Now that the embargo is lifted more and more info about Halo 5 Guradians is being revealed. One such piece of information is a new Promethean enemy. This one being a soldier.
This is isn’t the first time we’ve seen the soldier though. During my visit to New York Toy Fair this year, I got to see up close and in person Mega Bloks toy version of the Promethean Soldier.
Along with that, the new Promethean ship, the Phaeton was revealed.
This ship was seen during a huge battle in space. I haven’t got the in-game pic of it yet. Rest assured, when I do, I’ll post it here.
I am definitely liking this version of Promethean. It’s not as clunky as the Knight. It’s definitely more menacing than either a Watcher or Crawler.
What do you think about this new enemy?
Thats really cool, good work mate. I definately am digging the new class. Countn down to e3!
I like.
Seriously though, that looks cool!
Do you know if this will replace the Knight or is this a higher tier enemy?
Graphics released earlier this weekend seem to indicate the Promethean Solider will be in addition to, not in place of a Knight. It’s much smaller than a Knight. Roughly Spartan sized. No word yet on it’s powers. Hopefully this will be revealed during E3. I’m going to be hitting that hard and will be blogging furiously tomorrow to get all the Halo goodness coming out of the Microsoft Conference.