Halo 4 weapons and armor skins!!!

Check out some of the skins that will be available by pre-order for Halo 4.

First up from Gamestop/EB Games is the custom “Forest” skin. This is shown on the new styled “HAZOP” armor, though it’s not yet known if the skin will be available for all armors or just this specific set of armor:

Here’s a close-up:

As well, by pre-ordering through GS/EB you also will get the Artic weapon skin. This is shown on the Halo 4 BR. Again, not yet known if this will be available for all weapons, or just the BR.

Next we have Best Buy’s pre-order special the RAPTOR armor skin. Okay first, note that this looks MUCH like Forerunner armor. YEA!!! What is shown is Best Buy’s colors, however those colors are changeable. Looks like this one is limited to this armor.

I LOVE the new skins. However, I am a bit miffed that in order to get them all, I’d have to pre-order extra copies from different stores so I can have the skins. I wonder if those skins will become available at a later date? This could become maddening. What if Wal*Mart, Target and Toys R Us want their own skins…

Well, in my case, I won’t mind getting two copies. I’ll give one to my brother-in-law. But if there is more…well there may just be a contest on this site for a copy of Halo 4 (sans skin codes…)

Okay, so how do YOU feel about the skins?

Oh and I almost forgot, thanks to Greenskull from Readyuplive.com. Here’s his video on the skins:

Armor/Weapons skin Pre-Order bonus for Halo 4

My Halo Reach “playdate” with 343’s BS Angel.

I had the honor of being selected to game with Jessica Shea, none other than 343’s Blog manager “BS Angel” last night during 343’s gaming night. I got to play three games with her and had a blast.

First up was a game of Snipers on Ridgeline (for which BS Angel promises to ban all of those who voted for Snipers). I’m not a great sniper, though I managed to go 13/5. She was on my team (and we still managed to win, LOL) Luv ya Jessica…

Next up was a game of Heavies on the repurposed Ridgeline variant “Superstition.” Okay, I’m NOT a fan of heavies in Reach, and though we lost, I still have a fun time.

For the third/final game of the night with BS Angel, we played TU BTB Slayer on Hemmorrhage. I posted a respectable 10/4 K/D w/10 assists.

I wasn’t really trying to play at the top of my game. I was just having fun gaming with BS Angel and chatting her up about Halo 4 stuff. She didn’t reveal anything new (couldn’t). But did say when asked about Forge that we would be VERY happy.

I asked her what aspect of Halo 4 was she looking forward to the most and she quickly said campaign. When probed about info on Spartan Ops and it’s possible reveal of info at E3 this year, she said “mayyybeee.”

During the games I blurted out a “That’s what she said,” and realized I might have made a major faux pa. Instead she laughed. I apologized but she said she’d be more mad if I didn’t say it more. So I did. LOL. She was a great sport and a real nice person to game with. Very cheerful. She genuinely liked gaming with we fans.

Jessica, if you’re reading this, thanks again. And follow me on Twitter, puh-leeeeesss.