McFarlane Halo Reach Series 6 Mass Retail figure toy review

McFarlane’s Halo Reach Series 6 has hit and I’m happy to bring to you my reviews of the mass retail figures. I’ll post the exclusives figures reviews as I get them.

First here are all 5 of the mass retail figures:

There are also three other figures in this wave. Those are exclusive. There is a Red Recon (Target Exclusive), Orange Hazop (Toy R Us Exclusive), and the White JFO (Walgreen’s Exclusive <—strangely enough)

Here is the card back and front (with bubble cut off):

All of the figures in this wave have the same articulation (with exceptions to follow):
•  Ball Joint Head
•  Ball Joint Shoulders
•  2-part swivel Elbows (Except the Sabre pilot and Kat’s right arm, which only have the normal elbow swivel
•  Ball joint wrists
•  Limited Ball joint Torso
•  Ball Joint Hips
•  2-part swivel Knees
•  Ball Joint Feet

Other points of interest:
•  Removable Helmet for the Brute and Elite only (Sabre Pilot mask can be removed with a knife easily)
•  Jun’s and the Sabre Pilots “neckwear” can be removed.
•  Brute’s Jaw opens and closes (and shown in pic below)

The following a composition shots and detailed shots of each figure.

The Pros and Cons of Each figures:
•  Sabre Pilot: 
Pros: Good Sculpt matches up nicely with marines from Reach.
Cons: Should have had ball joint elbows instead of just a swivel joint.
•  Kat: 
Pros: Excellent sculpt, Pain Application  is good. They cyan really pops off the armor.
Cons: As with the Sabre pilot, I’d liked to have seen full ball joint elbows for both, not just the left arm
•  Jun
Pros: Excellent Sculpt. Paint application is very nice here.
Cons: Face expression could have been better. a little bland here. Still I’d rather have this than some striking pose that would look out of place elsewhere.
•  Elite Zealot
Pros: Great sculpt. Good color match to in-game Elite, yeah a concussion rifle!
Cons: Hard to pose. Legs just can’t seem to support the figure very well. It took me a good 5 minutes to pose him for the pics above. This seems to plague most of the Elite figures though.
•  Brute
Pros: Wow, fantastic sculpt. For some reason I have a strong opinion about the Brutes. McFarlane really exceeds with these guys, in my opinion. Detail is amazing. I love that the jaw opens and closes.
Cons: Has a hard time holding an all too small Spiker. In fact the trigger loop broke on mine when I tried to fit the hand onto the weapon.

Some great Pros here with minor Cons. Really this is an EXCELLENT wave to get. With Jun and Kat we get the rest of Noble squad unhelmeted as seen in the game. (Oh I wish we’d have seen Emile…)

Army builders can delight in the Sabre Pilot, Elite and Brute. I highly recommend getting each figure in the wave. Don’t forget to look for the exclusives too!

Here’s the wave uncarded together to get a sense of scale:

The biggest and smallest of these:

“I sense something, a presence I’ve not felt since…”

“I have you now!”

I hope you enjoyed the pics and write-up. If so, please feel free to post a reply.


Anatomy of Halo Part 1

Halo Waypoint has uploaded a video in a series about the Anatomy of Halo. Here is the first part.

Anatomy of Halo Part 1

One thing of note that I didn’t know before was the interior land width. In the video it was said to be 318 kilometers. That equated to 197.596 miles or 197 miles and 1049 yards.

To put that into perspective it is like going from New York City to Boston, approximately.