A discussion for and against Jet Pack in Halo 4.

I just had this discussion over on HaloWaypoint and thought it pertinent to post here. The Bold/Italic text is from another user there. The plain text is my response.

Ban the Jetpack: Can’t be anymore blunt than that. The Jetpack probably the worst AA’s put into reach, If it wasn’t for the infamous Armor lock hogging up the spotlight, The jetpack would be removed from Halo a long time ago, But that didn’t happen… And now the Jetpack is possible threat to Halo 4 Matchmaking and must be fixed/removed at all costs.

Really? The Jetpack is the worst? How about a near perpetual Active Camo that people use to snipe unsuspecting enemies? Only a NOOB does that. Of course you’re right on Armor Lock, and I’m glad it’s gone in Halo 4. Evade is not so good either, that’s what it’s just sprint and not evade in Halo 4. Jetpack makes it fun for those who love to fly around the map. It also has it’s cons. You’re in the open, can’t strafe and end up being an easy target.

Why the Jetpack is flawed:  It breaks map flow…Simple as, What’s the point of Having walls and boundaries when you can simply fly over them. This breaks map control since you can just fly to Power weapons without going through the map and you can Bypass the enemy team. This may seem harmless but then you get maps like sword base where you are just bundled into the top corner of the map because it was specially designed for jetpacks, which is honestly just a load of rubbish and shouldn’t be the case. 

OMG, how many times I’ve heard, “It breaks map flow.” No, it breaks CAMPING. That’s the real issue people who don’t use Jet Pack has. They can’t just stay in one place and wait for unsuspecting noobs to come around a corner. Nope. Instead they have to watch the skies to for a grenade or a well placed rocket.

So to elaborate: Breaks Map Flow/Control Allows for abuse to Map Boundaries/Camping Gives Height adv. They have clear shot on head, Whereas you can only see players feet Forces Players in maps such as Sword base to be played in one corner of the entire map. (Yellow Lift)

Heh, I’ll say rubbish back. It doesn’t promote camping. If anything it inhibits it by not allowing those who are ground based to stay in one spot without having to not only watch their fronts and backs, but now also their “tops.” And I’ve gotten PLENTY of headshots off of would-be jetpackers. True, some map boundries can be exploited with the jet pack. They can also be done with invis among others. It’s just where the boundries are exploited is the difference.

Fixes to the Jetpack: Remove from game Make it a Jump pack (Brutes from Halo 3 but FAR less height) Make it so it can only hover a feet from ground for a short time. Add a Limited Fuel System – You only get a set amount of fuel per life. Can’t fly forever

I won’t agree with the height restriction you want. However, I’ll agree that it should only last for a limited time. Really, anything BUT Sprint should be equipment. While you’re armor may always have a jetpack on it, in this case the equipment would be a fuel canister to enable it to fly for a limited time. Same as invis should be a very limited amount of time as well and should only be picked up.

Your Call 343: So we can continue to have this gimmick in the game which will almost certainly break map flow and become the new armor lock causing havoc in the forums, or you can fix the obvious flaw and make the game flow and play well Your Call. Discuss.

Gimmick? Really? It’s a game. Get over it. We’re talking about 500 years in the future. Super Soldiers with highly specialized armor. They SHOULD have jetpacks. This is Sci-Fi. Not REALISM like CoD.
If you’re going to go the route of gimmick then you’ll have to dis much of any of the halo games. Shields? Not real. At least not in the way they are applied specifically in Halo. Super Soliders? Brain and body augmentation (again to the degree spartans are, not just drugs like steroids). The whole game is gimmick. But it’s fun as hell with those gimmicks. Give me MORE of them if anything. Open them up. I want to see what Spartans can REALLY do.
I don’t always use jetpack. Only on maps where I think it’s more appropriate then other loadouts. If 343 were to take jetpack out now, it would be a huge step backwards. Armor Lock? Yeah, that’s a good move taking it out of the game. But not jetpack. Dont’ you like to feel like “Boba Fett” from time to time?


Halo Avatar minifig pics!

Here is a gallery of the upcoming Hlao Avatar minifigs. Remember folks, these can be mixed and matched. (with exception to the Warthog)

Cute little things. I believe they are to retail for $3 each and are blind packed in a plastic tube.

McFarlane Halo 4 series 1 Carded pics!

These two pics have been leaked and I’m happy to bring them to you. The front is Master Chief, which we all knew would be in this wave.

Note however that in this pic there is a San Diego ComicCon sticker. It’s likely this is an early release with the only difference being the sticker itself. Again, Master Chief is in the first wave at mass retail, so unless you just HAVE to have one carded with the SDCC sticker on it, I suggest you pass on it.

The second pic shows the back and there is some interesting information to be read there. Now we know that the first wave consists of: Master Chief, an Elite Zealot, a Grunt “Storm” (Wonder what that means?), and a Spartan “Warrior.” Below that is says to look for Cortana, Spartan “Soldier” (Hmm, SPartan Classes now too, besides loadouts?), a Crawler and a Watcher. The last two are interesting. Are the the fauna of the shiled world “Requiem,” or are they a Forerunner construct like the engineer and just have different jobs that the engineers do?

Here’s a pic of Requiem from the inside. In it you can kind of make out flying animals/constructs that sort of resemble the Watcher. (Click on it to make bigger)

Very near center, just to the right of the middle hanging column is the animal/construct I’m talking about. Could this be a watcher? Or is it an engineer?

At any rate, the back of the card also notes that coming Holiday 2012 there will be a “Secret Enemy Figure.” It goes on to say “Don’t miss this deluxe boxed figure of an enemy unlike anything before.”

Well if that doesn’t whet your appetite for new Halo McFarlane toys, I don’t know what will.

Thanks to “Mr. Sci-Fi” for providing me a link so I could present this to you.