My age requirement policy for the blog and gaming with me.

I feel the need to bring this up as last night a fan of two years decided to no longer follow me, due to my age policy.

First, the blog itself is kept at a PG-13 rating as best as I can. There have been a few rare exceptions.

Second, when signing up to be a subscriber, you should be 18 one older. Now some may ask why that is when I maintain a PG-13 blog? Well, simply put, it is for those times when I might post something not suitable for below 18.

Now, I’m not going to kid myself here. I know that teenagers and younger kids have heard all sorts of bad language or seen violence in video games, movies, etc. However, as an adult, I feel I need to be responsible in that I not perpetuate those things to those younger than adult age.

This brings me to my point regarding the now, lost fan. Continue reading

Keep your calendars open for the middle of August, 2016…

This is a early post in preparation for next year’s HFFL event. Now normally, this is where I say it’s going to be a LAN event. Not this time! Nope! I’m planning on something MUCH bigger!

I’m talking mini convention size, to start. I’m inviting all sorts of Halo communities to come to the event and set up a booth so that they can promote their communities.

Along with that, there will be a full fledge FFA tournament. AND…a 4v4 tourney as well. For REAL money, not just prizes as I’ve had the last three years.

To get this off the ground it’s going to take a lot of work and a good bit of funding. I’m going to need your help on this. I’m setting up a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds for the event. I’d like to ask you all to not just take a look (and hopefully donate), but also pass the word along to all of your fellow Halo fans.

I’m looking for sponsorship as well. This in the form of prizes for contests, door prizes, etc. Hoping to have something for each attendee. Speaking of contests, the event will have a costume contest. There will be different parts to this. Spartans will be one category, Covenant and Promethean two others and a miscellaneous Halo category. The winners of each of the four categories will then go to a final round for ‘costume of the event’. Continue reading

Been playing so much Halo 5, haven’t been bloggin…apologies.

Over the last week, I’ve put in no less than 8 hours a day playing Halo 5. Last night until just minutes before I posted this, I had a marathon  13 hours session of Halo 5.

So apologies for not posting much lately.

I’ve just been so into Halo 5’s multiplayer.

Last night to today for instance, I played a good mix of Warzone, then Breakout, the Slayer. Then…some BTB, CTF, more Breakout and capped the night/day off with Arena or was it Slayer? LOL….So much Halo!

Well, I’ll be catching up later today folks. Lots to post. Right now, I need to take a bit of a nap as I’ve been up for nearly 24 hours.

There will be a mix of:
• Waypoint reblogs
• a massive UNSC model
• current Halo merchandise deals that can still be had
• a McFarlane Halo action figure product review
• and if I can get to it, a Halo Mega Bloks review

Also, over the next few days, I’ll be posting articles on REQ items. I need to post one section from the originals that I didn’t get to yet, then another article detailing more of the Battle of Shadow and Light items.

I’m going to have a couple big announcements as well. Both YOU can be a part of to different extents.

Where I’ve been at for the past 5 days…

Well, as if you couldn’t guess, I too have been playing Halo 5. I’ve got a LOT of catching up to do.

I’ll be posting articles for:

• Hunt The Truth
• The Sprint
• My Halo 5 Review
• Halo Mega Bloks Reviews
• McFarlane Halo Action figure review
• A more detailed look at REQ Packs
• HFFL’s Spartan Company
• HFFL is looking for writers, you tubers and more
• And…a long and winding road to a new console (condensed though)

So let’s get to it!!!

Halo 5 review articles and more incoming!

I’m taking a short break from playing the Campaign to let you all know that I’ll have several articles coming soon.

Halo 5 Campaign review, customization, custom games, and more.

Beyond that, I will have a few toy reviews, including two from Mega Bloks and one from McFarlane.

That’s what you didn’t see any articles today. I, like many of you, have been playing Halo 5 and enjoying it…

HFFL’s Halo 5 Guardians Spartan Company!

With the recent announcement of Spartan Companies for Halo 5 Guardians, you just had to know that I would set one up for HFFL.

So here’s a little about the official HFFL company…

HFFL Spartan Company banner

As per rules on Waypoint, you need to have at minimum 4 persons to constitute an active Spartan Company. This happened very quickly for HFFL and I got the following message on Waypoint.

HFFLs Official Spartan CompanyNow as the company is active, each person that joins will receive a REQ pack for use in Halo 5. Continue reading

HFFL Domain / Charity drive!

This campaign is a dual campaign. Every year, holds a charity fundraiser. This year, I’ve selected once again the Autism Society if Pittsburgh. The other smaller part of this campaign is to raise funds to renew the domain for my website above.

The fundraiser will work as such: funds raised up to $510 will be split evenly between the Charity and my domain fees. Anything over $510 raised will all go to the charity.

The hope is that we can raise even more than the goal amount. I do not charge anything to view my site. There is no secret area, you don’t have to be a subscriber, none of that. I feel as a fan myself, it’s tacky to charge other fans money. So I rely on donations alone.

If you’re a Halo fan, especially if you’ve visited my blog, I hope you will consider a donation. ANY amount is fine. For example, were we to receive just 50 cents from all the people that visit the bug in just ONE day of the year, this goal would easily be reached and then some. HFFL as it’s known in short gets about 3,500 unique hits a days.. That would be $1750 for this campaign.

Please consider a donation. With funds going to Autism Society of Pittsburgh, know that your kindness will be helping kids!

If you are unable to donate through GoFundMe, you can PayPal donations to [email protected]. If doing that, please send as a gift so that the full amount is received and no fees are taken out.

The fundraiser runs until September 30 at midnight going into October 1.

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to reply below or e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please share with your friends and family.

Several Halo Articles incoming!!!

Friday and Saturday I took it easy as Friday was my birthday and I opened up some of my presents on Saturday. I received some Halo Mega Bloks sets on Friday that I worked furiously on building yesterday along with taking plenty of pics for reviews.

I have FOUR of these in the works! I may have one of those up today. Definitely tomorrow!
The four sets are:

• Banshee
• Gausshog
• Scorpion
• UNSC Firebase

The Firebase set will also include an additional custom to it, not included with the set. I’ll point that out very specifically.

Also, Halo Cosplay, news from Halo Waypoint, and more incoming. Stay tuned!


Contest coming SOON!

I’ll have more details on this either tomorrow or Saturday. I need to get a little more information.

A hint, learn what you can of Halo Mega Bloks sets that pertain specifically to Halo 5.

You MUST be a subscriber to the blog to enter this contest. So if you haven’t signed up yet, hurry up and do so before I post the contest. It’s FREE!

Lots more to come tomorrow!!!

Today was a burst of new articles. I’ve got a lot more coming.

Topics will include:
• Canon Fodder
• Community Updates
• HFFL 2015 LAN recap
• Halo Mega Bloks toy review (UNSC Vulture)
• New Halo toys on the horizon
• Cosplay
• More Fan Art

I may not get to all of these tomorrow but a good majority I should be able to.
As well, whatever news comes out of PAX this weekend, I’ll post here.

So stay tuned! HFFL is kicking it into gear for Halo 5 Guardians!

Back at it!!

Hello my dear readers. I’ve been away from the blog for a little over a week now. Things happening in life took my attention away, but those had to be addressed.

As well, the last several days, I was plagued by a massive migraine headache. When I get those, I barely feel like doing anything.

So apologies to you al for not being here for a time. I’m getting back into the swing of it and will be catching up on a lot of Halo news that has happened since I previously posted.

Toy reviews, Halo 5 news, Halo Wars 2, Fan Art, and more!!!

Stay tuned as the articles are about to begin posting!


Reminder, 3rd Annual HFFL LANstravaganza is on Aug 15!

HFFL logo LANstravaganza

As per the title, this will be the third annual LAN. Details about the LAN/Party are as follows:

• Will be held at my home in Pittsburgh, PA.
• Admission is $10.
• This is a BYOC (Bring your own console-XBOX One) event. If you have a TV or monitor, please bring that too. Along with any associated wires to connect your box.
• There will be a Free For All Tournament with prizes. Prizes at this moment are still to be determined. Waiting and hoping on the blog’s sponsors to respond.
• Food and Drink will be supplied. (This is part of the cost of admission)
• Door prizes for each attendees
• Fun little games (not just gaming no the XB1)
• Show and tell – Please bring a Halo item that you either think is rare or that you personally really enjoy and share how you got it, where at, etc.
• Will run from noon until at least 10pm. Later if we so choose.
• We will be going to my local Primate Bros restaurant afterwards. (A LAN tradition)

If you plan on attending, please contact my by e-mail for instructions to my home if you are driving. If you are flying in, e-mail me with your flight info so I can arrange to pick you up from the airport.

Thanks and I look forward to see you good folks!

3rd Annual HFFL LANstravaganza!

HFFL logo LANstravaganza

Mark your calendars folks, HFFL will be having it’s third annual LAN Party on August 15.

I’ll have more details as we get closer to the date.

What details I can give you right now are that it will be held at GameOn in the North Hills of Pittsburgh. This is where I had the first LAN. There will be a small admission charge. Not sure how much yet. Will post that as soon as I know.

The LAN will run for 8 hours minimum. Again hours of which to be determined.

We’ll have the usual HFFL FFA Tournament. Possibly a 4v4 is there are enough teams.

Stay tuned for more info soon! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reply here or e-mail me at If you’re coming by plane or long distance by car, I can get really good rates through one of my local buds/HFFL reader.

While the LAN itself will be on a Saturday, I have plans for Friday night and Sunday as well. So it’s not just a one-day thing. Though of course you are welcome to come to just the LAN if you wish.


And I’m back!

Hey folks!

Apologies that I was away  for a week. I was dealing with some very serious stuff. I’ll explain that in a later blog post. For now just know that I’m back and I will be posting a lot of Halo content.

Upcoming will be news about the 3rd annual HFFL LAN..


Former Halo composer Marty O’Donnell forms new Dev Studio

Tweeted not 12 minutes before this article was posted, Marty O’Donnell, former composer for the Halo franchise, under Bunige, has formed a new development studio.

The following is a reblog from an article by gameinformer giving a little more details:

After his termination from and subsequent lawsuit against Bungie, Marty O’Donnell has helped to establish a new development studio. Continue reading