New York Toy Fair 2012 McFarlane – The unpackaged toys!

Continuing on with HFFL’s McFarlane coverage at New York Toy Fair 2012, we have pics of the toys on display out of the packaging.

Sadly we will not be seeing the full sized Banshee or Falcon come to light. I asked Mark Weber (Brand Manager for McFarlane) about these and he stated the Falcon would have been a cost of around $115 retail. Retailors weren’t picking it up to buy. A real shame too. It’s an AWESOME vehicle. I’d have bought one for sure. That Banshee is just plain SWEET! I hope that goes up for charity auction or the like. I’d at least like a chance to own it.

For higher res pics, please check out my flickr account: 

New York Toy Fair – McFarlane Halo Action figure series.

McFarlane Toys booth was amazing. While this site is centered around Halo only, McFarlane did have some great stuff from their sports lines as well as Spawn.

I was fortunate enough to have a 45 minute talk with Mark Weber, Brand manager at McFarlane. We discussed not only the Micro Ops line, but also the action figure line as well. Even though he’s mostly a Sports guy with McFarlane, he still seemed knowledgeable with the Halo line as well. Unfortunately, Todd himself wasn’t there and wouldn’t be until the next day. By that time I was already on my way back home. Ah well, maybe next year.

Mark and I started to discuss the line and went over to the carded wall. As you can see by the following pics McFarlane has several sub lines within the main line of Halo.

Click on pics for larger versions

Here is the wall first:

To the furthest left is the micro ops line. To the immediate right of that is the Halo Anniversary line, series 2. This line will become Halo Universe. Next to that the Halo 4 line. Note that these were all mock-ups and only Cortana and Master Chief were shown due to the MicroSoft embargo on Halo 4 info being released. To the right of that is the Halo Universe line. and finally the last of the Reach specific series.

Below these on the shelves were the boxed sets. McFarlane really outdid themselves with these sets. There had been a different set-up to the boxed sets previously. However, one of which was combined to make the fuller Team Objective set. Note that the Halo 4 set in the lower left corner is a mock-up only. Noble team will NOT be in Halo 4. They were FPO (for placement only).
Top left we see the Spirit of Fire team. Three Spartan Mk V’s. Each with their own weapons and specific markings. You’ll see a better shot later of these uncarded.
In the center of the pic is the Invasion set and below that the Generator Defense set. I’m really liking the Invasion set since it comes with BOTH power cores (UNSC and Covenant).
To the right of those is the ever so sweet Team Objective set. This set has most of the regular objective pieces, with 3 flags, a capture plate, both the UNSC and Covenant bombs and several “Headhunter” skulls, not to mention a Res Spartan. Very cool set indeed.
To the bottom of that is the Noble Team set. If you didn’t get these carded before or want to display them as a team in nice packaging, this is the set for you.

Finally for the Packages shots we have (and sorry for the blurry pic, best one I had of these, unfortunately), two Halo figs (I don’t know which they are to be and McF wasn’t telling, LOL.
Next to that is a mockup of the Hunter. You’ll see the loose version later. I asked if this was the same as the previous Hunter. They weren’t sure.
To the right of that the AWESOME ODST drop pod. This is going to retail for around $40 and I have to say it looks to be worth every penny of it. In the loose pic you’ll see just how much detail there is in it. It has several moving parts and comes with either the Rookie or a “generic” ODST.
Lastly, the Halo 3 Co-op Multi-figure pack. Included are Master Chief, the Arbiter, an Elite Minor (Blue), and the Crimson Flight Elite. If I’m not mistaken the Crimson Elite is new as it hasn’t been done in that color. Hmm, I’ll get that set and have the MC and Arby be given as prizes here for a contest later.

Check back later today for the loose pics!