Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Director & Cast Interviews

This is a long video coming in at over 19 minutes long.

It starts off with the Director, Stewart Hendler, then shifts to Daniel Cudmore. Daniel seems to LOVE being in the armor. Next up is Tom Green who plays Tom Lasky, the main character of the series. Lastly Anna Popplewell tells her story. Being the sort-of love interest to Lasky, I imagine we’re going to see a lot of her in the story. She and Lasky have a sort of love/hate relationship.

Forward Unto Dawn pics part 1: The Cast

Hopefully by now you’ve had a chance to see the trailer for the Live Action series “Forward Unto Dawn” starting 5 weeks before the release of Halo 4 with an approximate 15 minutes per episode.

In this first of a three part article of pics we get to meet the cast of FUD. Titles in parenthesis are other acting credits the actors are known for.

Tom Green (Dance Academy)

Anna Popplewell (The Chronicles of Narnia) Eye candy? I think so. She is pretty. Good actress too.

Daniel Cudmore (X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Twilight Saga) Okay, while not 7 ft tall, he’s a GREAT pic of MC. He IS 6’4″. He’s played Colossus from X-Men for gawds sake. Awesome casting here! (and he’s one lucky bastard, as he’ll be known as Master Chief for life now…)

Ayelet Zurer (Angels & Demons, Munich)

Mike Dopud (Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol) I gotta say that he would have been a good pick for an older Master Chief.

Enisha Brewster (Footloose)

Masam Holden (Grey’s Anatomy, Elizabethtown)

Osric Chau (2012) Cripes, a friend of mine is going to gloat over this, being that his nickname is also “JJ.” JJ, if you read this and gloat I’m taking you off my friends list….LOL

Iain Belcher (Supernatural)

Kat De Lieva (no other credits known) Hmm, she turns blonde for this role?

And finally

Chris Shields (no further credit given) A doctor? Hmm, I wonder if he’s a secret part of the Mjolnir project?

Some really good actors in the cast. I’m most looking forward to Daniel Cudmore’s Master Chief. I hope he keeps it as close to the game MC as possible. Looking at some of the behind the scenes trailers, he does. And man, is that armor impressive.

The Forward Unto Dawn is a Halo series, not exclusively about Master Chief, though he does feature in it. Finally we are getting something real beyond just commercials. After you tally up the total time of the 5 episodes, we’re going to darn near have a feature length film!


The Halo Bulletin: 7.12.12

I’ve not included the photos from the bulletin as I will be posting them in their on article. If you want to see them in the full bulletin, follow the link:

The Halo Bulletin: 7.12.12
By BS Angel

Forward Unto San Diego

When you are mere months away from releasing a video game, traveling becomes the norm. As you hop between states, and sometimes even countries, you learn to love your suitcase, room service, and well-intentioned cavity searches (I succumb in the name of security. Don’t judge).

Last weekend, a few of us were in Austin, attending RTX and demoing Forge by day, and battling jumping, chirping bugs by night. This week we’re in San Diego, braving both sun and beach so we can partake in the annual Comic-Con festivities.

We’ve been looking forward to SDCC for months, because we knew this was the perfect place to unveil Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. While details up until now have been sparse, the time to share cast and storyline specifics, along with a full trailer has arrived.

As I can finally talk freely about this particular project, I have something very important to say: Daniel Cudmore is a dreamboat.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s rewind a bit and cover the basics.

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is a live-action digital series that takes you back to the beginning of the human and Covenant war and leading into the events of Halo 4. It will unfold through a series of five episodes, and will be initially distributed worldwide by Machinima, debuting on its new channel, Machinima Prime, as well as here on Halo Waypoint, on Oct. 5, 2012.

Set against the backdrop of a United Nations Space Command military academy, a group of highborn cadets are training to be the next generation of soldiers in the UNSC’s ongoing war with insurrectionists in the outer colonial planets. Among these cadets, Thomas Lasky struggles with his doubts about this war, and with the burden of expectations he may not be able to carry. As Lasky comes to terms with his potential as a military leader, the terrifying alien alliance known as the Covenant arrives and turns his world upside down. Inspired by the Master Chief, he must decide what it means to be a hero.

Halo: 4 Forward Unto Dawn Cast and Crew

Directed by Stewart Hendler (H+, Sorority Row) and written by Todd Helbing and Aaron Helbing (Smallville, Spartacus), Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn features a diverse cast of established and up-and-coming Hollywood talent, including Tom Green (Dance Academy) as Thomas Lasky, Anna Popplewell (The Chronicles of Narnia) as Chyler Silva, Daniel Cudmore (X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Twilight Saga) as the Master Chief, Ayelet Zurer (Angels & Demons, Munich) as Mehaffey, Mike Dopud (Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol) as General Black, Enisha Brewster (Footloose) as April Orenski, Masam Holden (Grey’s Anatomy, Elizabethtown) as Michael “Sully” Sullivan, Osric Chau (2012) as JJ Chen, Iain Belcher (Supernatural) as Vickers, and Kat De Lieva as Dimah.

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is backed by a top-tier production team led by executive producers Lydia Antonini and Josh Feldman, former Warner Bros. and Playtone executives, respectively. Legacy Effects (The Hunger Games, The Avengers, Avatar) is creating specialized costumes and armor, and visual effects are being designed by an award-winning team led by John Sullivan (The Pacific). Production services are provided by Herzog & Co.

Office of Halo Intelligence: Part 9

Countless people have been working day in and day out on Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, with the goal of making it something truly special. One of those people is 343 Industries Franchise Manager Kevin Grace. In between trips to Canada and California, I asked him if he would be willing to provide you with an inside look at the making of this live-action series. He said no. I then informed him that if I beat him at an arm wrestling match, he’d have to write it anyway. I’ll let you guess who came out on top that day, after you read his very special OHI entry…

Hello from sunny, crazy, excited and nervous San Diego just about 24 hours before the start of our next big drop of Halo 4 info! By the time you read this, we’ll have already gotten through the Fiction of Halo 4 panel with lots of talk of the Chief’s new story and the trouble we’re going to get him into, Halo Infinity Multiplayer and Spartan Ops’ continuing story payloads in the months after launch, and all of the scheming we’ve been doing to spin books, terminals, and even our new live-action series into the perfect mix of “what’s going to happen next?” just in time for Halo 4’s landing on 11/6. And that’s just the start for San Diego, since we have the Halo 4 gameplay panel coming up soon…

But Ms. Angel asked me here today to write up a quick intro to Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn for those who just saw the trailer or just found out about that REAL LIVE MASTER CHIEF we have running around on screen. It’s dangerous to say no to bs angel, I’ve learned (the hard way) so here goes:

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is the new live-action digital series we’ve been working on in (mostly) secret for the last year or so. The “live-action” up there means we have real live actors,a real live awesome suit of MJOLNIR armor and a real live Warthog to cruise around in. “Digital series” means that once we’re done, we’ll be bringing the show to you first on Machinima Prime (Machinima’s new YouTube channel) and Halo Waypoint once a week starting on 10/5 and leading right up to the launch of Halo 4. First viewing is on us, so to speak, so hey…why not check it out?

The story of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn hops in the way-back machine a little bit to take you about 30 years in Halo history before the games you know (Halos CE through Reach) to a moment when humanity was fighting essentially a civil war, an insurrection of the outer colonies against the colonies closer to (and including) Earth. In order to keep the officers flowing for this war, the United Nations Space Command set up the Corbulo Academy of Military Science to teach the children of the UNSC’s elite leadership how to lead the war and, just as importantly, how to believe in that war.

The “believing” part is where it breaks down for Cadet Thomas Lasky, though. He doesn’t buy that this is a justified war and his willingness to question the war doesn’t exactly make him a lot of friends at the academy. He has all kinds of potential to be a true leader, but his questions and some physical problems with cryosleep training drive him to finally deciding that the UNSC isn’t the right place for him…but right as he’s about to sign his exit papers, everything changes. The Covenant attack, almost everyone he knows dies and his only chance to survive is to trust an armored green giant he knows only as the Master Chief.

After that, it’s explosions and awesome and huge spoilers, so I won’t go any further…for now.

If you’d like to hear more about Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, check out the latest Sparkcast, which I believe should now be up for your listening enjoyment. We cover a lot in our talk with Mr. Ellis, so bs angel said we could put this write-up on pause for now to let you watch the trailer, listen to the podcast, and maybe check out the panel steam on the web. Then next week we’ll gather back here and answer some of the questions folks will have once they’ve had a chance to meet the show properly.

So if it’s ok with you, I’ll be back next week with a full report from San Diego and a small bag of answers. Okay? Okay!


Wait, did Kevin just agree to come back next week and answer questions about Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn? I think he did! You can leave your inquiry in the discussion thread linked at the end of this Bulletin. And no, “Anna Popplewell is hawt” does not count as a question (It does count as the truth, though).

So I leave you with a brand new trailer

      a brand new Sparkast
 (ZuneiTunesRSS), and some brand new pictures, all for your viewing and listening pleasure. I do hope you enjoy all the goodies.

By the way, if you’re at Comic-Con this week, stop by the booth and say hi. Halo 4 would love to make your acquaintance.

Until next week…

bs angel

Folks, if you haven’t seen the trailer, please do it, RIGHT NOW! LOL. Seriously, it’s freakin’ amazing. I’ll have more on that in a little bit in another article.

Mega Bloks Review: Space Banshee set #97010

Orbital Space Banshee: Set number 97010

Build Time: 5 minutes sorting, 15 minutes build. Total 20 minutes.

Set Piece count: 204
Minifigs, Weapons and Accessories: Silver Flight Elite w/Standard Elite head extra, Orange EVA Spartan; Rocket Launcher, Focus Rifle
Special Features: Opening and Closing Cockpit hatch, Turret pivots sideways and guns pivot up and down.
Dimensions: Banshee H 2.5″  W 8″  L 7.25″  / Turret H 2.5″  W 4.75″ L 4/75″ / Banshee Stand H 1.75″ W 1.25″ L 1.75″
Price/Value: $22US

The set has 204 pieces. Roughly 60% of the build goes to the Banshee while the rest to the turret. This is an AWESOME set. It is by far much better than any of the previous Banshee builds MEGA has done before. Those were regular Banshees while this is the Space version. I do hope that the regular version gets this treatment in the future. I’ll buy a few of them and turn my older versions into custom builds. I had a lot of fun building this set. Truth be told I wasn’t much a fan of the banshee before this. I thought I wanted the set purely for the UNSC turret that comes with it. However, after having built it, I have to say again that the Banshee is awesome. Sleek, bigger, sexier…er um ignore that last adjective… Check out the pics below for more discussion on the build.

Click on images to see a larger version.

The beautiful box art. Loving the new Master Chief Armor.

What you get inside:

The pieces sorted out. (I find it important to do this for all but the smallest sets.)

The turret in steps. One thing to note in the upper right corner is that step 6 incorrectly shows how the pieces go together. So pay attention to that step. It’s easy enough to figure out, but it doesn’t hurt to be warned ahead of time.

The Banshee starts to take shape:

Next comes the wing assembly:

The cockpit assembly and finished model:

This comes with a great little clear stand to place the Banshee on so it looks like it’s in flight or at least hovering:

The minifigs and the weapons in the set:

MEGA is great about giving us extra pieces. Here is what I had left:

I always try to make some sort of mini vehicle out of what’s left. If possible I try to make a small version of what the set is. Sometimes there just isn’t enough of the right parts to do so. That was the case here:

Summary: A great small set, with fast building time and great bloks to make an accurate build. This set is worth every bit of the $22 it asks for. I hope to get at least 3 more of the turrets for a diorama and one more of the banshee. So it anyone doesn’t want their turret from their set, e-mail me and let’s work something out: [email protected]

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 medals. This set really is worth the full 5 medals. From start to finish it is a great model.

Sick for one day and there is a Halo news explosion! (Getting caught up)

Sorry folks, the planned reviews are coming, I promise. I was ill over the past roughly 24 hours and didn’t get much done for the blog.

I’m still trying to catch up on the RTX stuff, and now it’s Comicon weekend to boot.

In the last 24 hours there were 435 tweets in my tweet list to catch up on.

Yikes, so much Halo news.

So over the weekend I’ll endeavor to post news on:
Mega Bloks Toy Reviews (4 of them)
RTX articles (several)
Comicon articles (again several)
Forward Unto Dawn trailers, interviews and more (several here too)

Lots of stuff to report on. Now where to start? LOL.

Today marks 117 days until Halo 4!

So what is the significance of that number? If you have to ask, hmm, well, oh never mind.

It’s the number of Master Chief. He is otherwise known as Spartan 117 or S-117.

Still seems so far away, but it really is getting closer with each passing day.

Happy Bungie Day (7/7)

While Bungie is no longer at the helm of Halo, I feel it’s right to pay respect to the company that brought us Master Chief, the original trilogy and two great spinoffs in ODST and Reach.

Every July 7th, Bungie used to do something cool with the Halo community.

They’ve posted a nice article for this year’s Bungie Day.

Bungie Day Article

I highly suggest giving it a read. Plus they have candy. Okay, maybe not, but they do have some cool desktop images for you to download.

HFFL gets a mention in the latest Waypoint Modcast!

My friend DayandKnightly from ReactiveBias was just interviewed by CruelLEGACEY (a moderator on HaloWaypoint) for the lastest “Modcast.” At the 1:02:55, DayandKnightly mentions me and the blog when talking about working as a team.

That is awesome! Thanks DaK for the shoutout.

Here’s the link to the modcast. It’s a long one (TWSS), but there’s a lot of fun and knowledge that ensues, so take a listen.

WCM 20 – Waypoint Community Modcast Episode 20: DayandKnightly talks Halo 4 and Reactive Bias

Oh, and please be sure to check out DayandKnightly’s blog. He’s a well written blogger who likes to talk about the intricacies of the Haloverse.


The Science of Halo, Fact Versus Fiction: Slipspace Technology

Slipspace Technology

So most of us have wondered what it would be like to travel faster than the speed of light. Slipspace technology is yet another type of travel that portends to do so. Is it possible?

In this segment of the Science of Halo we’re going to take a look at common as yet fictional Faster Than Light (FTL) technologies and compare them with the fiction of Slipspace technology.

First let’s mention some of those common names:
Hypserspace: A reference in Star Wars, it’s really the dimension of space when traveling at FTL speeds and not the actual movement/motion of it.
Lightspeed: This is yet another term popularized by Star Wars and is one of the most commonly reffered to terms when talking about FTL drives.
Space-Time Distortion: A famous theory of this is the Alcubierre drive.
Warp Drive: Warp Drive is known from the Star Trek franchise. The United Federation of Planet starships use this type of FTL drive.
Slipspace: Known to Halo fans, it’s become even more popular with several mentions in Halo Reach.


Before delving into specific common references to FTL drives, take a look at this link:
It’s chock full of knowledge regarding FTL drives and other instances of things being faster than light, such as quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement. Here is another excellent link for knowledge of interstellar travel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstellar_travel

Hyperspace is defined as space of more than three dimensions. It was first thought to have been used in 1867. Again this is not the motion of faster than light, but rather the space FTL exists in…possibly.

Surprisingly when I look up “Lightspeed” I am very often directed to a link for Warp Speed or something else entirely different. So suffice to say that Lightspeed is defined as such. Traveling at the speed of light. A famous Star Wars quote by Han Solo talking about the Millennium Falcon goes something like this, “she’ll make .5 past lightspeed.” In this respect we are then led to believe that starships in the Star Wars galaxy are able to travel FTL.

Space-time distortion

(Taken from the link above) Although the theory of special relativity forbids objects to have a relative velocity greater than light speed, and general relativity reduces to special relativity in a local sense (in small regions of spacetime where curvature is negligible), general relativity does allow the space between distant objects to expand in such a way that they have a “recession velocity” which exceeds the speed of light, and it is thought that galaxies which are at a distance of more than about 14 billion light-years from us today have a recession velocity which is faster than light. Miguel Alcubierre theorized that it would be possible to create an Alcubierre drive, in which a ship would be enclosed in a “warp bubble” where the space at the front of the bubble is rapidly contracting and the space at the back is rapidly expanding, with the result that the bubble can reach a distant destination much faster than a light beam moving outside the bubble, but without objects inside the bubble locally traveling faster than light. However, several objections raised against the Alcubierre drive appear to rule out the possibility of actually using it in any practical fashion. Another possibility predicted by general relativity is the traversable wormhole, which could create a shortcut between arbitrarily distant points in space. As with the Alcubierre drive, travelers moving through the wormhole would not locally move faster than light which travels through the wormhole alongside them, but they would be able to reach their destination (and return to their starting location) faster than light traveling outside the wormhole.

What’s interesting about this theory (Alcubierre Drive) is that it’s likely the closest to slipspace technology and could indeed become feasible someday. Here is the theory summed up better:
The Alcubierre metric defines the warp drive spacetime. This is a Lorentzian manifold which, if interpreted in the context of general relativity, allows a warp bubble to appear in previously flat spacetime and move off at effectively superluminal speed. Inhabitants of the bubble feel no inertial effects. The object(s) within the bubble are not moving (locally) faster than light, instead, the space around them shifts so that the object(s) arrives at its destination faster than light would in normal space.

The above paragraph taken from this link:

Warp Drive

Take a look at this link from NASA that explains the current state of Warp Drives in reality:

other links on Warp Drive:


Here are three links regarding Halo’s Slipspace Technology.

“They have opened a path to the stars for all of us.” — Tobias Fleming Shaw, ScD, QeD, FRS January 30, 2220 – November 10, 2317, Wallace Fujikawa ScD, QEnD April 20, 2215 – February 18, 2318

Wallace Fujikawa and Tobias Fleming Shaw are the two scientists noted for leading the team of engineers and theoretical physicist who created Slipspace technology in the Halo universe.

Shaw-Fujikawa drives create ruptures in space or mini wormholes. Passing through these wormholes acts as a shortcut through normal space by entering “slipspace,” thereby attaining FTL speeds. Hence, Auntie Dot in Halo Reach saying “Slipspace rupture detected.”

The following paragraph is taken from this link:

The elements Selenium and Technetium are used to manufacture Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engines. In the 2490s, the colony of Levosia was suspected of diverting the said elements to the black market. The ensuing UNSC blockade of the system and the Insurrectionist reaction eventually led to the Callisto Incident, which is said to have effectively sparked the Insurrection.

It should be noted that Covenant Slipspace is not only more accurate, but much faster than human slipspace tech. Forerunner tech is faster still.

In the same 24 hours each race’s slipspace tech can travel approximately:
Human 2.625 light years distant
Covenant 912.12 light years distant (nearly 350 times faster than human slipspace)
Forerunner 2371.2 light years distant (nearly 1,000 times faster than human slipspace)

Follow this link for more specifics on slipspace speeds: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Slipstream_Space#Velocities


So is it possible to travel FTL in any form? Well not yet, though many scientists are working on some form of it. NASA is vested in some form of Warp Drive. It could be possible to have interstellar travel, albeit at greatly reduced speeds than FTL. This would require a generational starship that would allow many generations of BOB (Born on Board) humans to live, though they would only know life on the ship until the destination of a planet that would be habitable. Shielding would be required not just from space dust, but also the harmful radiation that permeates space. Given that this shielding is as yet not possible the likelihood that humanity will take to the stars for a long period of time is unlikely in the near future, though I would never say NEVER.

Here is another link for those interested in possibilities of FTL drives:

Okay, so I know that’s a lot of technical stuff to digest, but that’s part of the point of these articles. Halo is SO much more than the video game, if you allow it to be. Getting a glimpse and/or understanding the Science of Halo from a realistic stand point allows you to be more immersed in the lore of Halo.


Halo Bulletin 7-6-12

HaloWaypoint Bulletin

Hmm, not much new released in the bulletin this week.

Some Independence Day talk, then discussion and a video of MLG players playing Halo 4 multi-player at E3.

The meat of the bulletin comes next, regarding Halo 4 Infinity Multiplayer. I’ll post that part here:

Team Slayer has always been the most popular mode in Halo, so when we sat down to build the Halo 4 competitive multiplayer experience, we asked ourselves several questions: How do you improve upon Team Slayer, especially after so many iterations? How do you reward players without upsetting the delicate balance and gameplay loop? How do you make it feel different but comfortable at the same time?

The answer to all of those questions comes in the form of Infinity Slayer.

Infinity Slayer is Halo 4’s all-new Team Slayer experience. It is an additional-but-vital mode, with new weapons, vehicles, loadouts and Armor Abilities. The UNSC Infinity takes a large role in this mode, providing players in the game with weapons and ordnance.

For the first time in Halo, you earn points not only for your team, but also for yourself. It still takes a certain amount of kills to win the game (currently one kill equals ten points, and 60 kills wins the game), but now you have your own personal progression loop on top of that.

Halo 4 also brings new medals and rewards to the experience, rewarding players not only for kills, but also style, assists, team support, and objective gameplay. Some of the things that count as “style” are killing an opponent attempting to hijack or skyjack a vehicle, ending an opponent’s killing spree, and killing an opponent that stole your ordnance.

Halo 4 features the new scoring system in all modes, but it makes its biggest impact in Infinity Slayer as players earn ordnance rewards from the UNSC Infinity.

Infinity Ordnance – During each Infinity Slayer experience, the UNSC Infinity drops ordnance at the start of the match. So, what used to be a shotgun leaning against the wall in previous Halos is now dropped from Infinity. At carefully-tuned intervals, Infinity resupplies the map with power weapons.

The distance at which you can see these weapons is tuned by map. The more lethal weapons (Rocket Launcher, Scattershot, and Sniper Rifle, for instance) are always on your screen. Mid-tier weapons and grenades are not.

After initial ordnance, the Infinity drops semi-randomized weapons within very specialized constraints, set up specifically by playlist and map settings. These drops occur every few minutes. When Infinity is ready to drop a weapon, it looks at all pre-determined, designer-scripted locations, and then selects one.

You will be able to customize Infinity ordnance in Forge.

Personal Ordnance – As you earn medals, you fill up your ordnance meter. When that meter is full, you earn a reward drop for yourself from the Infinity. The reward comes in the form of three randomized power weapons, grenades, or powerups (two of the former, one of the latter). You can then choose which one you want, and the Infinity will drop the ordnance (if you’re inside, it will teleport in). You won’t get the highest tier power weapons (e.g., rockets) in personal ordnance, but everything you do get is powerfully awesome. And awesomely powerful. And everything in between.

We are still fine-tuning the system but in its current iteration, each successive ordnance takes 30% more to get. On average, each player gets 1-2 ordnance per game. Solid playing may net you three; however, I’ve been unable to confirm. For obvious reasons.

Powerups are one of the biggest new impact features, and there will be three powerup selections available in Infinity Slayer. Overshield is making a return along with two new additions: Damage Boost and Speed Boost. Powerups are different colors, both on your screen and your character. Overshield is green, Speed Boost is blue (and leaves trails), and Damage Boost is red.

Powerups have a limited duration but are incredibly fun and combo well with the new weapons and Armor Abilities in Halo 4. For instance, the Energy Sword pairs well with the Overshield. Or, if you have a Magnum, selecting the Speed Boost is beneficial so you can quickly reach a power weapon. There are numerous on-the-fly choices and combinations to discover.

Some additional features of Infinity Slayer are perspective scripting and dynamic music, but you’ll hear more about those things later.

/end  copy/paste

After this comes word that no updates for Reach this month, followed by some custom challenges and super Jackpots. The Jackpot is in the MLG playlist. Ugh, I never play that playlist. Ah, but it doesn’t matter to me for the credits. I recently went over 37 million credits in Reach. I have no need for more. Jackpot or otherwise.

The last this posted was a cover of a magazine. Here it is:

And that was it. SDCC is upon us, so I’m hoping, dare say expecting to hear much more about Halo 4 then. This time around, I want to know more about Forge. What do you want to hear about Halo 4? Comment below.


Halo 4 Offers Intelligent Spawn System, Randomized Ordinances, No Fall Damage

Halo 4 Offers Intelligent Spawn System, Randomized Ordinances, No Fall Damage

This article comes from www.gameranx.com, reposted here in it’s entirety.

Information about Halo 4 is flooding out of its developers as they continue to present the game to the general public. Speaking to a number of pro-gamers and to BravoMLG, 343i revealed a host of new details about the upcoming shooter, with exclusive details about the Halo 4’s competitive online gameplay.

Among the first things they revealed was that the spawn system is getting a complete overhaul. Grenades will influence spawns, as will looking at a spawn spot, so players will not die upon spawning. That said, there is a slight chance that they can spawn at these locations, but it’ll simply be less likely as the new system will put them somewhere safer.

In addition to the new spawning system, all maps will offer more spawn points. The developers at 343i found that just adding more spawn points gave players a better experience and allowed them a good chance to spawn in safer locations.

Loadouts play a bigger role in team-based matches because it allows players to tailor their loadouts around what their teammates have.

The contents of ordinance drops are random, and can offer a variety of different pick-ups. They are however tailored to every map, so close range maps wouldn’t provide you with a rocket launcher in an ordinance drop.

The developer has confirmed the existence of the human shotgun, which wasn’t present at its demo in E3. Additionally, there will be no fall damage in the game so players will be free to traverse each map without worrying about falling to their deaths.

343i will be looking at game balance throughout the lifespan of Halo 4 to ensure that the game remains competitive at a high level.

 —end copy/paste

No fall damage? Wow, that is going to make things a LOT easier. I definitely like the sound of the new spawn system, especially the whole “looking at spawn” thing.

As each game mechanic is released, we are getting a fuller and fuller picutre of what Halo 4 is shaping up to be. I have to say, I’m lovin’ it!


100 Strong!

I got a request to be a subscriber to the blog at 3:26 am from new member Devin Jones. He is the 100th unique members between the blog/twitter/facebook.

Welcome him and thanks to all of you who came before for continuing to make this blog a success. Here’s looking toward the next 100 and beyond!


A few new features to the right ——->

I’ve added a sections for “Article Categories” that you can use to check specific articles in a section, for instance anything related to Halo 4, in the Halo 4 section.

Also, I’ve added an Archive by the month so you can easily switch to a different month’s worth of post to catch up on older articles.

Lastly, a search field has been added as well if you don’t want to use either of the two above mentioned features.

All three of these should make finding anything I’ve posted on HFFL easier to find. I hope you’ll use them often.

Thanks folks for making HFFL a growing and continuing success.
