HUNTtheTRUTH: Notice of Violation

Ben Giraud has been slapped with a fine by the UEG (United Earth Goverments). We know this from Episode 5 in the audio long series of the HUNTtheTRUTH campaign.

Below is the Notice of Viloation he recieved.

imageBe sure to use a QR decoder (free in the app store for your mobile and tablet devices) for additional content…


Weekly Halo Channel Content

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

This week on the Halo Channel

Our favorite investigative reporter is back again in another brand new episode of Hunt the Truth and over in Red vs. Blue, things are coming to a head for the Blood Gulch Crew. This week’s Halo Community Creations will make you laugh and then blow your mind. We wrap things up with a new Learn video to get you up to speed on Halo’s “Control Room.” Continue reading

Halo Community Update 5.1.15

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

By B is for Bravo –

Over the past few weeks, the sun has slowly began to make its way back over to the greater Seattle area, indicating that things like summer, sunshine, and warm-weather expeditions are all on the way. One particular annual warm-weather journey is that of E3, and I do believe many of us are already on board a variety of fast-moving hype trains, most of which are not equipped with brakes. The warmer weather and early morning sunshine have also provided me with an opportunity to catch up on the Hunt The Truth podcast each Monday morning on my walk to work, which has been an incredibly appropriate and therapeutic start to the work week. Also, I know many Waypointers can relate when I say that each episode feels far too brief, and has left me wanting more each week. Rather than listening to the episodes early, or sneaking a peek at the review copies of the script in my inbox, I’ve listened with you, and found that the story has me diving head first back into the story of our beloved hero, much in part due to my good friend Grim’s Canon Fodder blog, which highlights characters and storylines that have collided with Ben Giraud each week. Whether you’re a master of the universe, or haven’t yet sunk your teeth into the various campaigns, books, or comics, Hunt The Truth is a quick, episodic, super-accessible-mobile-friendly way to not only learn about pivotal discoveries in the history of The Master Chief, but also to prepare for what’s to come in Halo 5: Guardians. Continue reading

Josh Holmes of 343 answers Halo 5 questions!

Yesterday was a bonanza if you were looking for some answers about Halo 5.

Josh Holmes, 343’s studio head for Halo 5 Guardians, took to twitter and answered several fan questions about Halo 5 Guardians. Below are those questions and answers:

Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 6.03.14 AMI’m actually a little bummed about this. I liked how ODST’s campaign was. But it’s certainly not a deal breaker. After all, the previous campaigns with Chief have all been linear. Continue reading

HUNTtheTRUTH: Was one of the answers there all along?

Whether 343 intended to or not, at least ONE of the answers that we as listeners to the HUNTtheTRUTH series was there all along and we didn’t see it. UNTIL NOW!

I had this epiphany during the middle of the night. Follow along with the graphic I compiled below.

HtT Revealed FIN hfflHere is the original HUNTtheTRUTH logo unaltered.







If we highlight (in RED) the same letters that appear in each word and only ONE of each…




And take them away….






You are left with these letters……






Unscramble them and we get this!

So the answers Ben was seeking from the people ONI supplied to talk to him with were untrue.


It was there all along!!!

Please if you repost this, include my blog address for credit for not only the image, but for unravelling this.


Your voice on HUNTtheTRUTH? It could happen!

HUNTtheTRUTH banner

HFFL read Dave sent me the following text he found on a gaming web site:

To possibly get your voice in the Hunt the Truth episodes do these steps.

Choose a character:
1. People who support Ben in his hunt.
2. The people who LOVE Master Chief and don’t appreciate Ben poking around.
3. People reveling in the anarchy.

Upload a 15-20 second voice recording to YouTube.
Set it as “Unlisted”.
Submit the video at

I know I plan on submitting a clip. Would LOVE to be picked for this!!

So might you folks submit something for this? If so, which character would you choose and why? Reply below or e-mail me at

U.S. military base gets a visit from a ‘Halo’ Warthog

This is a reblog from the Daily Dot, with special thank to the folks at Podcast Evolved for posting the link on their Facebook fan page.

It’s not every day that you see a video game brought to life.

Joint Base Lewis-McChord, outside of Takoma, Wash., recently hosted an unlikely visitor: a Warthog vehicle from the Halo video game series. The Warthog is an armored reconnaissance vehicle with an mounted anti-aircraft gun, and while it looks like a real combat vehicle in the game, it’s completely fictional.

a977e72fb382a798e8388dd83ee6eb97 Continue reading

Canon Fodder: Taking Orders

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

By GrimBrother One –


canonfodder-4-23-15-23426c7d42084869b887e0d27668358dWelcome back to your weekly dose of Halo story-related yumminess. Last issue, we took a closer look at the brand new Halo: Spartan Strike, which is out now for Windows 8/8.1, Windows Phone 8/8.1, Steam, iPhone, and iPad. If you haven’t already checked this out, you absolutely should. Flinging a Warthog around from my laptop or my Lumia 925 is an absolute blast, and getting to finally set foot on Gamma Halo should excite Halo fiction fans of all sorts of walks. This week we’ve got some Universe housekeeping to attend to, another look at the latest #HUNTtheTRUTH, and a chat with a small person who plays a big role in helping keep the Universe in order. Let’s get started! Continue reading