HaloFanForLife’s First Giveaway/Contest.

Okay the giveaway/contest is simple. To enter you need to be a member at any of my three outlets. That being here on the blog, my twitter (https://twitter.com/#/HaloFanForLife) and Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11). You must post a response to the outlet you are a member of:
• This thread saying why you like my blog
• tweet @HaloFanForLife why you like my blog
• reply on the Facebook post why you like my blog

If you are a member of all three outlets and post a response to all three you will get an extra entry (total of four entries).

I’ll select the winners at random for each outlet as well as one for any members of all three.

The winner will receive a NEW Halo Reach copy WITH Recon code (for Reach) (courtesy of Mega Brands Inc.), plus a random sealed Mega Bloks Minifigure. Limited to U.S. and Canada residents only (sorry elsewhere folks, but due to regional coding, I do not know if the disc will work outside of the U.S. or Canada).

Winners will need to supply a valid shipping address. If you are under 18 years of age, please get permission from your parents. HaloFanForLife will not assume any liability for lost or damaged packages. Entering the contest specifically implies you’ve read the rules and will adhere to them, including if you are under 18, that you have received permission from your parents to enter.

Contest starts now and runs through March 5, 2012. 

I look forward to your replies. Please keep them civil and safe for work. Any rude comments will be deleted.


What came before the Spartan II Project?

A question was brought up on HaloWaypoint.com about who created the Spartan I project. The following was my answer to that question. I hope you find it insightful.

The Spartan I program was originally called the Orion Project and only in later years was it called the Spartan I project. Halsey called her program Spartan II after the Orion Project had been commissioned and before Orion had been referenced as Spartan I. She felt those people were the first Spartans even though the program was not called that. ONI was the department in charge, specifically ONI Section-III (the Special Projects section of ONI Beta-5 division).

The Orions however were under the command of Naval Special Warfare command. A specific person running the program has not yet been revealed. Sergeant Major Johnson was an Orion. ONI talked of a disease called “Boren’s syndrome” that made people immune to the flood, though it was really a cover up for those who were Orions. This is why Johnson was not converted to a flood.

You can read much more on wiki, though how much of that is “true” you’ll have to read for yourself and check all of the references.
Here is that link: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/ORION_Project

Considering the Orion Project started much earlier in Halo-lore, we may never know, unless a prequel game comes out and the info revealed then. (Halo: Insurrection?) Anyway, it’s likely a team effort and credit not given to any one person, though that is just a guess at this point.