forge map. Teams will face off on this asymmetrical map, battling from the tops of two defendable towers. Teams must be willing to push out from their bases in order to capture the Sniper Rifle, Hydra MLRS, and Energy Sword that spawn in exposed areas.

We appreciate your feedback thus far through the beta. Please continue to send your feedback and report issues to our Halo 5: Guardians MP Support Section as we work to improve the Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer experience.

We’ll see you on the battlefield.

I haven’t yet played on this map, though friends have and like it. You are still also able to play the other forged map, Pegasus, in the Slayer menu of the beta.

Source Link

HFFL Community Night this Friday 1-16-15!

The Halo 5 Beta will be coming to a close very soon. So I thought it would be nice to get a group together to play the beta on Friday.

If you’ve been playing the beta, you know there are some new features to enjoy. If you haven’t played, then this is the perfect opportunity to get in on the action before the beta is over.

I’m on a personal mission to hit SR38 before the beta is done so that I can unlock all of the armor available via the beta.

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We’ll start at 8pm Eastern time and run for at least 3 hours. More if there are enough players and interest.

Since we can only have 4 person parties, we may need to split into two groups. That’s fine by me! I’d love to see a few groups of HFFLers playing the beta together. Hmm, maybe even a chance match-up?

So get ready to don your armor Spartans! We’re going to battle!


What would you like to see on/from HFFL this year?

In an effort to be inclusive to all who come to the blog as well as provide an opportunity to bring new articles to the blog, I’m inviting you all to share what you’d like to see HFFL provide, promote, share, write, etc., in 2015.

While I often have daily content, there are times when I skip a day because there isn’t much to report on for Halo.

I’d really like to hear/read/see some of your suggestions as to what you’d like to see come to the blog. So long as it’s directly HALO relevant, that is. While answers like, ‘more of the same’ is fine, I’m looking for NEW ideas. Either new to the blog itself or something you’ve not seen anywhere on any Halo fan site.

Here’s your chance to have direct input to what you see/read on HFFL.

I look forward to reading your suggestions. Either reply below, or feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]


Halo 5: Guardians Beta Unlocks

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This is a partial reblog form Halo Waypoint’s forums. Below, shows what you can unlock from the Master Chief Collection, as well as armors and visors via gameplay itself in the beta.

► [Mark-VI] Get the “Your Journey Begins” achievement (Complete any mission or multiplayer game)
► [Mark-VI Scarred] Get the “Cairo Station” achievement (Complete the Halo 2 mission Cairo Station)
► [Nightfall] Watch the Halo: Nightfall series (The helmet will unlock after Episode 1, the rest unlocks after watch all 5 episodes)
► [Helioskrill] Get the “Legend” achievement (Complete all four campaigns on Legendary)

Continue reading

Halo 5 Guardians Beta week 3 is LIVE! Screenshots and Video inside link

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Week 3 has hit and that means FORGE maps are upon us. This week we now will be playing a new game type called Strongholds.

In Bravo’s words: To win, teams must control the majority of bases. Teams earn one point per second for every controlled base more than the enemy team. You’ll be able to play Strongholds on Regret and Empire.

We will also be able to play Slayer. Once again on Truth and in the winner of the polled forged maps, Pegasus. (I was hoping they’d just let us play on both of them since the votes were so close for so long).

As well, 343 has released nearly a couple dozen images and a video. Feel free to download any of those below. Continue reading

Halo 5 Beta being discussed on Halo Waypoint: Victory pose/animation

I do not often check out the forums on Waypoint. Mostly due to moderating that isn’t up to what I prefer. Lots of flaming, too many quotes within quotes kind of posting and repeated topics…

That being said, I do check it out on occasion, especially where there is something currently important going on in the Halo Community.

The Halo 5 Beta is just that current news. So yesterday I took some time to check out threads people were posting over there. Some I agree with, others not, and some pose questions you might be interested in hearing and possibly answering for yourself.

Below you’ll find one of those specifics topics and my thoughts on them. Continue reading

Spartan Ops in the HMCC to get Achievements

In an update posted on Halo Waypoint, 343 states: 

As we had mentioned before the holidays, the team continues to work on upcoming Halo: The Master Chief Collection updates to improve the existing experience and add new content. We’ve continued this work through the holidays, and have multiple content updates in the works. Our next content update, which will address UI and a variety of other areas, is currently on track for delivery next week. We will provide additional info regarding the exact ETA and final details of the upcoming content update once the certification process is completed.

Additionally, this Thursday, we’ll be updating MCC to include new achievements for Spartan Ops, as well as some additional ones for multiplayer. These will become available this Thursday, 1/8.

Improving your experience with Halo: The Master Chief Collection remains our top priority, and we thank you for your continued feedback and reports on community forums and elsewhere as we prioritize updates for each CU. We will continue to provide the latest information via this thread.

Whew, how many achievements will this game have when it’s all said and done??? LOL
