No Halo 4 BETA. :(

Confirmed by Frank O’Conner himself.

Check out the vid in the link:
Halo 4 interview with Frank O’Conner

Well this is sad news. I was hoping to get my mits on a BETA Key to try the game out. I believe that 343 is taking a huge risk not having a BETA. While the vid looks great, fans want to test it out.

I’ll still be buying it though as likely will you.


Halo 4 ViDoc reveal: A closer look at the Multiplayer Map Warhouse

This map looks amazing! With the huge Cyclops Mk II Mech being constructed in the middle and the more than amazing lighting, this map just screams multiplayer madness (that’s in a fun way).

Here’s some shots of the Mech:


This map has hints of the Halo 3 MP map “Orbital” but amped WAY up.

The lighting in particular is what gets me. Finally players in shadows LOOK like they are in shadows. None of this bright colored armor no matter where they are on the map. That has been on of my biggest peeves about previous Halo games and it looks like 343i has solved that.

These next shots show that lighting in action:

And finally some assorted shots of the map in play:

I can’t wait to play on this map!!!

Halo 4 ViDoc reveal: A closer look at the Multiplayer Map Wraparound

One of two multiplayer maps revealed in the ViDoc, this one distinctively Forerunner. The map itself is supposed to be a facility for generating an artificial sun, hence the bright lighting.

Note the tall structure with the partial circle. It looks similar to the one seen on Breakneck, the revised Headlong Multiplayer map from Reach.

Here are the screenshots:


Note the red “up” arrow in two of the shots. Not sure if it’s necessary with an enemy immediately in front of you. I wonder if this can be achieved through radar instead. The arrow may be distracting. Here’s hoping for a Beta to check that out more.

Halo 4 ViDoc reveal: A closer look at the return of the Battle Rifle!

Finally confirmation that the Battle rifle has returned. It also gets an update. I know many of my friends who went over to another game will be FLOCKING back to Halo due to the Battle Rifle being back.

Here are some pics from the ViDoc including a comparison between the Halo 3 and Halo 4 BRs.

Halo 4 ViDoc reveal: A closer look at Multiplayer Spartan IVs (Pre-production)

So we’re going to be playing as Spartan IVs in multiplayer. Hmm, I bet that wrinkles a few noses on the Halo Waypoint forums. I am fine with it, so long as we have a lot of armor customization to follow.

Here are some shots from the ViDoc of the Spartan IV multiplayer model:

I particularly like the helmet design.

Halo 4 ViDoc reveal: A closer look at Master Chief

So I’ve had the chance to watch the video a few times now and took many screen shots.

First before we go any further let’s take a look a Master Chief’s armor in a side by side from Halo 3 and Halo 4:

The updated armor is more sleek. He appears to be more nimble and not bulky. As well the armor is a brighter green. I’m liking it!


In this particular shot Chief is looking at you from behind the wheel of the Halo 4 Warthog. Classic!

The Chief looks rather nimble here:

I think this will be a classic pic from Halo 4:

In this pic we see the awesome lighting that 343 has done. It looks great on Chief:

I’m really loving what 343 is doing so far. Chief looks great. I thought I wouldn’t like the more sleek look. However, now I feel he’s not encumbered by the armor and is able to move more freely. Still looks enough like classic Chief, just more agile.

Here’s some more pics of Master Chief from the vid:


Halo 4 multiplayer reveal!!!

Okay folks, you’ve wanted it, you’ve got it!

Four minutes of multiplayer footage and 343 talking about the game. Great stuff in this. I’ll be taking screen shots like mad to discuss what was seen.

Also here is a shortened version with just a little bit different video.

Master Chief is back!