Confirmation of March 5 Halo 4 info???

We’ve had two news outlets reporting as such in G4 and IGN.

We’ve also had cryptic Twitter posts from both Allison Stroll (Senior Producer at 343 Industries) as well as David Ellis (Multiplayer designer at 343 Industries).

So tomorrow is the day we finally get SOMETHING.

Now to wait and see what that something is.

My hopes are for a 1 minute clip that includes mutliplayer, firefight, and campaign; a release date; concept art.

Once this info is release we should also see a media embargo lifted on the toys and Mega Bloks as well as McFarlane can finally show their Halo 4 product.

Cross your fingers toes and anything else, LOL.


Sad news. RIP Ralph McQuarrie

Okay, yes, this is a Halo site. However, Ralph McQuarrie was a legendary artist whose impact on Star Wars is immeasurable. From that impact came a flow of sci-fi related media.

The Halo franchise while not directly related to Star Wars, needs to thank Star Wars for bringing forth the sci-fi nerd community, for which I’m proudly one of them.

Star Wars was my first Sci-fi passion, then came Halo. So forgive me if I pay tribute to a man who is legendary in the sci-fi world.

Rest in peace Ralph, and may the force be with you.
June 13, 1929 – March 3, 2012

It is ironic that he dies on the fictional day that Master Chief supposedly dies (though we know better).