Halo 4 Pre-Order Emblems.

Not to be forgotten, here are all the known pre-order bonus Emblems you can get at select retailers.

Hmm, is someone a Broncos fan? Heh, anyway, they are cool. Streamlined, great line work. I can’t wait to see all the emblems that become available in Halo 4!

Updated Halo 4 Armor/Helmet skins!

I’ve added the Oceanic Armor/Circuit Skin as well as the back of the Gungnir/Pulse armor, plus the two new Helmet skins, Deadeye and Locus.

Wow, that Locus looks like the hybrid Human/Alien from the movie series.

The Oceanic Armor looks like something out of Bioshock (which isn’t a bad thing-I liked that game).

Gawd, I want them all!

Thanks to Corrine Yu, Principal Engineer Programmer for Halo 4, at 343 Industries for letting me know the names of the talented artist who came up with these skins. They are: Albert N, Kory H, Gabo G.