The Science of Halo, Fact VS Fiction: Railguns

I happened upon some amazing news about a new Railgun that the U.S. military is testing. I had known that railgun technology had been around for a few years, but now it’s on the brink of actual use and not in the development stage.

During this article we’ll explore the fiction side of Railguns and their tech in the Halo universe, versus the real-world application of this technology, as well as their similarities and differences.

Disclaimer: I’m not a scientist or engineer. I may state some things incorrectly.

Now on with the article!



The railgun in Halo was introduced to us in Halo 4. Let’s not mistake this with the MAC (Magnetic Accelerated Cannon) on starships, nor the gauss cannon found on some Warthogs.

The Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-920 or Railgun is a “compact-channel linear accelerator that fires a high-explosive round at incredible speed, delivering kinetic and explosive force to both hard and soft targets alike”.  Alternately, it can also be described as an electro-magnetic projectile weapon.

Some technical specs for the Railgun are: 
Manufacturer: Acheron Security
Ammunition Type: M645 FTP-HE 16 mm x 65 mm
Ammunition Size: 16mm x 65mm
Length: 110.8 centimetres (43.6 in)
Height: 31.9 centimetres (12.6 in)
Width: 7.4 centimetres (2.9 in)
Weight: 14.9 kilograms (33 lb)
Charge Time: 2 seconds, lesser charge time will cause less damage

The Halo 4 Railgun has no zoom feature while shooting. The projectile follows along dual channels (metal “rails”). These are charged by an electric current that flows through the magnetic rails. This interaction is what fires the projectile at high speed.

Though the handheld Railgun in halo 4 is labeled as “recoilless”, it actually has recoil, likely to show the weapon’s destructive force.


In a report from CBS news/Reuters by David Alexander, it’s stated that the U.S. Navy is planning trials for it’s railgun in 2016. This version of the railgun can fire a 23 pound projectile at seven times the speed of sound and can travel well over 100 miles. To break that down, the speed of sound is 1,125 feet per second or 767 miles per hour. Seven times that is 7875 feet per second (just slightly under 1 1/2 miles per SECOND!) or 5,369 miles per hour. That is some POWER!Futuristic WeaponRear Admiral Matthew Kluder, chief of Naval Research has stated that the railgun has already gone through testing on the ground. The above picture shows a prototype of the current version of the railgun set up in a testing lab to test it’s firepower.

Part of the reason for developing railgun technology is technical superiority as well as cost. The planned 23lb projectile for the sea-based railgun will cost about 25,000. This is vastly cheaper that the average 500K to 1.5 million dollars (US) per conventional missile in use today.

fishbowl view length railgun
Above shows the lab railgun’s length (in a fishbowl view).

“Railguns use electromagnetic energy known as the Lorenz Force to launch a projectile between two conductive rails. The high-power electric pulse generates a magnetic field to fire the projectile with very little recoil, officials said.”

Railgun explosice force

“Current projectiles leaving a railgun have a muzzle energy of about 32 megajoules of force, said Rear Admiral Bryant Fuller, the Navy’s chief engineer. He said one megajoule would move a one-ton object at about 100 mph” Again, the current projectile is only 23 pounds versus the stated 2,000 pounds. So that’s just over 1% of the weight and 32 times of force. POWERFUL!!!

To illustrate this, the picture below shows the destructive force of an even smaller real-world projectile through a railgun. Though not said, the smaller projectile looks to be no more than a few pounds in weight. This is relative to the Halo 4’s projectile.

1-2 in steel plates SIXWhat you’re looking at above are SIX 1/2 inch thick steel plates that have had a several inches wide hole PUNCHED through them.

Check out this video of the real-world railgun in action! (link submitted by Kevin Armstrong-Thanks Kev!)

The technology for the real-world railgun is very similar to the tech represented in Halo 4’s railgun. The major difference being that we in present time have not yet reduced the size of the gun itself for individual use.

Given the size of the projectile in the Halo 4 railgun, coupled with the power associated with the electromagnetic current, it is quite evident that the destructive force of the Halo 4 railgun is accurately depicted in game.

So not only is this tech possible, it’s REAL and right NOW!



Windows in the Car to put Cortana in the dashboard!

I found out that Cortana will indeed be available for Windows in your car. The following is an excerpt from slash—

CORTANA CPQuietly demonstrated at Build 2014 this past week, in concept form at least, Windows in the Car pares back the standard Windows Phone interface to suit center console touchscreens and safer use while on the move thanks to features like Cortana.

Microsoft’s new Cortana virtual personal assistant is also name-checked, potentially tagging along as an intelligent co-pilot of sorts. As we saw on Windows Phone 8.1, Cortana can locate nearby businesses and give navigation directions, as well as use geofencing to trigger reminders and alerts when you’re near a specific place, all features with applications in automotive.

Right now this is all still in the realms of demo-tech, and Microsoft isn’t saying when Windows in the Car might make it out of the labs and into your dashboard.

Source Link

HFFL: I hope this is affordable. I’d love to have Cortana for my vehicle and smart phone. Now imagine if this would also be integrated with existing HUDs for cars? We could potentially have an actual “hologram” of Cortana speaking to us….Yes, it’s a dream, but VERY possible. (Don’t judge me. LOL)

HFFL’s Spirit of Fire podcast for 4-6-14: A PLETHORA of Halo topics!

Spirit of Fire Podcast LOGO_R-sm

It’s been awhile yet again since we last had a podcast. This show brings a LOT of news and topics discussed. From the Halo 2 Anniversary rumblings and rumors, to lots of Halo swag coming this month, to Halo music deals, swag, other collectibles and MORE!

We’ve got 2 hours and 16 minutes of discussion waiting for you to listen to. Beyond listening to it here or downloaded from the blog, you can also search for us on iTunes under podcasts as “Spirit of Fire”.

      SoF 4-6-14

or download below to listen to at your leisure:

SoF 4-6-14

Please enjoy and let me know what you think of this cast!


Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks UNSC Offworld Cyclops

MB grey logo
Mega Bloks UNSC Offworld Cyclops: Set #97214

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute sorting time, 3 minutes build time.
Set Piece Count: 51
Minifigs: UNSC Marine (Halo 4 style mold w/non-game paint application)
Weapons: Shotgun (Black)
Accessories: Backpack (Green)
Price: $15-17 depending on where you buy from (In USA market)
Special Features: 12 points of articulation not including the cockpit hatch that raises and lowers also

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops packageThe packaging for this set is just as good if not better than it’s preceding cyclops. As you can above, the front shows the set very well. It looks built in the package. However, it’s not, so be aware of that when you open it so as not to have pieces fling about.
The back of the package shows the set off very well as well as the previous 4 incarnations of the cyclops. The new painted Halo 4 style Marine is seen on both sides as well.
The text blurb on the back says the following of this particular Cyclops:
“Many UNSC and Covenant vessels were destroyed during the course of the war, their remains left hanging in orbit high above the surfaces of human colonies. In order to recover valuable assists and technology, the UNSC deploys Offworld Cyclops into the harsh conditions of space, giving the operator access to these harrowing debris fields.”
The right side of the above pic shows the card without the bubble. Nice little piece of graphics there.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops contentsHere are the contents. Hidden behind the lower insert of the package are the directions and that little bag of parts.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops sortedHere are those parts from the bag sorted out.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops DirectionsThe directions on the front are in and of themselves a mini-poster. I wish this came flat instead of folded. Ah well, no biggie there.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops limb assemblyAbove shows the limbs assembled then attached. This build is extremely easy and fast. You should have it out of the package and complete in 3 minutes or less.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops arc welderGiven the description on the back, I’m going to assume this is an arc welder. Since it’s a construction type cyclops and not and war type cyclops, that fits in.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops hose positionAbove shows the better way of putting the hose on. It may seem odd that the longer side should go in the back, however…

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops hose position 2When you see it attached and then how it easily stretches down to fit into the arc welder it makes sense. I tried it the other way to be sure and it doesn’t really work well the other way, with the short side inserted into the back.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops weap-accHere is the marine’s gear in the set.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops minifigThe marine minifig. It’s not a game accurate paint job. However, given the task of this marine and it’s uniqueness, I’m perfectly fine with it being painted differently from other marines. I can immediately identify it as the Offworld Cyclops’ pilot.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops minifig-cockpitYou can easily fit the marine into the cockpit. There is a pin that protrudes from the seat back once you’ve attached that, that inserts into the whole in the back of the minifigure. This keeps it in place. As you can see in the middle above, you can also place the backpack and shotgun inside the cockpit. At right shows you can close it with all of that in there too.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops cone storageFor easy storage, I put the cones on the back of the cyclops. It also (kind of) looks like jets that would propel it around the area of space it is working in.

MB UNSC Offworld Cyclops FINAnd finally here is the end action pose! No the arc welder doesn’t glow. I added that touch. As you can see, the cyclops is indeed well articulated.

Summary: This set is VERY quick to build. It’s the same base set as the other cyclops, but with different attachments and paint scheme. At $15, it’s reasonable. I wouldn’t want to pay more than that, so shop around. Target and Wal*Mart would have these for that price, while Toys R Us has it for about $2 more.

Overall Rating: I give this set 10 out for 10 medals. This is by far my favorite of the 5 versions of cyclops that have been released to date. The arc welder is neat, but for me, it’s really the paint scheme.

As a native Pittsburger, I’m partial to these colors since all three of our major sports teams use black and yellow (which we say is gold and not yellow…). In fact, this cyclops looks much like an older uniform worn by the Pittsburgh Steelers from the top up (see below).


So yeah, there’s that.

I highly recommend this set, especially if you have all of the other 4 cyclops. If you’re from Pittsburgh, then yeah, most definitely get it for the colors!!! LOL

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think of the review. If you have this set yourself, please give me your thoughts on it too!


Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon

Okay, this set isn’t new per say, as it’s been out at retail for some time. However, it is the first time I’ve purchased the set, so it’s new to me from that perspective.
MB grey logo
Mega Bloks Blue Series Falcon: Set #97204

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 20 minutes including sorting time, 2 hours build time.x
Set Piece Count: 450
Minifigs: Blue Air Assault Spartan, Blue Grenadier Spartan (Blue versions of Kat and Jorge)
Weapons: Magnum, Detached Turret
Accessories: Large Backpack (for Grenadier Spartan
Price: $40 UK Exclusive, though it comes in stock on Amazon once in awhile.
Special Features: Rotors spin/pivot; cockpit opens/closes; side turrets have multiple points of articulation; from underside turret rotates and pivots up/down; slight up/down pivot of underside front landing gear.

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)

MB Blue Series Falcon BOXThe box design is very “clean”. The front shows the set nicely, while the back displays it again and gives you some additional info, via text bloks.

MB Blue Series Falcon contentsThese are the contents of the box. The bag at the upper left has a couple of smaller bags within.

MB Blue Series Falcon sortedHere are the pieces sorted out. It only took about 20 minutes to do that.

So now we start into the build. First the base of the body starts to take shape.MB Blue Series Falcon 1st steps fuselage

MB Blue Series Falcon 2nd steps cockpit-bodyNext we have some of the body put together. So far so good. Easy build here. (I’ve done this a couple times already with the original falcon that came out. IIRC, these directions are no different, other than the color of pieces.

MB Blue Series Falcon 3rd step skidsThe rear skids and underside turret are added.

MB Blue Series Falcon 4th step side panelsHere we see the side panels of the forward section of the falcon being fitted on.

Placing the body aside for now, we move on to the wing and tail section. MB Blue Series Falcon 5th step wing assembly start

MB Blue Series Falcon 6th steps wing-tail assemblyThese steps are a bit further along. The top shows part of the tail assembly as well as the main part of the wing assembly. The middle shows the points of contact between the two section (how they go together). And the bottom shows them snapped into place.

MB Blue Series Falcon 7th steps engine assembly
Above we see the engines being built. First the rear section, then added, then the front section added. Also note at the outside edges of the wings that there is an area built up. That prong sticking out is where I later attach the rotor assembly to.

MB Blue Series Falcon 8th steps body-wing-tailOkay, so now we have the wing/tail assembly ready to attach to the body.
THIS folks may be a bit tough. Due to the multiple points of contact, that also span half the length of the body, it can get tricky. I had to exert a little bit of force to get the pieces to snap in. They align just fine. It’s just either your front or back section of the wing/tail assembly might not snap in perfectly.
To do this, once I got the sections in place and mostly locked down, I pressed together the wing/tail assembly at the middle as well as on the skids from the underside. Yep, I needed to use both hands for that with a bit of pressure. So parents, help your kids on this step. Kids, get your parents help!

This was the only tricky part in the whole build. The rest from here on is easy.

MB Blue Series Falcon 9th steps turretsAbove shows the side mounted turrets going into place. As you can see there are two pivot points coming from the “double barreled” piece. As well the turret itself is mounted on a bar that allows it to pivot up and down. It’s quite an articulated turret section.

MB Blue Series Falcon 10th steps rotarsNow we move on to the rotor assembly. 1. The main body part of the rotors. 2. The propellors are created. 3. They are assembled and await to be attached to the falcon.

MB Blue Series Falcon FINAnd here it is done. As you all know, I don’t like to put stickers on my sets. Though I may reconsider for this one. I like the blue/silver theme with this set. It looks more like a police falcon, than a UNSC falcon. And that suits me just fine. In fact, I already have a nickname for this falcon. “Blue Thunder” What’s more special about that, is that it’s a friend of mine’s gamer tag. So this set will always remind me of him.

MB Blue Series Falcon MinifigsHere are the two figs with the set. We’ve had these before, but not quite in this rich blue hue. I do have slight issues with both of my figures. Both helmets are STUCK in position. I don’t dare try to move them for fear of breaking the neck sprue. So the Air Assault will be permanently cocked to one side. Thankfully the Gungnir is looking straight forward.

MB Blue Series Falcon weapons-accessoriesHere are the weapons and accessories with the set. A detached turret. Note the two places for the mini fig to put it’s hands. A magnum and the backpack for the Gungnir Spartan.

MB Blue Series Falcon Minifigs w-weaponsAnd here are the figs with their respective weapons.

MB Blue Series Falcon leftoversThese are the pieces leftover.

MB Blue Series Falcon mini falconAnd this is what I did with them. What is ALMOST a mini-falcon (minus rotors) and I’m not sure what the other part is. I’m just calling it a special Blue Unit package for now. Maybe you have a better name for it??

MB Blue Series Falcon sticker sheetThe sticker sheet.

MB Blue Series Falcon articulationAbove shows how very well articulated this set is when built. LOTS of play value!

MB Blue Series Falcon orthosSome orthogonal views as well as slightly tilted looking down on the set.
The Falcon measures approximately 14″ long, 17″ wide (at widest point where the rotors are out-turned), and 5′ high.

MB Blue Series Falcon complete setOnce again, the final set, with the minifies and leftover pieces.

Summary: This set is fairly quick to build. Other than the step where you attach the body with the wing/tail assembly, it goes together quickly and easily. The blue pieces are rich in color. Oh, and yes, they have the “camp” effect to them. So those pieces will have some black blended in with them. The minifigure choices are good for the set, as are the weapons. This set really shines in the articulation department! That gives the set a LOT of play value!!

Overall Rating: I give this set 9 out for 10 medals. The reasons for the point less is half a point for my Air Assault figure’s head being stuck in a weird position. The other half point for that one step that may cause a little frustration if you’re not careful. Otherwise, it’s a stellar set!

I highly recommend this set. That said, it’s a UK exclusive. So those of you in the States may be out of luck. I got a tip from my good friend, Goodwill Hunter. He let me know they were up on Amazon. So I’m passing that on to you. As of this writing Amazon is sold out of them. However, if you really want this set, keep checking back. They may just come back in stock!

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think of the review. If you have this set yourself, please give me your thoughts on it too!


I have new Halo Pinterest pins up!

Fairly frequently I let you folks know when I’ve posted some new PINS on Pinterest. Here is one that I’ll highlight here for you (just added today).

MC-Cortana RedesignThis is an interesting take on both Master Chief and Cortana. Other than the helmet, Master Chief looks like a walking tank, and I’m okay with that.

Cortana though, WOW! Can you imagine her as an all hard light warrior, able to fight along side Master Chief? I have to say, that while a departure from the character, I’d love to see that happen for Cortana!

You can see this and MANY more Halo pics on my Pinterest Page HERE. As always, you can check my page there by following the link in the right menu bar of the main page.



The Halo Bulletin 4-2-14


Sometimes, 343’ers play tricks on each other around the office, and the frequency increases significantly on the first of April. These tricks can take various forms, such as when team members walk away from their unlocked computers, you are somewhat encouraged to change their desktop wallpapers to a risqué picture of 1990s David Hasselhoff. Other times, certain members of the Franchise team will wrap your entire desk (and each individual item) in wrapping paper. This year, though, a pretty clever prank was pulled on me, and I am not afraid to admit it.

The story begins with me sitting at my desk, which features an arsenal of monitors, a few Xbox 360s, an Xbox One, and way too much Halo memorabilia. As is generally the case, I was sitting here, working very hard (scrolling through posts on r/Halo), and minding my own business. After some time, I just happened to turn to my right, and noticed an Xbox One Kinect on the corner of my desk. I looked past it, but then realized that the Kinect light was on, and that it was neatly positioned at my head.

Naturally, I picked up the Kinect and began tracking down the cords to determine where it was plugged in. It led me back over to the Franchise team, who began laughing and complaining that the show was over. I eventually unplugged the device, wrapped the cord around it, and stole it from them. It still sits on my desk.

The best part, however, was walking over to their desks and seeing that there was an actual show dedicated to my every day work. I couldn’t make this up. I give you: The BRAVO-CAM:


I am not sure how long the show lasted (I am told weeks, and that advertisers were lining up left and right), but it is now off the air.

Now that I’ve cleared the air, let’s talk ‘bout some Halo.

HFFL: Yes, let’s.

Matchmaking Playlist Update

We’re always excited when we can deliver Matchmaking updates that the community is not only clamoring for, but that they’ve helped us create. This past Monday’s Matchmaking update included a Squad DLC playlist and a significant Flood update, which brought in some of the top community maps as well as a new community-created game type, Last Stand. For the full details, check out last week’s Bulletin, and be sure to hop into the playlist this week.

This weekend, we’ve got a new special edition playlist coming: Ricochet Rebound. Let’s get into the details!

Ricochet Rebound


Ricochet Rebound is a brand new 4 vs. 4 playlist inspired by basketball-themed game types from community Forger HOBO ITCHY. We’ll hear from him later about the maps and game types, but here is an overview:

• Primary Weapon: Scattershot / Shotgun
• Secondary Weapon: Sticky Detonator
• Score to Win: 15 points
• Time Limit: 10 minutes
• A “throw” = 1 point
• A “dunk” (slamming into the hoop) = 2 points
• Ball Reset Time: 15 second ball reset
• Automatic Pickup: Enabled
• Respawn Time: 3 Seconds

The playlist will be available from April 4–7. Hop into the playlist to join the special-edition action.

HFFL: Hmm, sounds interesting, but only 4 days? That might not be enough to get good feedback and data from. 

Community Choice: Proving Ground

It’s been two weeks since we launched the Proving Ground playlist, and we’ve been keeping a close eye on feedback regarding settings, maps, game types, and more. Our Matchmaking team tells us that by this time, ranks should be settling out, so it’ll be easier to find even matches. While we continue to iterate on the playlist, we also want to ensure that we’re regularly adding game types to increase playlist variety. For next week, we’re asking which objective game type you’d like to see next. The three options are:


Click here to vote on the Waypoint forums! Voting will be open for approximately four days. Next week, we’ll announce the Community Choice winner along with the Matchmaking Update!

HFFL: Is anyone playing this playlist? Honestly, every time I log in, it never has more than 250 gamers in it. Hardly worth the effort, IMO.

Lastly, in Spartan Ops, we are featuring a selection of missions with the Red vs. Blue Radio Easter eggs to celebrate Rooster Teeth’s 11th Anniversary! The following missions are now available in Spartan Ops Matchmaking:

Episode 1: Chapter 5: Core
Episode 2: Chapter 5: Gagarin
Episode 3: Chapter 4: Shootout in Valhalla
Episode 4: Chapter 2: Rally Point
Episode 5: Chapter 5: Spartan Thorne

If you’d like to hunt some Easter eggs, hear some tunes, and unlock the Roses vs Violets achievement, hop into Matchmaking.

HFFL: OMG, did we really get a mention of Spartan Ops? Wow, considering 343 has practically abandoned this, I’m surprised. I really wish this would have taken off…. I LOVED playing it. Still do on occasion.

The UNSC Quad Walker


The UNSC Quad Walker is here! As the newest release in the Halo Mega Bloks ONI REAP-X line, this vehicle is a highly advanced prototype walker based loosely on a number of Covenant models, including the Locust. Deployed from space much like a drop pod, the vehicle’s boosters unfold upon entry, becoming its four fully-articulable legs. The walker’s primary weapons are two plasma cannons, similar to the Covenant’s Shade turret. The set includes a copper Covenant Anti-Vehicle Shade Turret and a pair of figures: A Recon Spartan and a gold Storm Elite.

The Quad Walker is available now, so if you are craving some extra four-legged machinery in your home, you know where to look. Or, if you’d rather win it for free, you can simply enter our Twitter contest by retweeting the message below by the end the day on April 3.


HFFL: You can see my FULL review of this set with pics of the build along the way HERE.

Halo: Spartan Assault News and Deals


We’ve got a Halo: Spartan Assault Red Stripe Deal starting tomorrow! From April 3–9, you can get Halo: Spartan Assault for only $1.99 on Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. If you haven’t picked up the game on either platform, now’s the time. On April 10, Halo: Spartan Assault will be permanently priced at $4.99 across these platforms, and $9.99 on Xbox One and Xbox 360.

This Friday, April 4, Halo: Spartan Assault will also launch on Steam! As always, we’re super excited for the title to be featured on a new platform, and to be working with the Steam crew on supporting this release. Keep an eye on our official Twitter account for some Steam giveaways later this week.

HFFL: Hmm, seems like they are trying to squeeze out every last dollar they can out of this game. It should have been a Win8/XBOX 360/XBOX One rollout together. Not that staggered stuff that it was. It lost a lot of luster because of it… Well, IMO anyway.

Community Forge Interview: HOBO ITCHY

Last month, we toyed around with the idea of putting together a basketball-themed Ricochet playlist during March Madness. We had the idea in the back of our heads since the Halo 4 Spartan Bowl and even as far back as the Turkey Bowl. A few weeks ago, we realized we needed to get started on a game type and some maps. Luckily, our testers and designers had remembered playing an awesome basketball-themed Ricochet game type, and we eventually dug up HOBO ITCHY’s files from the Halo 4 File Browser. We started playtesting the game types, had a blast, and decided they were coming into Matchmaking. Read on for some details about his designs, inspiration, and more!

Hey, HOBO ITCHY! Tell us – what influenced you to design your basketball game type and maps in Halo 4?

Hi! First, I have to say thanks so much for having me – this is a real honor. Way back in December 2007, I was playing around in Halo 3’s Forge, and trying to come up with something new, something outside of the box.

I was seeing other Forgers creating great Slayer arenas and CTF wonderlands, and I just wanted to craft something original. I had a buddy who was a total basketball nut, and I figured one way to pull him away from basketball video games and back into Halo with me, would be to make my own basketball-based Halo game! A legend was born. I used the “Neutral Assault” game type initially, and set the goals to be the size and shape of a basketball hoop, giving players shotguns and sticky grenades. Old versions required players to jump up into the goal via grav-lift, which was clunky, to say the least – how far we’ve come since!

Anyway, a few months later, a group called “Rooster Teeth” came up with a game called “Grifball.” Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It kind of took the wind out of my sails for my game type until Reach came along, and Reach’s new forge mechanics threw the doors of inspiration wide open for me again. I’ve been fine tuning it ever since.


Did you begin forging right away when Ricochet was released with the Champions Bundle?

You better believe it! As soon as I heard the announcement I was mentally crafting ways to improve existing maps and getting struck by divine inspiration for all new court maps! As a matter of fact, it changed my game’s experience for the better to such a huge degree that I would like to take a second right now, while I’m holding this mic, to personally thank the developers who brought Ricochet to Halo 4’s already robust palette of options. Thanks so very much!

Have you worked on other major Forge projects in the past?

I have never been involved in a project that made it to Matchmaking, but I have forged a sheer metric ton of maps spanning Halo 3, Reach, and now Halo 4. All of them have been ‘major’ in terms of hours spent tweaking, polishing, and negotiating the last squeaky bits of Forge Budget. Mini Games tend to be my favorite to play, but my favorite to Forge are traditional, ‘Halo-style’, symmetrical, competitive arenas. I would urge anyone who may be curious about my other creations to head on over to my File Share!


What were some of your design goals with the basketball game types and maps?

For the game type, I wanted something that felt like a ‘sports’ experience more than a ‘shooter’ experience. I wanted it to be fast-paced, teamwork-heavy, and full of BOOM! (I’m a sucker for explosions.) I knew from the beginning that in order for the feeling of basketball to come through, I would need to keep the focus on close-quarters combat, and have any long-distance kills be the result of true skill…or crazy luck. My Halo 3 version only had Shotguns or Plasma Grenades as weaponry, and it wasn’t until Halo 4 that I introduced the secondary weapon. Why, you ask? Because “Dat Sticky Det!”

As for the maps, I wanted each to have its own flavor and feel, and not just come across as a carbon-copy of the last one. And I knew I wanted to have a whole suite of different maps because my group tends to play the game often, I really wanted to give them some variety. To tell you the truth, I was never even considering the feral masses in the world of Halo Matchmaking! Other design goals for the maps had to do with the little things, like scaling them slightly differently to accommodate different sized groups. I feel some play better for 4 vs. 4 (which I would call the player cap for this game), such as “Seaside”, and some play better as 1 vs. 1, which is the case with “Cavern.”

Any tips for players who will be heading into the playlist this weekend?

“Be the ball”…no, wait…no. I’ve got a few tips, and here they are:

* Use that Thruster Pack!

The Thruster Pack is invaluable for dodging those Sticky Detonator rounds, as well as closing the gap between you and the ball before someone else gets it.

* Pass that Ball!

It is so tempting to be a hero once you get a hold of that glowing Promethean Skull, but if you try to run it the whole court, it probably won’t work out for you. And when you do pass the ball, communicate that with the receiver, or risk a fumble which could cost your team the ball. Also, on the topic of ball passing, if you pass the ball to a nearby oncoming enemy, you will suddenly render them weaponless, making for an easy kill and ball retrieval.

* When in doubt, CHUCK IT!

If your teammates are nowhere to be found, I find a good tactic is to simply haul off and throw the ball as far towards the enemy goal as you can. This can buy you enough time to respawn before they can recover the ball and score on you.


Do you have any future projects currently going or that you’d like to start?

Right now, my biggest future project is my 9-month-old daughter, Penny. But as for Halo, I am currently making another basketball map, and I have a couple more competitive maps in the works. Beyond that, I am super excited to see what y’all at 343 have cookin’ up for Halo’s future! Forge has grown and evolved with each title exponentially, and I can’t wait to see what future versions will allow the community to create.

Thanks for joining us today, and we can’t wait to check out more of your work! Any shout-outs?

Thanks so much for having me! It’s been an unbelievable honor to have the opportunity to share my creations with you, and the worldwide Halo Community!

And lastly, before I go, I’ll take the opportunity to give a shout-out to my “Halo Nerds” Clan, without whom, none of this would have happened:

torresguitars: Our Fearless Leader!
Festuca: Official Liaison!
lunchbox2085: Official Tester!
DipChic: The Glue that keeps us together!

Enjoy the show, and I hope to see you all out there on the court!


Screenshot Spotlight: Grenades

Last week, we turned the spotlight on Haven. Take a gander at the following Grenade screenshots, and maybe even find inspiration to make your own.

Screenshot spotlight grenades

HFFL: I like “Artifact” by DividedSole. What one(s) do you like?

For your chance at being in the next spotlight, take a screenshot featuring the color pink and then tag it with “Pink” and “Halo Waypoint,” and maybe, just maybe, yours will be featured in the next Halo Bulletin!

And with that, this week’s Bulletin comes to a close.
Until next week,

HFFL: A bit thin on news this week, considering the big bit of news that dropped yesterday. That of course being the Ridley Scott Halo project. Hopefully we’ll hear/read/see more about this soon (as in next week’s bulletin, or sooner).


Ridley Scott and Microsoft Team Up for Halo Digital Feature

This is a reblog of an article from IGN, by Scott Collura.

We’ve been hearing rumors about a potential Halo movie for the past decade, with Alien and Blade Runner director Ridley Scott’s name being associated with the project as far back as 2004 and as recently as this past January. And now it looks like the rumors are becoming a reality… sort of.

According to Microsoft, a “digital feature project” based on the Halo game series is in fact in the works from 343 Industries, Xbox Entertainment Studios, and Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Productions. The feature will be released later this year and will be executive produced by Scott and Scott Free TV President David Zucker. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan (Battlestar Galactica, Heroes) will direct the feature.

Master Chief AR down

Now, what is a “digital feature project” rather than a film, you might be wondering? It’s all a bit vague right now, but it seems likely that this is not something that will get a theatrical release. The Wrap is reporting that the project is expected to follow the same format as Machinima’s Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, which obviously was delivered on the web.

HFFL: Okay, this is pretty cool. Though I know many of we fans would really love to see an actual Halo movie in theaters. Still, Forward Unto Dawn was a fantastic web series.

The site adds that the story will follow a “surgically-enhanced super soldier who isnot Master Chief” and that Prison Break creator Paul Scheuring may write the digital feature.

HFFL: Hmm, Not Master Chief? Okay, I’m still sticking with Spartan Gabriel Thorne here. He’s now become fire team Majestic’s team leader. If not him, then maybe Commander Palmer.


Additionally, Microsoft points out that this is “completely separate from the premium Halo television series executive produced by Steven Spielberg, which is still on track.” Back in January we’d heard that District 9’s Neill Blomkamp was directing the pilot for that project. Further confusing matters, Blomkamp had also worked on a now-defunct feature film version of Halo a few years back…

HFFL: Okay, so we’re getting a TV series AND a web series? I’m all for that! More Halo!!!

It should also be noted that Mimica-Gezzan is a Spielberg collaborator, having served as first assistant director on many of his films. So there are a lot of big names in the mix here, but not many details yet.

Source Link

Halo 4 Exclusive Soundtrack T-shirt and Special Edition Bundle!


This is being sold on Amazon (not sure if elsewhere though).

Here’s the text blurb describing what comes with the bundle:

HALO 4 – LIMITED EDITION BOXSET and T-SHIRT. The Special Edition box is available in a limited quantity, each exclusively numbered and contains the following:
• original Soundtrack CD includes 15 Tracks
• a bonus remix CD with remixes by: DJ Skee & THX, Gui Boratto, Sander Van Doorn & Julian Jordan, Apocalyptica, Caspa and more
• 180 Gram, 12″ Master Chief picture disk vinyl of remixes
• a making of Halo 4 Music DVD and Book features behind the scenes photos and; footage from the Abbey Road sessions
• Neil Davidge’s production and composition notes
• a 12″X12″ Halo 4 Art Print
• an exclusive Art print of Master Chief signed by Neil Davidge!
• PLUS for the first 5000 special edition box sales only, a Halo 4 Avatar download code!

The T-shirt is an exclusive design and only available through this set.

HFFL: I’d love to get this. I already have the music, but all that other stuff sounds great! It’s a decent bundle. If you haven’t yet bought the music, then this is absolutely the way to go! Get yourself some additional cool Halo swag! For $34.99, it’s worth it, IMO.

You can buy it HERE!


Squad DLC in Halo 4 = AWESOME!

Last night I played a bunch of Squad DLC games with several friends of mine. It was a blast! Not only did we enjoy playing on those DLC maps that we paid for and seem to not come up much in regular matchmaking, but we played some good game types as well.

I highly suggest if you have the DLC maps to make use of this playlist while it’s still up. You’ve got about 10 days left remaining for it. While I hope it would stick around as a permanent playlist, unless we can get more people playing in it, it’s not likely to happen.

So I implore you if you do, PLEASE again, go play some games in it! Believe me, you’ll have fun too!


Thrill Squad (Part 2) by Mega Bloks Halo

The second in an on-going Halo Mega Bloks series, Thrill Squad, was posted today. I found it to be a LOT of fun to watch. Action, great stop motion, good effects with some humor added in.

In case you missed part one, here it is:

So do you like these vids? Yes, they promote the toys. Of course they should. Other than that though, do you like the story, action, humor?

As a fan of Halo Mega Bloks, you know I do!


343 Industries to work with “external partners” on the future of Halo?

This is a reblog of an article posted today on, written by Edwin Evans-Thirwell. As usual, my thoughts will be interjected in BLUE.

Xbox One veteran sought to work with “existing codebase”

Here’s your enigma for today: 343 Industries is in the market for a software development engineer to help “drive the future of Halo”, a process that involves work with “external partners”. Another hint, perhaps, that talk of a third-party developed Halo 2 Anniversary reboot is more than talk?

HFFL: Okay, once again rumors crop up about a Halo 2 Anniversary. I say get on with it. If we’re getting it this year, then let’s hear SOMETHING about it. Yes, E3 is coming, but it’s still a couple months off. As well, here we are again with yet another third-party to be involved with Halo. With respect to 343, can’t they design their own franchise? Why myst they always look outside of their own studio? Is it that the talent pool isn’t as good? Or that they don’t have enough people? Or that their taking on TOO much at one time? I think it’s likely a mix of all three with the latter of the three being the biggest contributing factor.

The right candidate will help 343 with “the challenging task of ensuring our external partners are able to turn world class games into industry movers”. He or she “will be able to support external partners using a mature pipeline, drive new techniques and algorithms, take a lead on performance tuning issues and bringing passion and new ideas to the table. They will also be approachable and able to work with closely with artists and designers to understand requirements and solve problems.”

HFFL: Hmm, so this doesn’t actually sound like it’s an external partner per say, but rather a go-between/liason of the studio with those external partners.


Applicants should have “recently shipped a AAA Xbox One title”, and will be expected to “get up to speed quickly on [an] existing codebase already in production”. This suggests – and I’m stretching here, no doubt – that 343’s mostly unrevealed Halo Xbox One will be the technological basis for any hypothetical parallel projects.

HFFL: Okay, really…how many XBOX One vets are there out there right now? And how many of them have actually shipped a AAA title? Seems like a pretty small pool to get applicants from. Looks like they’re trying to steal away another person from another studio. Not at all unheard of. However, this again points to the worries by some in the Halo community that the skill needed for designing for the XBOX One isn’t fully there yet at 343. That’s worrisome if there is supposed to be a new Halo game for the One this year.

Halo Anniversary co-developers Saber Interactive and Certain Affinity are tipped to be working on Halo 2 Anniversary by a number of sources. Microsoft has stated that these and other reports are “based solely on speculation”, which isn’t quite the same thing as saying that they’re false. “Other than confirming that your Halo journey on Xbox One begins in 2014, we have made no announcements related to specific titles,” adds the statement in question.

HFFL: Again with this cryptic crap…Again, please, as a fan and consumer, I’d really like to know if something is coming out this year. It WILL impact my budget and purchasing for the XBOX One. Keep lagging on and not giving us any info and well….my money may have to go somewhere else. I’m not saying a different console, just for other things in general. I’d like to know now, not 2 months or more down the road. I do not yet have an XBOX One, so that’s $535 (includes tax) for just the console, not to mention the game and if there is any limited/legendary edition as well. Some of us are not made of money, so we DO need a large enough buffer of time to be able to save up for these things. 

Halo 2 Anniversary rumours aside, he mention of external partners could also allude to a project at Vanguard, co-developer of the moderately well-received Halo: Spartan Assault. It could also refer to an externally developed DLC pack for Halo Xbox One, rather than a full game. Your guess is as good as mine, frankly.

HFFL: Well, while I’ve enjoyed Spartan Assault, I don’t think it warrants having a sequel. DLC pack? Um, have they looked at sales of Halo 4 DLC? AND the fact that many who bought Halo 4 DLC are still PO’ed that they can’t play that content on a regular basis? I sincerely hope it’s not either of these cases, but rather a NEW game.

343 is known to be working on at least one game that isn’t Halo Xbox One or the forthcoming Halo TV series. We’ll hear more at E3, hopefully.

HFFL: Yes, I sincerely hope so. And it MUST be not just good, not just great, but OVER THE TOP AWESOME. Anything less is really going to be deflating to the Halo community, well, at least to THIS Halo fan…


Source link

Tha Halo Bulletin 3-27-14

With BS Angel’s departure from being a community manager, for now I think we can safely assume Bravo will be writing all of these…


It’s Friday, March 21. The time is 11:00 a.m. PDT. Our live stream is set to begin in three hours, and members of our 343 Pro Team are preparing to battle it out against some of our top community members – StrongSide, Ace, Flamesword, and Snakebite. Somewhere, bs angel is selecting which cat shirt she will wear. For the Pro Team, the last few days have been full of Halo 4 practice and arguments about whether or not Killer V was the best gamertag of all time or the worst gamertag of all time.

That morning, I get an email saying that someone had just checked the Pro Team Lounge and found GH057ayame and Killer V reviewing Halo 4 Theater film, and that Dersky and Neighbor were eating a donut. At this moment, we knew we were ready. As a side note, I was slightly concerned as to whether or not Dersky and Neighbor were eating the same donut, but unfortunately did not have time to investigate. It was getting close to show time.

It’s now noon and time to head over to Xbox HQ. After a team huddle in the Pro Team Lounge, I grab Neighbor, hop in a car, and we’re off. In an hour the gameplay will begin, and we’re both thinking the same thing. But neither of us says a word. At least, I think he was thinking the same thing. Come to think of it, I am really not sure. Regardless, we arrive a few minutes late, and begin to set up his station. As expected, bs angel is nowhere in sight.

We set up the live stream, quickly download some Champions Bundles (Ricochet on Pitfall is a must) and 45 minutes later, I get a text from bs angel asking if we need her for the stream. I panic and wonder if everything is okay. This was going to be a stream where her and I chatted about some of her bestest memories in the Community Manager role, and she is rarely late. Did something happen? Was there an emergency?

I text her back with these questions, and (just as unsurprising as her tardiness) it turned out she was just outside the door and trolling me. Once everyone got situated, the stream would start, and this is where the video below begins. If you’d like to check out a rebroadcast of the stream, with all of the laughs, ridiculous stories, and *SPOILER* the 343 Pro Team victory, check it out here. The gameplay starts around 28:00.


343’ers checking out Friday’s Pro Team matchup on the big screen.

We’d like to thank our pro team, all of the community pros, and of course all of you for tuning in to Friday’s stream. We had a blast, and we hope you enjoyed bs angel’s ridiculous stories about Norman Reedus, appearing naked on the red carpet and more. We plan to be back with more live streams in the future, so stay tuned to Waypoint. Speaking of the future, we just announced some upcoming Matchmaking experiences.

Upcoming Playlists

If you’ve been keeping up with our Matchmaking Calendar, you may have noticed that we were getting awfully close to April and the Ninja Assassins update, which was the last update listed on the calendar – until this morning! Today, we’re excited to announce some of our upcoming Halo 4 playlists, which include the return of some favorites. Check out the details below!

calendar_layout_apr-chopped-a7cdd6dbf1b543268ee364e0d6a5da30HFFL: All I can say for the above is YES! I’ve been wanting Squad DLC! Now hopefully there are enough people in the playlist!

calendar_layout_apr-edit-11c3e8227ddf48eeac9c60b402411a1bHFFL: Multi-Team!!! It’s about freakin’ time. Why this was ever taken out to begin with is beyond me. I LOVE this playlist. SO much fun and chaos!!! I really want it to be a permanent playlist!!!!! I’m happy as well that Dominion is coming back (but as a 4v4 team and not 6v6?). And two weeks of KOTH? YES PLEASE!

calendar_layout_june-edit-1042b5d9dfad405aac3c3acd0c5a9213HFFL: Hmm, what playlist if TBD? LOL, yes, I know what it means…


Multi-Team will return to Halo 4 Matchmaking on April 28, offering a wide variety of fun and chaos that only four-team gameplay can offer. The playlist will feature both Slayer and objective game types.


The Dominion playlist will return to Matchmaking in mid-May, but this time with a new 4 vs. 4 format. With customized settings and maps, this new iteration will give players an opportunity to earn Dominion commendations and medals as well as the sweet taste of sweet, sweet objective-based victory.

King of the Hill

The ultimate test of map control, King of the Hill will return in the first week of June, with an updated map pool, game variants, and more.

We’re excited about these upcoming playlists as well as future unannounced playlists, and hope you are as well. To see the full calendar (and keep up with upcoming playlists and playdates), head over to the Matchmaking Playlist Calendar.

Next Matchmaking Update


On top of the upcoming playlists, our Matchmaking Systems team has also been hard at work on Monday’s playlist update. Let’s dig in.


We’ve teamed up with the Flood community leaders and Community Cartographers to deliver a refresh to the Flood playlist, which includes new maps and game types. To start, let’s take a look at the new maps that will be included in the playlist:

  • Constellation by The 0micron
  • Morgan Bay by REMKings
  • Plaza by PA1NTS
  • Procedure by SammichEaterPro
  • Prora by Oasis Hurler
  • Repository by SammichEaterPro
  • Substance by PA1NTS
  • The 4th Kind by PA1NTS
  • Until Now by TheElderAcorn
  • Villa del Pena by CANADIAN ECHO

The following maps will be updated to patch various map specific exploits:

  • Payload by NARB GUY
  • Temple by Mr. Pokephile

Additionally, we’re adding a new game type: Last Stand. This game type was created by PA1NTS and S1ERRA420. Here’s a breakdown of the game type:

Last Stand captures the genre of “holdout” style Flood game play. The game type creates a separation of survivor territory from flood territory, containing survivor movement to a holdout area while flood are able to roam free and assault the survivor space from locations outside of the survivor’s reach. Survivors must band together and strategize within the holdout while the flood attack relentlessly from beyond the holdout’s walls. Last Stand can be played on:

  • Constellation
  • Plaza
  • Repository
  • Substance

To watch the teaser trailer for the game type, head here, and for a detailed breakdown of the game type, head here.

Squad DLC

The Squad DLC playlist will feature a mix of DLC-only 6 vs. 6 Slayer and objective play on maps from Crimson, Castle, and Bullseye Map Packs. Additionally, we know that Heavies was fairly popular during its run in Halo 4 Matchmaking, so we’ll be featuring the game type in Squad DLC for the next two weeks, and also discussing some more permanent options for vehicular warfare in Halo 4 Matchmaking.

Special Edition Ricochet!

If the madness of this month has basketball on your brain, be sure to check out next week’s Bulletin to learn about our upcoming special edition basketball-themed Ricochet playlist, which will be available from April 4-7.

Community Choice: Big Team Battle


Lastly, thanks to your votes last week, Team Snipers was selected for inclusion into the Big Team Battle playlist. Grab some friends and hop into the action!

HFFL: Ugh, Snipers…well, I know what playlist I definitely will be avoiding… I am not skilled at that weapon. I’m marginal at best.

Available Now: Halo: Escalation #4

escallation4_head_800-2311046b4b634aa6a20b99d847dde376HFFL: As I’ve already covered this topic in the past two days, I’m electing to skip this part of the bulletin.

Screenshot Spotlight: Haven

HFFL: This week’s topic was Haven. I’m not posting any of them as I really didn’t like any of the ones picked.

For your chance at being in the next spotlight, take a screenshot featuring one or more Frag, Plasma, or Pulse Grenades and then tag it with “Grenade” and “Halo Waypoint,” and maybe, just maybe, yours will be featured in the next Halo Bulletin!

And with that, this week’s Bulletin comes to a close.
Until next week,

If you want to read the full bulletin as well as see the screenshot spotlight, you can go HERE to the official site.


Color me this articles postponed.

You may have wondered why I didn’t post yesterday’s color me this article. Well simply put, it was due to a lack of entries. I had one reader submit a colored in DMR. I had two ready to go as well. However, since it seems this line of articles isn’t so popular, I’m going to shelve it for now and possibly revisit it some time in the future.

Thanks to those who did contribute to these over the past 3 weeks.

Halo Escalation #4 (comic book) is out! SPOILERS!!!

22704The story is definitely starting to rev up in this issue.

We find that Thorne has indeed been given command of Fireteam Majestic. (Not a surprise to me really, when given the events of Spartan Ops in Halo 4. I still think he’s going to be the one who bears the torch after Master Chief.

Lasky and Spartan Ray go on a mission to obtain information on the UNSC mole who gave up the location of the diplomatic meeting between the Arbiter and the Brute Chieftan.

Lord Admiral Hood wants to try out the Forerunner engines of the Infinity and gives Roland (ship’s A.I.) the “wheel” so to speak. However, just before they are about to go into slipspace, the Infinity receives a transmission from an old UNSC signal…

A ship called the Pilgrims Pride is found and is about to be brought aboard the Infinity. However, before that happens, the Infinity comes under attack from old UNSC Vultures and Sparrowhawks. Puzzled, but determines, Spartan fire teams are deployed. We learn of two Spartan fire team names. Colossus and Fenrir. The Spartans come under attack within the ship and the Infinity finds out that the core of the Pilgrims Pride is about to explode. With little time to spare, the order is given to evacuate the Pilgrims Pride, however the Spartans are too deep in the ship and Thorne makes the decision to have the core ejected from the ship. The core is ejected successfully, though damage was taken to the Pilgrims Pride.

Meanwhile, Lasky and Ray meet up with one of Lasky’s old friends from his childhood who has become a journalist. The journalist wants information in return. Not anything simple easy. She want info on the Master Chief!

Back aboard the Infinity, crew bring in the wreckage from the quick battle and track down the I.D. numbers of the ships to the originating ship…It is indeed the UNSC Spirit of Fire!

The crew informs Lord Admiral Hood and prepares to put a report of the ship together for him, when he states he knows all there is to know of the ship as he is the one responsible for the reason it went missing almost 30 years ago!

This issue contains lots of action and intrigue as we only just begin to find out the whereabouts of the Spirit of Fire, Lasky’s past, and the future of fire team Majestic.

Do yourselves a favor folks, if you haven’t bought into this series yet, DO IT! If you can’t find the physical copy of the comic books, don’t worry, you can always buy the digital versions direct from Darkhorse!
