Fatheads contest trivia contest question #3

I’ve already had trivia contest questions on the Promethean Knight and Elite. Now it’s time for the Crawler.

There are three types of crawler in Halo 4. Name them. If you’re the FIRST to answer correctly, you will win this: FH Crawler Junior

As per previous trivia contest questions, you must be a registered blog user to be eligible to win. You can register above by clicking on the “Register Here!” tab.

I’ll have one more question within the next couple of days. In the meantime, keep watching the blog today for the reveal of the 30% discount code for all Halo Fathead products. The code is exclusive to HaloFanForLife.com and is good between tomorrow, Sunday April 14 through Saturday April 20.


Glitched stance in Halo 4

My friend Zach from @TheHaloArray saw that my spartan was standing with a slightly glitched stance earlier today. (Click to make bigger)

glitched stance

The head should be pointing straight out as if to look directly back at you. I actually like this stance more. Too bad it can’t be easily replicated. I don’t know why it showed up like that fro him, yet I saw it as it normally is. Meh, still cool to see the glitch. Thanks Zach for tweeting this.


The Halo Bulletin 4.10.13

halobulletinheader_4-10-13The bulletin recaps some of the “Halo Week” events.

A paragraph each on:
• Castle Map pack
• Competitive Skill Rank
• CSR Challenge
• Halo 4 Original Soundtrack Volume 2
• Spartan Ops Challenge
• New Halo Themed Avatar Items
• DLC Sale

HFFL: In otherwords, everything I’ve already covered in the past few days…LOL

Her is something new-ish. The following graphic shows the Avatar t-shirt you will get if you get a CSR 35 in the Castle DLC playlist.


Also, here’s the Spartan Ops Avatar T-shirt you can get by playing and completing 5 DIFFERENT Spartan Ops missions.


After this section comes something of importance if your interested in weapons balancing in Halo 4:

As we have mentioned in various Halo Bulletins, panels and live streams over the past few weeks, we are currently evaluating the state of Halo 4’s weapon balance. The sustain, sandbox, multiplayer and test teams have been working together and evaluating which weapons and categories of weapons need some attention, and we are happy to say that our internal testing has allowed us to make great progress.

We have also mentioned that we are approaching weapon re-balancing very carefully, as each change that is checked requires vigorous testing to ensure that it benefits the entire sandbox, and that gameplay is improved on a global level across all of Halo 4’s maps, game modes and scenarios. Because of this, the process takes several weeks while we are in a constant cycle of making tweaks, testing and retesting. This being said, we are well underway and will be bringing this update to Halo 4 Matchmaking as soon as it’s ready.

Here are some of the big ticket items we’re currently looking at:

Precision Weapon Balance

Our goal of the upcoming balance update is to create an even balance across all precision rifles (DMR, Battle Rifle, Carbine and LightRifle). Our latest tests have included (but are not limited to) rate of fire and damage tweaks to several weapons within this category. Additionally, it is important to create balance amongst all primary weapons, which leads into the next category.

Automatic Weapon Balance

An important part of overall balance is ensuring that each weapon excels within its intended role. As we move the dials to tweak some of the precision weapons, it demands that certain tweaks also be made to automatic weapons, which include the Assault Rifle, Suppressor and more. We are investigating modifying the rate of fire, accuracy and damage on these weapons.

Vehicle Weapon Balance

We have seen many community concerns that certain vehicles may be examples of sandbox elements that could be improved. We are currently looking at tuning some of the weapons that these vehicles have at their disposal in order to increase their usefulness and viability. We greatly value the teamwork (and fun) required in riding around in a Warthog with a buddy, and want to ensure that this and other vehicles have great draw and value.

Also, we are taking a look at many weapons that do not fit within these categories to ensure that the sandbox is providing the most ideal experience possible for all users in all playlists and game modes. As we finish up our internal testing, we look forward to providing further updates on the weapons that will be receiving attention and the specific changes that will be made, once finalized.

Next some cool stats for the first 24 hours of CSR:

Many of you have already been introduced to CSR. For the uninitiated, your Competitive Skill Rank (CSR) measures your performance against other players in Halo 4 Matchmaking War Games. You have a CSR specific to each active playlist, which can be seen on all screens of Halo Waypoint. It is a number from 1 to 50 (higher is better) which goes up and down based on match outcomes. Your best CSR is shown on your Player Card and Service Record, as well as Player Compare.

Competitive Skill Rank is a brand new feature for Halo 4 and to celebrate, we issued you a challenge: Play in the Castle DLC playlist from April 8th at 2am PST to April 22nd at 2 am PST, reach CSR level 35 or higher at any point on or between these dates, and you’ll receive an avatar tee. If you’ve been striving to hit that magic number and are curious about how you stack up when compared to everybody else, here are some stats from the first 24 hours CSR was live.

If you’re hoping to get your hands on the CSR Challenge’s avatar item, check out the below tips.

Capture the Flag – Daybreak

Daybreak CTF is probably my favorite game type in the Castle DLC playlist. There is always a lot of action on Daybreak, but here’s what’s most important:

  • Use your Sniper Rifle wisely – Daybreak’s two-base feel is complimented by an opening Sniper Battle. Talk to your Sniper and decide if they want to challenge the enemy Sniper, assist with Rockets or help in securing the Banshee.
  • The Banshee is king – I’d recommend sending at least two players towards the Banshee, and maybe even your Sniper. If the enemy team gets the Banshee, have your Plasma Pistols ready.
  • Treat the map as if it were an arena-style map – When running a flag, run it along the outer edge (Banshee side or Rocket side) towards your team. If your team is supporting you, the enemy will spawn at their base or on the opposite side. Escort your flag carrier, rinse and repeat.

King of the Hill – Perdition

Perdition KotH is an exciting and refreshing game type in that all of the hills offer totally different sightlines and playspaces. Several things to remember on this game type:

  • Go for map control, not just hill control – Several of the hills are in closed spaces, e.g., the control room or “Ghost Garage.” Because of this, you’ll want to establish a presence outside of the hills while one or two teammates lock down the hill itself. If you turtle inside the room, you’re a sitting duck.
  • The Ghost is your friend – Because of its mobility and usefulness, the Ghost is your best bet when trying to clear out one of the open hills, such as the Reactor. If your teammates are using precision weapons, they should have no trouble cleaning up all of your weak, helpless enemies as you run laps around the map’s outer track.

Infinity Slayer – Outcast

Outcast Slayer is a fun game type for several reasons, including the Mantis vs. Wraith battle, and the fact that all action seems to funnel straight into the middle. Stick to the outside – and these tips – to find victory on this map.

  • Use your vehicle wisely – Each team is given a powerful vehicle. When you have the Wraith or the Mantis, make sure you’re not blindly charging into the middle of the map, as the corresponding enemy vehicle could be around any turn.
  • Use the Mongoose to flank the enemy – If you can find a pathway that is clear of vehicular opposition, you may be able to flank the enemy by hopping into a Mongoose and getting behind enemy lines. Once there, let your teammates know, and time your attack accordingly.
  • Rush the Rockets – The Rocket Launcher spawns in the middle of the map, so be sure to sprint in and bring it back to give you the upper hand against the inevitable infantry vs. vehicle battles that are soon to be underway. The enemy team is undoubtedly looking to do the same thing, though, as this area is the first choke point in most matches.

And finally as has been for the past few weeks, the bulletin ends with a gallery. This one of screenshots of space.

Go to this link for the FULL Bulletin on Waypoint.


Is An Alien Message Embedded In Our Genetic Code?

The following article bears a striking resemblance to the story of Halo wherein the Forerunners have reseeded Earth. It’s not Halo, but it’s a great read!

Article by Ray Villard

The answer to whether or not we are alone in the universe could be right under our nose, or, more literally, inside every cell in our body.

Could our genes have an intelligently designed “manufacturer’s stamp” inside them, written eons ago elsewhere in our galaxy? Such a “designer label” would be an indelible stamp of a master extraterrestrial civilization that preceded us by many millions or billions of years. As their ultimate legacy, they recast the Milky Way in their own biological image.

Vladimir I. shCherbak of al-Farabi Kazakh National University of Kazakhstan, and Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, hypothesize that an intelligent signal embedded in our genetic code would be a mathematical and semantic message that cannot be accounted for by Darwinian evolution. They call it “biological SETI.” What’s more, they argue that the scheme has much greater longevity and chance of detecting E.T. than a transient extraterrestrial radio transmission.

Writing in the journal Icarus, they assert: “Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known. Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature. Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time.”

To pass the designer label test, any patterns in the genetic code must be highly statistically significant and possess intelligent-like features that are inconsistent with any natural know process, say the authors.

They go on to argue that their detailed analysis that the human genome (map here) displays a thorough precision-type orderliness in the mapping between DNA’s nucleotides and amino acids. “Simple arrangements of the code reveal an ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language.” They say this includes the use of decimal notation, logical transformations, and the use of the abstract symbol of zero. “Accurate and systematic, these underlying patterns appear as a product of precision logic and nontrivial computing,” they assert.

This interpretation leads them to a farfetched conclusion: that the genetic code, “appears that it was invented outside the solar system already several billions years ago.” This statement endorses the idea of panspermia, the hypothesis that Earth was seeded with interstellar life. It’s certainly a novel and bold approach to galaxy conquest if we imagine this was a deliberate Johnny Appleseed endeavor by super-beings.

However, there are other possibilities too. I’ve previously written about the far-out notion that the universe we observe was built just for us and exists inside a computer program (with apologies to The Matrix film trilogy). Therefore the idea that some programmer somewhere wrote the genetic code for life in their model universe is consistent with the authors’ suggestions.

Biological SETI inevitably smacks head-on into an idea that is completely antithetical to science: the concept of intelligent design (ID). The proposition of ID is that our biology is so complex it must have been engineered by a higher power.

To date, ID has been nothing more than biblical creationism in sheep’s clothing. Christian fundamentalists use it to push the teaching of creationism in schools as an alternative to “secular” evolution. (Which, by the way, is now being battled in school systems in four states.)

Can the claim of an alien signature in our genetic code be any more believable, or provable than biblical ID?

We know so little about the origin of life on Earth it seems presumptive to identify genetic structure that supposedly defies a natural explanation. Even the discovery of life elsewhere in the solar system would not provide an independent test of this idea. Panspermia could have naturally occurred among the planets and moons.

And, even if the genetic code is ultimately considered the handprint of an extraterrestrial grand designer, then who designed the designer?


HFFL: Very Interesting…

Woot, the Halo 4 Fatheads Contest Prizes have arrived!

As I’ve been promoting on the blog for a little more than a week, Fathead.com will be having a promotional 30% code for all of their Halo products through the use of a special code exclusive to this blog. In the meantime, they were gracious enough to send along four of their “Junior” sets as prizes. I got a large Master Chief set which I’ll show also.

First things first, the shipping package. These can come in a large triangular box with a corresponding tube as sen below. The box is about 4ft tall.

FH Shipping box and tube

The Junior sets come in a square box about half the height that have a tube inside that holds the wall graphics.

Here are the four prize sets (held by my wife):

The Promethean Knight Junior set: FH Promethean Knight JuniorThe Elite Junior set:FH Elite Junior
Next the Crawler Junior set:FH Crawler Juniorand the last of the junior sets to be given away, Master Chief:FH Master Chief Junior

Finally, here’s the set I got for myself, the FULL sized Master Chief:

FH Master Chief LARGE

Sorry for the camera flash. But WOW, this is HUGE! Master Chief stands about 6’5″ tall in this wall graphic. Darn near actual size.

All of the graphics are “kiss cut.” This means that the graphic part is cut while the sheet they are attached to is not cut. This makes it easy for peeling off AND reapplying back to the sheet, if you so desire.

One thing I HIGHLY recommend with these is that you be certain to clean off the places on your walls that you want to stick these onto. You don’t want dirt/dust, etc. to affect the graphic’s application to the wall. Don’t forget these are removable and you can reposition. So it’s thankfully not a once placed, always stays kind of a thing.

The discount code will be revealed Saturday, April 13. It will be good to use starting Sunday, April 14 through Saturday, April 20.


Some new Halo 4 stuff hits the Avatar Marketplace!

Three new items have been added to the Avatar Marketplace that are Halo related. First up is the Mantis, then Ghost, and finally the Didact’s Cryptum. Also, recently added are, the Didact’s armor and Commander Palmer’s armor for your avatar, as well as a Prop Roland with display console.

Some new Halo 4 Avatar Items wm

All rang in price from 240-320MSP. You can find these and MANY more by clicking the pic above, or going to the Avatar Marketplace on XBOX and looking up Halo 4. While you’re at it, there are plenty of Avatar things from previous Halo games to peruse and/or buy.

I WANT that Mantis and Ghost! And wow, I’d love to get that Didact Armor for my avatar.



Periodic table of Competitive Skill Ranks!

Adding just a smidge of scientific reference to your CSR, here is my “Periodic table of Competitive Skill Ranks.”

Periodic table of Competitive Skill Ranks cropped

Just having a little fun here folks. Please no hate mail for the “noob” and/or “try hard” references.

(Please if you repost this article and or graphic to another website, give me credit as “By Sal Salerno of HaloFanForLife.com“)


Halo 4 Spartan Ops, Departure (with Podtacular) featured on HaloWaypoint.com


I’ve had the good fortune and fun to had done 10 podcasts with POD Dust Storm of Podtacular.com regarding the episodes of Spartan Ops.

Starting this week and continuing for the next 10 weeks, HaloWaypoint will be rereleasing these podcasts on the main page for you to enjoy.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to these podcast yet, PLEASE give yourself that opportunity. Not only did we have fun making them, I believe the information within each podcast can be of great help to you, especially if you’ve never played Spartan Ops, or haven’t finished it.

You can go here to

      download the first episode's podcast

If you dont’ want to download it, but still listen to it, you can go to Podtacular’s page.

Let me know if you’ve listened to any of the podcasts. Did you enjoy them?


Microtransactions Could Be Coming to Halo Series

Per Gameinformer.com

The topic of microtransactions is a hot one, and Halo 4 executive producer Dan Ayoub says that his team has had their eye on them. Citing the success of Gears of War’s cosmetic skins, Ayoub told Digital Spy that, “Halo certainly has the potential for those kinds of things.”

Microtransactions have been in the news recently, with EA making waves after telling Morgan Stanley conference attendees that all of their upcoming games would include them. This statement was later clarified, but it shined a light on growing discontent with the practice when incorporated in full-priced titles. The nickel-and-dime approach tempered enthusiasm for a number of Dead Space devotees, since the third entry in the franchise ramped up their inclusion.

Were Halo to incorporate small, cosmetic items in the way that Gears of War does, there would be no impact on game play (other than that one glowing guy making himself a target on the battlefield). Provided there are no perks, more powerful weapons, or ability unlocks that disrupt matchmaking, it’s hard to argue with microtransactions. While Ayoub is otherwise quiet on the subject, don’t be surprised if that flaming helmet you love will cost you in the next Halo title.

END copy/paste

UGH, I REALLY hope Halo doesn’t go this route. I know they want to emulate other franchises formulas. The REAL problem is though, that this takes the franchise further and further away from what Halo IS. We play plenty enough for the game, DLC, XBOX Gold memberships. We’ve been able to unlock extras through gameplay. Making them micro transactions that we have to PAY for? Sorry, that’s greedy. I don’t care how “affordable” these micro transactions are. The point is, extras haven’t cost us before. Though it did start in Halo 4 with exclusive game content via retailors.

Please 343, stop the bleeding here. Show your fans that you won’t cave to other franchises. You made more than 200 MILLION on Halo 4. Micro transactions are NOT needed.


That Xbox Show – The Making of Halo 4: Spartan Ops // Extended Edition

Have you had an opportunity to see the comic books/graphic novel I created from the Spartan Ops CG series? If not, PLEASE take a look. The following link will take you to the Spartan Ops section of my blog where you can find all the comics and most recently a link to download the complete series as a compiled graphic novel.
As well, I’ve been a guest host for podcasts with “Podtacular” another popular fan site. podtacular.com
There we’ve discussed each CG episode and it’s corresponding 5 mission chapters. As we progressed with the story doing a podcast per episode, the discussions got longer. This due in part to the added details of the story and the new spaces to game in with the later chapters. As well, we both became far more acquainted with Spartan Ops and had so much more to talk about with regards to how it crossed the bridge between the game, novels, and other story telling outlets.