Halo Master Chief Collection Achievement background pictures: Part 7 From “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” to “Skeet Shooter”

This is the seventh in a 10-part series of articles that will give you between 40-50 of the Achievement pics from the Halo Master Chief Collection. These are the very same ones you unlock through the game and can set as your background on the XBOX One.

This series is in alphabetical order for easy of looking up. Part 7 starts from “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” and goes to “Skeet Shooter”.

When all 10 articles are complete, I’ll post a list of links at the end of each article for you to easily find the others in this series.

The gallery below again is in alphabetical order, left to right then down to the next line, and so on. Click pics to make bigger of course. Feel free to download any/all of them as you wish. ENJOY! Continue reading

Here’s a full game of Halo 5 Guardians multiplayer!

This match is from Halofest 2014 that happened on November 10 in Los Angeles.

Be sure and listen to the callouts by Goldenboy and Bravo. Not only do they clue you in to the areas on the map, but also what weapons are in the Beta. The map itself looks phenomenal!

The Halo 5 Guardians Beta starts December 29, 2014 and runs until January 19, 2015. That’s a whole THREE weeks to enjoy! Continue reading

Halo Master Chief Collection Achievement background pictures: Part 6 From “Megg” to “Quick Trigger Finger”

This is the sixth in a 10-part series of articles that will give you between 40-50 of the Achievement pics from the Halo Master Chief Collection. These are the very same ones you unlock through the game and can set as your background on the XBOX One.

This series is in alphabetical order for easy of looking up. Part 6 starts from “Megg” and goes to “Quick Trigger Finger”.

When all 10 articles are complete, I’ll post a list of links at the end of each article for you to easily find the others in this series.

The gallery below again is in alphabetical order, left to right then down to the next line, and so on. Click pics to make bigger of course. Feel free to download any/all of them as you wish. ENJOY!

Continue reading

Halo Master Chief Collection Achievement background pictures: Part 5 From “In It to Win It” to “Medal Master Chief”

This is the fifth in a 10-part series of articles that will give you between 40-50 of the Achievement pics from the Halo Master Chief Collection. These are the very same ones you unlock through the game and can set as your background on the XBOX One.

This series is in alphabetical order for easy of looking up. Part 5 starts from “In It to Win It” and goes to “Medal Master Chief”.

When all 10 articles are complete, I’ll post a list of links at the end of each article for you to easily find the others in this series.

The gallery below again is in alphabetical order, left to right then down to the next line, and so on. Click pics to make bigger of course. Feel free to download any/all of them as you wish. ENJOY! Continue reading

Halo Nightfall Character Bio: Axl

This article marks the first of character bios from Halo Nightfall.

So who and what is that four nostril nosed alien from Halo Nightfall? Axl is one of a newly introduced race in the Covenant. The race are called “Yonhe”. The following is Axl’s Bio per Halo Waypoint” Continue reading

Halo Master Chief Collection Achievement background pictures: Part 4 From “Gimme That” to “Idle Hands”

This is the fourth in a 10-part series of articles that will give you between 40-50 of the Achievement pics from the Halo Master Chief Collection. These are the very same ones you unlock through the game and can set as your background on the XBOX One.

This series is in alphabetical order for easy of looking up. Part 4 starts from “Gimme That” and goes to “Idle Hands”.

When all 10 articles are complete, I’ll post a list of links at the end of each article for you to easily find the others in this series.

The gallery below again is in alphabetical order, left to right then down to the next line, and so on. Click pics to make bigger of course. Feel free to download any/all of them as you wish. ENJOY! Continue reading

Halo Master Chief Collection Achievement background pictures: Part 3 From “Delta Halo” to “Giant Hula Hoop”

This is the third in a 10-part series of articles that will give you between 40-50 of the Achievement pics from the Halo Master Chief Collection. These are the very same ones you unlock through the game and can set as your background on the XBOX One.

This series is in alphabetical order for easy of looking up. Part 3 starts from “Delta Halo” and goes to “Giant Hula Hoop”.

When all 10 articles are complete, I’ll post a list of links at the end of each article for you to easily find the others in this series.

The gallery below again is in alphabetical order, left to right then down to the next line, and so on. Click pics to make bigger of course. Feel free to download any/all of them as you wish. ENJOY!

Continue reading

Halo Master Chief Collection Achievement background pictures: Part 2 From “Bomb Squad” to “Delighted”

This is the second in a 10-part series of articles that will give you between 40-50 of the Achievement pics from the Halo Master Chief Collection. These are the very same ones you unlock through the game and can set as your background on the XBOX One.

This series is in alphabetical order for easy of looking up. Part 2 starts from “Bomb Squad” and goes to “Delighted”.

When all 10 articles are complete, I’ll post a list of links at the end of each article for you to easily find the others in this series.

The gallery below again is in alphabetical order, left to right then down to the next line, and so on. Click pics to make bigger of course. Feel free to download any/all of them as you wish. ENJOY! Continue reading

Halo Master Chief Collection Achievement background pictures: Part 1 From “10 Minutes Too Early” to “Blown Out of the Sky”

This is the first in a 10-part series of articles that will give you between 40-50 of the Achievement pics form the Halo Master Chief Collection. These are the very same ones you unlock through the game and can set as your background on the XBOX One. I’ll release three articles today, three tomorrow, and the final four on Wednesday

Instead of waiting to unlock all of them in-game or one very specific one you may want, I took it upon myself to make these available to you all.

This series is in alphabetical order for easy of looking up. Part 1 starts from “10 Minutes Too Early” and goes to “Blown Out of the Sky”.

When all 10 articles are complete, I’ll post a list of links at the end of each article for you to easily find the others in this series.

The gallery below again is in alphabetical order, left to right then down to the next line, and so on. Click pics to make bigger of course. Feel free to download any/all of them as you wish. ENJOY! Continue reading

Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Sector 12 Police Cyclops

MB grey logo 

Mega Bloks Sector 12 Police Cyclops: Set #97326

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting, 2 minutes building
Set Piece Count: 58
Minifigs: NMPD Police Officer (w/Brown Pants)
Weapons: Shotgun
Accessories: Police Shield, build able gun.
Special Features: Cyclops Cockpit opens/closes. Articulated at: Shoulders, Elbows, Hip, Knees, Toes
Cost: $15

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading

Tim Dadabo On Voicing 343 Guilty Spark In Halo

This article is a reblog from game informer

With the release of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, we’ve all got Master Chief’s Bungie adventures on our minds and on our TVs. I had a chance to chat with Tim Dadabo, who played 343 Guilty Spark in the Halo games, and I asked him about what it was like to work on Halo before it was the franchise we know today. I also asked what sort of insight he could offer on working with Bungie on a floating A.I. robot character, much like Peter Dinklage did recently in Destiny. Continue reading

The Halo Bulletin Episode 1: HaloFest 2014

In the new video format, Waypoint has released the first of it’s new style Bulletin.

The Halo bulletin logo NEW 2014

Each week The Bulletin brings you the latest Halo news, game updates, and exclusive reveals direct from the source at 343 Industries. This week, we ask the fans at HaloFest to share their greatest Halo memories, and then discuss the future of Halo e-Sports and the announcement of the Halo Championship Series. We also get a sneak peek at the next installment of Halo: Nightfall, as well as get a first look at the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta. Continue reading

Two BIG Halo projects I’m working on…

I working on two projects for the blog. One deals with a map in Halo 2 Anniversary from the HMCC. It promises to tower above the rest… It will include video, screenshots, and of course text explanations. I’m about 50% of the way done with this. I hope to have it ready to post on Monday.

The other will be providing 400+ Halo images. I’m around 25% of the way done with that one and hope to have it ready to start on Monday or Tuesday. This project will be a 10-part series. I’ll release 2-parts a day once it’s ready to go.

Now as to what they specifically are….well, I can’t quite let the proverbial cat out of the bag just yet. For one,I don’t want anyone stealing my ideas.

Apologies if this seems like click-bait. I just wanted to let you all know about these two projects in case my posting on the blog is a little less than normal today and tomorrow.
