Halo 4: Playing as a Promethean Knight

I didn’t mod this. I’m just reposting it here.

Ever want to play as a Promethean? Well, this fellow has figured out a hack to do as such. I don’t know how, nor do I want to know as mods like this are bankable offenses. But it’s still pretty cool to watch!


So how about it? If given the chance to do so in-game without modding, would you play as a Promethean Knight? I know I would. I think it would be a lot of fun!


Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Banshee Strike

MB grey logo 

Mega Bloks Banshee Strike

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 10 minutes sorting; 25 minutes building. Your time will vary as I take pics of the build along the way for the review.
Set Piece Count: 173
Minifigs: Storm Elite (Brown armor)
Weapons: Needler
Accessories: N/A
Special Features: Cockpit hatch opens/close, rear wings pivot left/right
Cost: $20 (US)

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading